try acmebargigs cab enhancer, works wonders.
Toying around with it now actually. Seems to do some cool stuff actually.
try acmebargigs cab enhancer, works wonders.
I reckon with a lot of the stuff that gets posted on here, people could easily put "6505, Mesa OS 4x12" in the topic title and people would believe it
Same goes for some of the peeps that go for more natural sounding drums.
Sitting here, listening to some old recordings I did with impulses, and there are constantly different impulses from song to song, but still, the consistency remains - this sort of fuzzy, static-y strangeness, like a real cab recording was compressed to a 128 kbps mp3 like 10 times sequentially, just cutting more and more detail and "life" (I kinda like that analogy actually, I'm gonna remember that). Also, it helps that my senses are very...aided, atm - BUT, the point still stands!
I don't know dude....
I feel like I can smell 8505 and SoloC a mile away, not that that's bad, but I think a lot of guys can for sure.
What about a 5150 using impulses?
now when it comes to shit like this, there are times when i definately couldnt tell the difference
yea, i definitely concur with real amp + impulses.
that track that ermz wanted re-amped, i thought the demo for it, with the 6505, and impulses sounded really fucking good, if not a bit middy.
it'll be a little while before i can do that myself though.. :|
But here's the real thing that should be considered, does the average Joe listener know or care? Nope.
To us audio guys, sure, impulses aren't even close to the real deal under a microscope, but in the bigger picture, which includes uneducated listeners, it's not a big deal. If you can mic it up, do it, if you can only use impulses, do it. If it sounds good then whatever.
Dear Lord Marcus, without proper tests this sounds like royal witch hunt against impulses.
AFAIK, besides SIR is freeware vst-plug, it could also be read like single impulse respond (or one kernel situation in Nebula) .
Now you said youre not gonna buy it, but Im saying that you will, after some tests.
Here is the test and its better that youll do it by yourself really:
First you gonna find out what ohm settings you use between your recto and the cab.
Lets say you have connected a 8ohm cab to a 8ohm speaker jack behind your amp.
Ok, now what you need to do is disconnect the cab from the amp and put a resistive load in its place.
That resisitive load can be easily made with ARCOL HS (wirewound) Aluminium Housed Resistors (power range up to 300 Watts). You can build it in a small box and then add a simple voltage divider with two low wattage resistors (line out) to the other end. If you cant do this by yourself ask some help from a local tech. Here is some instructions for the line out wiring too.
The other option is that you can only build the line out with those two resistors and leave the cab connected but then you dont have those silent real amp late night recording sessions.
Now you do two reampings. One with the cab and one with the box you build. You can make the impulse using that raw distortion signal you recorded straight from the box as test tone in a program like Voxengo Deconvolver.
Then use the impulse with the raw distortion you recorded and I say you gonna buy it. Its so close to the real thing that in a blind test most of us will be guess wrong, including you. As far as this test is not made its just opinions, hype or royal paranoia.
BTW, with my own tests I haven't get any additional fizz (6KHz or whatever) but instead the curves have been flat when compared the real recorded cab to the impulsed version.