In Flames guitar to rehab.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I don't care about the band, but I liked the guy when he was in Hammerfall and Sinergy.

From their website:

As some may or may not know, Jesper has struggled for some time with alcoholic abuse, and decided to sit this one out (South America/Australia/Japan) in order to seek help and focus on rehabilitation and all that comes with it.

We all talked about it and together with Jesper we chose to ask our longtime friend Niclas Engelin, who helped us before, to complete the tour.

We are all sad that it needed to come to this, but health comes first.
Thanx for your understanding.

Jesper,Peter,Anders,Daniel & Björn
As long as he doesn't say alcoholism is a disease I'm content.

Hope him well, alcoholism's a helluva habit to kick. :kickass:

I work as an alcohol/drug counselor you can argue it as a disease or as not a disease to death. The fact is it's a compulsion that gets out of control as a direct result of one's loss of control. Good for him for getting himself back on track.
I work as an alcohol/drug counselor you can argue it as a disease or as not a disease to death. The fact is it's a compulsion.

It's all down to the definition. If you define disease in the medical sense (ie. cancer) then it is absolutely not a disease.

If you define disease as a "plague upon society" then, okay, fine. And yes, you're right, it's a compulsion that fits under the category of addition and dependency. There are often psychological and social factors that lead to alcoholism but it can be controlled by NOT drinking. You can't stop having cancer (not in that way anyways), hence it does not meet the med. definition.

Hey, if you don't mind me asking, do you use the 12-step stuff and/or anti-alcohol drugs?
It's all down to the definition. If you define disease in the medical sense (ie. cancer) then it is absolutely not a disease.

Hey, if you don't mind me asking, do you use the 12-step stuff and/or anti-alcohol drugs?

If you look up the medical model it does in fact fit. You can find info on wikipedia or google it. You can look at it as a diabetes or heart disease. Where it's chronic, progressive and can be fatal if not addressed. One thing obviously is the fact that it can be self-induced such as not watching your diet will worsen your heart condition or your diabetes. You can even look at cancer as caused by your behavior such as smoking causing lung cancer. All three examples you can get without being compulsive or even having family history...

If you look at 95% of outpatient/residential services out there for addicts, it's 12 Step based they just put a different spin to it. Now they might not call it a 12 Step program but it's based on it. I use motivational interviewing, stages of change and congnitive behavioral techniques. I won't bore you with the details but if you're interested you can look that up somewhere I'm sure.
As for anti-drugs? I've worked with kids in the past and done presentaions for teens in the past.Scare tactics simply don't work with kids or with young adults. It might with some but for the most part people have to learn the hard way. I heard a saying once that has rung true with me and others. "A good scare can be better sometimes to man than good advice."
No, I mean anti-drug as in a physical drug. You know, that you ingest to prevent alcoholics from drinking. Have you dealt with them? I can't recall any actual drug names. Sorry, I shouldn't have grouped the two like that in my previous post.

You can even look at cancer as caused by your behavior such as smoking causing lung cancer. All three examples you can get without being compulsive or even having family history...

Yes but ingesting alcohol is not a disease. Cancer is a disease. Liver sclerosis would be a disease caused by alcoholism.

Heart disease and diabetes are actual diseases. If you don't eat fatty foods, you can still get them. You can't suddenly "get alcoholism" if you never drink. MAJOR difference between the two groups.

Try telling a cancer patient that you have a disease (alcoholism) and see if they don't strangle you.
No, I mean anti-drug as in a physical drug. You know, that you ingest to prevent alcoholics from drinking. Have you dealt with them? I can't recall any actual drug names. Sorry, I shouldn't have grouped the two like that in my previous post.

Yeah there are many the most common is antibuse. Problem with that one is that a chronic alcoholic can still drink while on it and it has no antagonistic affects. For people that have abused alcohol and haven't developed a heavy tolerance to alcohol it would make them gravely ill.... I have been to many a lecture with staff that have come down from Canada. They have some of the best research on gambling addiction/compulsion. They have research on anti-depressants that have helped people stop their gambling and become less compulsive.

Try telling a cancer patient that you have a disease (alcoholism) and see if they don't strangle you.

I have actually a person I worked with had both alcoholism and cancer. The pancreatic cancer was a direct result of decades of binge drinking....
I think people put too much weight on the fact that one may strike without any cause and another is initiated by one's behavior. There's no doubt there are social aspects that contribute to the blurring of the lines. That said if one is an alcoholic and they kill someone while drinking and driving the fact they they are under the influence of an intoxicant, due to their illness won't get them off the hook.
I've got to say, I think everyone is vulnerable to compulsive diseases of the mind.
It's just the environmental and social surroundings that encourage the disease on. That's why rehab is a cure in the first place, it hides the buttons that are pressed that make one turn to substance abuse. I think if ones will power is strong enough, they can put their foot down and tell themselves they are not going to put themselves through the ordeal. Otherwise part of them must want to go through it for some reason.

Undoubtoubly, alcoholism is a disease. A disease of the mind that destroys the body.
Neurosis is so unnatural. I'm sure all forms of it wouldn't exist if it was not for the boundaries and complexity of modern life. Civilisation kills.
I've got to say, I think everyone is vulnerable to compulsive diseases of the mind.
It's just the environmental and social surroundings that encourage the disease on. That's why rehab is a cure in the first place, it hides the buttons that are pressed that make one turn to substance abuse. I think if ones will power is strong enough, they can put their foot down and tell themselves they are not going to put themselves through the ordeal. Otherwise part of them must want to go through it for some reason.

Undoubtoubly, alcoholism is a disease. A disease of the mind that destroys the body.
Neurosis is so unnatural. I'm sure all forms of it wouldn't exist if it was not for the boundaries and complexity of modern life. Civilisation kills.

I have no problem with what you're stating here with the exception of....

That's why rehab is a cure....

There is no magic bullet. Just containment and managment. The only real cure is death.
It should be called cured imo because then they can move on. If you tell them, 'oh, your not cured, your just in remission', they're spirits would hit the floor and that could result in relapse.
It should be called cured imo because then they can move on. If you tell them, 'oh, your not cured, your just in remission', they're spirits would hit the floor and that could result in relapse.

Recovery is a complete lifestyle change it could be with the help of 12 Step or other support. If you become complacent and one could relapse.
Anything could potentially lead to relapse. One could lapse after loss of a loved one...break-up in a relationship, ect. If you think you're cured you will think you can go back to social drinking and the truth is once an alcoholic always an alcoholic. Some just are active in their addiction others aren't.
If you have someone who hasn'y used in 7 days, 7 months or 7 years who would runs the most risk of s relapse? The answer is ther are all equally as vulnerable if you don't have a solid support system and prevention plan....
Recovery is a complete lifestyle change it could be with the help of 12 Step or other support. If you become complacent and one could relapse.
Anything could potentially lead to relapse. One could lapse after loss of a loved one...break-up in a relationship, ect. If you think you're cured you will think you can go back to social drinking and the truth is once an alcoholic always an alcoholic. Some just are active in their addiction others aren't.
If you have someone who hasn'y used in 7 days, 7 months or 7 years who would runs the most risk of s relapse? The answer is ther are all equally as vulnerable if you don't have a solid support system and prevention plan....

Thankyou for the explanations there.
Really? I would have assumed the one who had been drinking for the 7 years would be more vulnerable and have more of a noticable reaction to alcohol withdrawal. But it is your profession.
I sincerely hope Jesper Stromblad sorts himself out, especially for their European 09 dates. I actually really like him for some reason. That's so weird. *Shakes head at self*
I've got to say, I think everyone is vulnerable to compulsive diseases of the mind. Undoubtoubly, alcoholism is a disease. A disease of the mind that destroys the body.
Neurosis is so unnatural. I'm sure all forms of it wouldn't exist if it was not for the boundaries and complexity of modern life. Civilisation kills.

Wow, good discussion. A disease of the mind. That makes much more sense to me now. Cuz you can't catch alcoholism or obesity from a public toilet. But the mental part I get 100%. In my words I am always "fighting my demons". I won't go into my sad story, but the mind is the most powerfull organ in the body. Modern life, overcrowding, and TV are enemies of the mind.