Impulses does this sound right?


Dec 18, 2007
Chicago, IL
Hello all trying out the impulse thing with boogex and 6505+ with the Engl 4x12 V30 SM57 Center01 impulse! Does this sound like it should i have all dials in boogex zeroed out on the amplifier and everything else where it should be i think. Amp settings are

red channel
pre -7
low- 8
mid- 6 1/4
high 7
post 1

presence and resonance don't matter

does this sound right?

Thanks for all input
Yeah! Not too bad. The low end may need some taming, but I'm guessing it will sound good in a full mix. (which would be easier to judge btw)
Mart yes this is the real amp! Unavailable, thanks for the input! I have one more question for you both though is your comment for the first or second soundfile? I think the first one is shitty!
Also guys i'm planning on rerecording this demo also it's sounds alright im just a picky person now that i have addictive drums and good impulses to work with and want the best quality possible for album to be released in march sometime! Check that out and tell me if you think i can make a drastic change in production and sound quality, because i believe i can! Thanks for all the help and input!

Labeled Demo 4 songs
Mine was for the second.

Edit: And yeah, I'm sure you could do better than what you have on the demo. Sounds like the rhythm guits were copied and pasted and offset a few milliseconds.