In case you´re interested

soothing adjective
making something less painful:
a soothing ointment

making you feel calm:
I put on some nice soothing music.
Her words had a soothing effect.
intet said:
Nah, it doesn't work like that for me, Mehdi old boy.

you should have given a go to the ...god contest, im sure theres something supernatural about your being.
i find it a dead good song. but not like the best ever made like (by Danny). i think i need to hear the whole album to put it into perspective sorta.
tho expectations are rising seethingly high now...
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
you guys are tricked now. when youll get the full album youll be sick of that track and will skip it whereas me and morpheus will have a whole bunch of new fresh songs. clever heh? :cool:
FFS mehdi, again your words compliment mine, exactly why i won't listen to it now! mehdi= GOD
Great song, sure I have to wait the album until Christmass :erk:
it's gonna be the single??? I don't think so.. what do you think??

Cerulean = 71 vs. Tragicus Thread = 71

sorry 1 more post for Tragicus :tickled: , I already posted in the other, hey but Cerulean has more views thanks to the subject :cool:
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
you guys are tricked now. when youll get the full album youll be sick of that track and will skip it whereas me and morpheus will have a whole bunch of new fresh songs. clever heh? :cool:
i know what you mean but i really can't believe you 're not going to listen to the song untill you have the album... still a month to go...
i have neither patience nor self control enough to wait that long...
John Carvajal said:
Great song, sure I have to wait the album until Christmass :erk:
it's gonna be the single??? I don't think so.. what do you think??

Cerulean = 71 vs. Tragicus Thread = 71

sorry 1 more post for Tragicus :tickled: , I already posted in the other, hey but Cerulean has more views thanks to the subject :cool:
I don't think it's gonna be the single, too intimate a song for that, but anyway, it is my second day of continuous listening.
Bastet said:
i know what you mean but i really can't believe you 're not going to listen to the song untill you have the album... still a month to go...
i have neither patience nor self control enough to wait that long...
mehdi has correctness stamped all over this issue: you WILL skip this song when ye get the album, it always happens :(

in a moment of weakness i listened to it, its fierce good but i cant remember much if it now and ive resolved not too listen to it again until the albums out

impale me on the horns of death otherwise :lol: