In case you were wondering.....


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
....why I'm not on the forum quite so much this week....well....I've got into a spot of trouble in my day job as a result of too much "internet usage" during work time. As a result, I'll only be around evenings now I'm sorry for any slower than usual replies.

Hope those of you who have grabbed the MND Ltd edition are enjoying it....gotta say I was very impressed with the job done on the packaging!:headbang:
The packaging is indeed rather nifty. Very nice and extremely good value for money. Turned out woolies didn't find MND too heavy and the price they showed was the price they charged. Jolly good. :headbang:

The dvd is so cute, ha ha, sorry shouldn't say that, won't do much for your street cred comments like that, hee hee. It is very amusing though. One question though ... why wasn't Mr Shiek introduced to us? :Spin:
Hey Steve!

Hahaha, got busted eh? Did someone rat on you or something? I thought IT guys were SUPPOSED to sit on computers all the time. Ah well, shitty luck I guess. They're not gonna fire you are they?
Cellador said:
Hey Steve!

Hahaha, got busted eh? Did someone rat on you or something? I thought IT guys were SUPPOSED to sit on computers all the time. Ah well, shitty luck I guess. They're not gonna fire you are they?

Rode my luck a little too far dude! I don't think I'll be fired but I have to "buck my ideas up" for sure!

We gotta catch up on AIM soon dude
Can't you just go up to your boss and say "HOW DARE YOU SIR!? I JUST RELEASED THE BEST ALBUM EVAR!!!" and then poke him in the eye? :lol: