In Flames - Clayman

Clayman is one of my favourite albums, it fuckin rulez.
Reroute to remain is a great album. You cant say that Reroute sucks just because of they dont sounds like they did on the earlier album. Not every band is like slayer.
Originally posted by MrMajs
Clayman is one of my favourite albums, it fuckin rulez.
Reroute to remain is a great album. You cant say that Reroute sucks just because of they dont sounds like they did on the earlier album. Not every band is like slayer.

No, we can say its sucks because thats what we happen to believe.
coming from any other band this album would be decent.

the fact is that inflames imo were creating some amazing music with the jester race and lunar strain etc.

this is just ordinary compared to the rest.

Ormir seriously...
IN FLAMES RULE! Sure Reroute may be a change in sound....but it is still In FLames, how can u suddenly turn on a band just because they dont do the same shit over and over and over again? At least In Flames have the guts to change their evolve....unlike several other bands i could name (almost the entire grindcore scene sounds like shit being dragged through a vacuum cleaner with some dude burping and spluttering down a microphone)...In Flames rock..end of story.....all of their albums are genius..INCLUDING CLAYMAN AND REROUTE TO REMAIN! I don't care if they've changed thier least they have passion for what they do and have the guts to take the band in the direction THEY's their band...they should be able to evolve however they want, and I think that that is great because they are changing their sound for themselves, not just because they want to sell records, In Flames have sold far less copies of Reroute than Colony, yet they are apparently selling out..if they are selling out...surely the record sales and advertisement would be greater?.....which is supposedly what underground and extreme music is all about isnt it? selling records to only the die-hard fans, not starting a band to become famous, or become rich......I believe bands such as Emperor and Cannibal Corpse sell far more records, but are you slagging them off? NO! Just because a band changes their sound doesnt mean they are selling means that they as a band have decided to take a risk of losing fans in order to follow what they want for THEIR music.
I know, I never said it did. But at least they are evolving their music to suit what they find good music, i thought underground etc. was doin it for the love of YOUR OWN music, not trying to impress others and make others like you.