Impulses...I DO NOT BUY IT SIR


Feb 20, 2005
Sitting here, listening to some old recordings I did with impulses, and there are constantly different impulses from song to song, but still, the consistency remains - this sort of fuzzy, static-y strangeness, like a real cab recording was compressed to a 128 kbps mp3 like 10 times sequentially, just cutting more and more detail and "life" (I kinda like that analogy actually, I'm gonna remember that :D). Also, it helps that my senses are very...aided, atm - BUT, the point still stands!

Nah, but seriously, I was just trying to sound dignified :lol:
Hahaha "aided senses".

Of course impulses aren't the best thing since sliced bread but it's pretty much IMO the best free (and less space-taking) solution available for now. Nebula maybe will help later down the road of its development, and some people can coax what I personally feel are amazing tones out of them but yeah... they're not cabs and don't sound as lively/real/hi-fi (in a mix)/good to me neither but erm... that's it.
Yeah for most of us impulses are a good way to have good tones since we don't all have the space nor the amp. I live in an apartment so I don't see how I could mic a loud amp.

And we're not all rich to the point we can just sell our amp for the same thing except a bit less of 6k fizz :Spin:
The higher the sample rate, the better the impulses are gonna sound, considering that the impulses are made in that particular sample rate as well. But yeh, the static-y strangeness is unavoidable.:tickled:
Yeah, they're not really all that great.

It's like trying to communicate your music through a slideshow of stills instead of actual motion.

Maybe so, but it's really a convenience/quality trade-off. I personally like the tones Ivan used for his band, HateCode. This was his 5150 into impulses (I just happen to be listening to these songs non-stop!) :D
aided senses

just use yourself some catharsis fredman shit and you will be all like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU THIS IS GOOOOOD SHIT
I just really don't get the point of this thread.

If you have options other than impulses then, obviously, you are better off using another option. But if not, then impulses/nebula are the best option - even though it's clearly not as good as putting a mic to a grill.

I'm pretty sure that if most of use were in a situation to use a mic'ed up cab every time we recorded something then we would.
If you have options other than impulses then, obviously, you are better off using another option. But if not, then impulses/nebula are the best option - even though it's clearly not as good as putting a mic to a grill.

I'm pretty sure that if most of use were in a situation to use a mic'ed up cab every time we recorded something then we would.

This, and the real vs. programmed drums thread are essentially the same question. Nothing emulated will ever "replace" the original thing, but it can sound good in its own way, and/or replace the original thing for some people some of the time.

Digital emulation is a convenience by its very nature, and even if it were magically 100% accurate to the equipment it models, there would still be analog purists who would hang on to the older technology. There's nothing wrong with that, and if I personally didn't love miking up amps, then (somewhat paradoxically) I wouldn't be developing Recabinet.
This, and the real vs. programmed drums thread are essentially the same question. Nothing emulated will ever "replace" the original thing, but it can sound good in its own way, and/or replace the original thing for some people some of the time.

Digital emulation is a convenience by its very nature, and even if it were magically 100% accurate to the equipment it models, there would still be analog purists who would hang on to the older technology. There's nothing wrong with that, and if I personally didn't love miking up amps, then (somewhat paradoxically) I wouldn't be developing Recabinet.

Quite the paradox indeed! :D
I reckon with a lot of the stuff that gets posted on here, people could easily put "6505, Mesa OS 4x12" in the topic title and people would believe it
Same goes for some of the peeps that go for more natural sounding drums.