IN FLAMES Clayman Re-recorded 2020

Interestingly on the Clayman re-recorded video on In Flames' YouTube channel (it's not a music video, just the track. We'll get a video later on), jesper is named in credits for the song. Shouldn't be a surprise, but is still a relief to see.
Well, he co wrote the album.
Well, he co wrote the album.

I'm well aware and its not surprising to me, I was more passing comment about my lack of trust in them/the label giving him credit. Idk maybe I'm dumb and that's why but a small part of me wouldn't have been surprised if they/management tried to brush jesper aside.
I'm well aware and its not surprising to me, I was more passing comment about my lack of trust in them/the label giving him credit. Idk maybe I'm dumb and that's why but a small part of me wouldn't have been surprised if they/management tried to brush jesper aside.
I don't think that they're about this kind of things. As I don't think that they have some kind of grudge against him. That would be stupid. And there's no need to add more stupidity to what is yet a stupid situation. I'm talking about the re recording.

Something that was not needed. Was not expected. And will mostly please the jesterzombies. Not saying that it won't please anyone. But I've just read on their facebook a couple of comments talking about how this is superior to the original release. But, now I'm zen so I'm ok with people wiping their asses with what is one of the highest points in melodeath history.
Here. The facebook page has become a safe space for brainless idiots on both sides of the espectrum. Almost like the whole facebook thing I guess.
Well, after listening the whole song I can honestly say that intro is the best thing about it.

How do professional musicians make something as badly recorded as this?

Solo is a fucking joke. Guitars are on demo band/cheap line6 gear level. Drums are close to midi. I've heard better mobile phone recordings.

The only thing that at least sounds decent - vocals.

If I ever find myself wondering how could they fuck up new music, I'll just remember this epic fail.

Can't wait to hear Only for the synth and the butchering of bullet ride with that fantastic guitar tone and wah infested melodies.
I barely care about anything you guys brought up, except for that chug chug part around 3 minutes. What in the fuck is that?!

Song is kinda uninspired. The biggest takeaway from this is that they will surely do something R2R as well 2 years from now, given how it was basically their golden record.

One thing that annoyed me in the Anders interview, is how he sticks to his guns even when he really doesn't need to. When he was asked about opening with OFTW CC and TTL, their biggest hits, he replied with 17 greatest hit followed it as well. Shut the fuck up, just answer the question nornally.
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Listened through Clayman (the original album) for the millionth time again this morning and it really is one of the best metal albums ever released.

Bullet Ride 10/10
Pinball map 10/10
OFTW 10/10
ATFRT 11/10 (the most underrated track in the history of music)
Square Nothing 10/10
Clayman 9/10
S&A 11/10
Brush the Dust Away 9/10
Swim 10/10
Suburban Me 10/10
Another Day in Quicksand 9/10
Strong & Smart 10/10
World of Promises 10/10

20 years old but it still sounds more varied and fresh than the vast majority of albums being released in modern day, and definitely way better than anything IF put out nowadays.

Also I have to disagree with anyone saying the chorus in the new version is better than the old version, it just isn't. More melodic, technically yes, but the older version is so much more powerful. It bursts through the headphones/speakers with such incredible energy - the newer version totally lacks that.
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I've read one guy saying, basically, that the original sound was too over the top. Apparently good for the sound systems of the time it was released but not for modern days. So, of course, this version is far better.

And I'm definitely not going to listen to it.
I've read one guy saying, basically, that the original sound was too over the top. Apparently good for the sound systems of the time it was released but not for modern days. So, of course, this version is far better.

And I'm definitely not going to listen to it.

Sounds like an idiot who needs a labotomy.

The only reason to listen to it is morbid curiosity. It really isn't worth a single second of your time otherwise. It's garbage.
I feel like I don't want to listen to it. Mainly, it shouldn't but that's how I am, because it would ruin, for me, the original album for some time. It shouldn't but that's how I am.
To be honest it made me appreciate the original version of Clayman even more, because the new version makes me realise how fucking great the original version is.
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Boys. This summer is going to be a wild ride. Album is the normal 11 tracks, a track named "Themes and Variations in D-minor" and the rerecords of Clayman, Bullet, Pinball Map, and OFTW. Pinball and OFTW are going to get murdered. I'm genuinely curious to hear a new Bullet though, I don't think it'll be good, but i'm curious, especially about Anders' vocal performance.

I'm super stoked about new Pinball Map, I'm sure it would be awesome. I love how Anders sometimes does "ayayayayay"* (lol) screams when they play it live. Don't think he would do it on the new version but I hope he will.

I'm not sure why you guys are so mad, again and again. It's not like they erased every original Clayman (song) from the face of the earth and force you to listen to this one. It's just a re-record and it's not like its super bad. It's nice. Sure it has some problems but that's the life goes isn't it? :D

Reference for that lovely scream (intro of Pinball Map):

You obviously cannot understand it. Just imagine Bjorn re recording every In Flames album with a different singer than Anders and adding to all of them a death metal vibe.

This would give you a clue.
To me the rerecording of Clayman really is 'super bad', I think it's a joke to be honest. I'm not really angry about it, but I feel justified in expressing my absolute disdain for it. It's basically Clayman for people who don't really like metal.
Wow you guys are a bunch of negative nancies here aren't you

As for guitar tone - the last time IF had a good guitar tone was pretty much on Clayman. So 20 years ago.

RTR was muddy and badly mixed, STYE was just painful and ugly, CC decent but fizzy and with too much treble, ASOP lifeless and plastic, SOAPF decent and clear but kind of weak and unimpressive, SC downgraded SOAPF, B just comical and radio friendly, ITM upgraded B with a little bit of previos albums.

I agree with everything except that I genuinely think that Come Clarity guitar sound is really good - in the context of that record. It's extremely high gain while maintaining clarity due to a really good mix. A lot of high frequency harshness and fizziness comes from the bass guitar that is distorted to shit through a MXR Dimebag guitar distortion pedal. Here's an isolated guitar from Take this life for an instance.

It's not the optimal guitar tone when one thinks of melodeath since it's so scooped and compressed, it's almost a numetal tone except not shit and soulless. But again, it works in a mix, to me at least, and again - within the context of that record.
After Clayman their guitar tone gradually got more and more plastic and synthetic. After Jesper left it really went to shit completely and I can't help but blame Bjorn because he is the one who decides on it. He simply does not know a good tone when he hears it. The most impressive thing about his signature guitar is that it has an integrated bottle opener for fucks sake. And if they stuck with the same producer for a bunch of records, it's clearly because the band agrees with those production choices. I'm not saying that quality production would make their music good necessarily but it would at least put it on even grounds.

As for as the leaked re-recording goes... obviously it's horrendous piece of steamy dog shit. They didn't even play right some parts, there's shitton of harmonies missing, the solo is butchered, the vocal cadence of the chorus is changed (for the worse), the intro sounds like a really gay Sega Genesis looney tunes game music. I especially mind the intro because one of the favorite things about that song for me is how it immediately hits hard with all the oomph it has. The song is a melodeath single in the classic sense of the word, it needs no epic build-ups, it's supposed to be a three minute banger of a tune.

I can't for the life of me understand how did they play the finished product and A/B it to the original track and think that this is something that should be released to the public.