Impulses vs actual recording

I would have done it myself but I don't have the time and money at the moment, hence all the petitioning of others. I have it lined up as a possibility for the future, but it really depends on time and money of course. I thought a better bet was to appeal to someone who already had the gear, the room & the rest all ready to go.

@Joshua: If you could point me to some, that'd be ace.
thanks for all you responses to my question!!
recabinet is already on my list to order, i quite dig their 2 demo cabs
I'm willing to throw some dough into a fund for Moony or even Marcus (his stiletto impulses are fantastic) to get them Nebula. Who's with me? If we get a handful of people to chip in some cash it will add up pretty quick!

I'm willing to throw some dough into a fund for Moony or even Marcus (his stiletto impulses are fantastic) to get them Nebula. Who's with me? If we get a handful of people to chip in some cash it will add up pretty quick!


I´m down with that bro!

Don´t forget GuitarHack though.. I love the tones he produces
I think Marcus may be the better bet if you want the Nebula impulses done soon! I tend to get caught up and go the whole way, so I'd be renting a studio with world-class gear, grabbing a bunch of amps, doing a bunch of power sections with a bunch of cabs (though I'd focus on the Mesa Stiletto and Recto Standard)! If we get the fund for Marcus going and he pulls something out and Nebula is convincing, chances are I'll do the world-class studio set anyway!

Agreed that his current set of impulses are tits. They're the most realistic sounding of any set of impulses I have.
I think Marcus may be the better bet if you want the Nebula impulses done soon! I tend to get caught up and go the whole way, so I'd be renting a studio with world-class gear, grabbing a bunch of amps, doing a bunch of power sections with a bunch of cabs (though I'd focus on the Mesa Stiletto and Recto Standard)! If we get the fund for Marcus going and he pulls something out and Nebula is convincing, chances are I'll do the world-class studio set anyway!

Agreed that his current set of impulses are tits. They're the most realistic sounding of any set of impulses I have.

I'd suggest a seperate thread for funding marcus on nebula, great idea :)
Haha, wow guys, that'd rule if you all could! Now I just gotta get crackin' on some trial runs to figure out what presence settings sound best with the Recto power amp!
So my 2 cents:

You all use the room answer, not a real impulse. The room answer was build by using a very short Impuls (very near to a dirac impuls). This dirac impuls was send through a box and recorded with a mic. So this is what you are using. Room answer. If this setup was great, you gonna have a realy good clone of the real object (box, church....)
All reverb tools were build this way. All amp simulations, Plugins of old machines...

Why is a real cab sounding better then using an impuls, why a good room sound is better then using a reverb:
Because there is NO real dirac impuls.

I hope this helped to understand this better.
A Dirac impulse is, in theory, a signal with amplitude = 1 and length = 0, so it exist only in the digital domain (iirc...)
You can "emulate" a Dirac impulse creating a wave file which has amplitude = 1 at the first sample, and 0 on the rest...

All the cab impulse responses have been created using sinesweeps, not impulses... it's not going to make a big diffence anyway and the fact that an IR sounds different from a cab is dued most to the non-linearities, not to the test-tone used...
Yeah, it's the non-linearities that are missing. Power tube saturation, speaker excursion, air elasticity, etc.
They could be "stored" in a impulse response, but cannot be restored by the convolution algorithm, since convolution is linear only. Hence, they corrupt the IR.
So, the lower the volume (less non-linearities in the rig), the closer the impulsed and the miced tracks are.
A Dirac impulse is, in theory, a signal with amplitude = 1 and length = 0, so it exist only in the digital domain (iirc...)
You can "emulate" a Dirac impulse creating a wave file which has amplitude = 1 at the first sample, and 0 on the rest...

All the cab impulse responses have been created using sinesweeps, not impulses... it's not going to make a big diffence anyway and the fact that an IR sounds different from a cab is dued most to the non-linearities, not to the test-tone used...

Yeah, it's the non-linearities that are missing. Power tube saturation, speaker excursion, air elasticity, etc.
They could be "stored" in a impulse response, but cannot be restored by the convolution algorithm, since convolution is linear only. Hence, they corrupt the IR.
So, the lower the volume (less non-linearities in the rig), the closer the impulsed and the miced tracks are.

Convolution is not linear in his original version, but you know only the linear traditional formula because no one, except Nebula, is using the extended forumla of convolution. Its name is Volterra Kernels.

Try to google it.