In Flames cover


The Dark Wanderer
Sup everybody! Can anyone plz go to my music site and let me know what you think of my "Only For The Weak" In Flames cover song. I recorded everything on there myself and mixed it all in a multitrack editor. I know the solo is kinda weak, but I've been playing guitar for only 4 years (2 years on acoustic).

So anyway, check it out and lemme know what u think :hotjump:


o yeah and I JUST recorded a cover of Dark Tranquillity's "Monochromatic Stains" off of their Damage Done record. It's on the music site up above... CHECK IT OUT!!! It's all me on guitar, with the song playing in the background so i can keep time.
SchismForTheSoul said:
i love gold fishes cause their so delicious...i love gold fishes....that would be kinda cool if like....children of bodom did that song

YEAHH!!!! i got the pm and also, dude Century Media needs 2 release like a compilation thingy of some random funny songs done up all death metal style by kool bands like CoB haha I'd get it :Spin::loco:
:worship::worship::headbang: whoah..... thats all i gotta say... whoah.....:worship::worship::headbang:

dude your guitar skills can KILL
I'm very impressed, especially with the video of the 10 finger tapping. HAHA Steve vai only does 8 --- guess we have a new champion!!!

:worship:you rock
mainstream? haha no way. I can see it being less complex as IF normally does, but I really like it. I've got the Trigger EP, too so I got a glimpse of the Tuborg Sessions. eh.... it looks to be similar to Reroute, so I guess they've gotten tired of the really complex guitarwork songs... o well, I'll still listen to em cuz they kick everyone and his mom's asses :)
whoahoa lucky you! u won't find In Flames cds at any store near me haha down in Texas, you rarely get good foreign metal. I have to download most of my stuff... very bad since I really want to support In Flames... I will most likely buy the cds at some point when I can but anyway, a lil update on that same site up @ the top... had to take the In Flames cover down to make room for my cover of Dark Tranquillity's Monochromatic Stains cover, Cradle of Filth's Her Ghost In The Fog cover, and a song I made myself. if anyone wants the mp3s ofmy In Flames stuff, I gotta send em email to ya