In Due Time - Final Showdown


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
In Due Time – Final Showdown
Strikefirst Records – SFR016 – June 7th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


IT’S THE FYYYYNAL SHHHOOOOWWWDDOOOWWNNN!!!!! All right, this isn’t Europe we’re dealing with here, but In Due Time’s Final Showdown, which comes off as a minimalist’s dream. Sadly, the album isn’t as refreshing as it’s touted to be. Though it does indeed have its fair share of endearing traits.

I say it’s a minimalist’s dream because – despite having four members playing at any given time – it sounds as if there are only two guys making the music: a guitarist/vocalist and a drummer. So, listening to In Due Time is definitely awkward at first, but acclimation should be achieved rather quickly. And, furthermore, I found myself drawn to the group’s simplistic sound as a means of escaping the droves of records that include dense, overwhelming passages at every corner. Those that get a kick out of Hatebreed or Blood for Blood will cherish these Floridians, and Final Showdown is unabashed hardcore that features all applicable signatures such as everyman vocals, shouts in unison, and traditional breakdowns. In my reviews, I have a penchant for mentioning specific tracks, but the aforementioned technique seems pointless here due to the overriding similarities that the songs possess. But, more often than not, In Due Time like to keep the instrumentation steady without abandoning any shred of hardcore attitude, which is cool.

I haven’t heard the band’s debut, so I can’t pass judgment about whether Final Showdown can be filed under the massive “Sophomore Slump” category. However, Strike First Records does have more impressive records in its sleeves (Anam Cara’s Anam Cara EP for example). I’m sure In Due Time’s magnum opus will come…(wait for it, wait for it)…in due time.


Official In Due Time Website
Official Strike First Records Website