In Flames - Clayman


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2001
Espoo, Finland

Before I gush, I want to tell you that I first listened to this at my other job. I was wondering how I’d rank this up against Gardenian’s Sindustries. Then I got home and I listened to it loud….

I have since then acquired $8000 dollars in collectibles from eBay, including Anders Friden underoos, an In Flames lunchbox and Clayman cologne, and I have painted the Clayman cover art on the front doors of my house; I expect to be dead by my wife’s hand tomorrow morning.

This album is immortal. It is a Titan, the likes of which has only been previously attempted by bands such as Dark Tranquility, but none had the intensely vast vision of guitarist Jesper Stromblad… and none were as successful as Clayman.

This album opens up with the neck-breaking Bullet Ride, which is already turning into a classic among die-hard fans. This is followed by the two tracks (Pinball Map, Only For The Weak) that are the most easily marketable due to their massive, jaw-dropping, melodic chorus arrangements.

One of the best tracks that has been overlooked by many (particularly according to fan polls at is Square Nothing; a blazing claymore of introspection.

I suppose I could prattle and profess my undying love about every track, but let me get back to the big picture here. The deathly blade-strokes of Anders Friden’s voice combined with his monsterously powerful chorus arrangements make for the most badass beast among all melodic death metal vocalists. The razor sharp honing over the years of Bjorn Gelotte and Jesper Strombland’s musicianship is the godly crème metal has needed for years.

This album is as important as Reign In Blood.

Bottom Line: This album will make you feel as if you are leading an army of immortals on an uphill charge against the enemy, beating their asses every step of the way. Flat out Godly.

Rating: 10 of 10


Scary thing is, that this is not a joke, and from one of most respected and "high-quality" metal zines One of their main reviewers at that.
I liked clayman but yeeeesh comparing it to reign in blood? Who'd a thunk it? What a retarded notion.

It's funny when a band starts to go mainstream....EVERYONE turns on em(possibly because we are selfish children that do not want the masses to like OUR BANDS! HAIL!). I still like tho R2R though it not a favorite by any means. It will take a blow in the head possibly or a better album then Ensiferum to get my attention. Dunno why that one just came out of nowhere to be my #1 album for the year so far. Vintersorg is slowly wreaking havoc on my sound system tho.

My point EVERYONE being... those of you who got the word out over the years and got into this new band called in flames back in the time of jesters race and earlier. Most of those have turned to something else now. :)

I've had a lot of people ask me if I have heard of the new band in I have to sit there and explain they have been around for a long time.
Originally posted by satanistical
I've had a lot of people ask me if I have heard of the new band in I have to sit there and explain they have been around for a long time.

Those are the people I hate:mad:
you guys can debate over prevous albums, fact is this album marks the begining of the end for Inflames....

now that rerout to remain is out we all knew what went wrong and were there headed.... its over folks say guitar to your margenaly average band and say hell-0 to inflowers pop band extrordinare, this is probably there last metal album, however good it is not 4/10 (repedative rather dull)

btw (two who ever said that lunar strain was far suppirior to this album i totaly agree, lunar might be there best release imo... though they have some other decent albums (not this one tho)

-i also dub this the "black album" or the flaming album if you will ;) cus its the same thing for the band as there following the path metallica and many like them have taken.... to sell out extrordinares.

-inflames - time of death, (rerout release.)
-(brutaly honist)_ Necromancer.
I heard a couple of songs of R2R, the song "System" (I think it was...) starts out pretty nice, fast, melodic, but then... the chorus kicks in, ouch! It turns into a friggin' children's song! Such a shame...

TJR and Subterranean will always be the ultimate IF for me.
Clayman was my first In Flames album. I got this album in late August of 2002 and when I first put it in my CD player, I had never heard anything like it, it was a mix of power riffs (I assume these are the riff heard in power metal) and death vocals, and this blew me away because when I first got it I was still deep into the genre you guys call nu-metal or mallcore (by the way, what is nu-metal? I havn't been able to classify it yet, but I have some ideas.) and this was my so very few "tr00 metal" albums along with Slayer's "God Hates Us All" which is very good, IMHO but I have heard their earlier work and it is so much better. Back to my opinion of Clayman, I think it is a pretty good effort by a band I have never heard before until now. I have heard some tracks off of "Reroute to Remain" and they SUCK!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

I thought that all the tracks were going to be like "Pinball Map" and they aren't!:cry:

P.S. I listen to both mallcore and tr00 metal (but more are tr00 metal.) :D
first time i heard clayman i was pritty much into it... not blown away but enjoyable... but clayman gets old quick... dont even want to listen to it more then once really... so i think its a pritty pour album that just markets to inntial value...

and rerout... well thats what happends when you mix terrible ideas with lack of muscianship and atrotous production....

cant say im supprised though...

Zoracxis: have no fear... there are still other good bands out there in sweden ... heard of Theory in Practice ? they get better while inflames gets worse ;)

check em out
