In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

The Jester's Door lyrics :

I say goodbye to you all at once
Don’t dare to face you all alone
I went from wreckage to world class
With a box of T-shirts and some records to sell
But times have changed
I have to defend my actions
The foundation crumbles and I have to leave
Thanks for everything
I couldn’t ask for more
I say “I love you all” as I vanish through the Jester’s door

It's half awesome how reviewers always make sure to misunderstand these lyrics. Anders wrote it, but it's not Anders talking here, it's Jesper, leaving the band through the Jester's door.

This is pretty awesome I wanto hear this soon..
With a box of t-shirts and some records to sell? :lol:

With a box of t-shirts and some records to sell?

INB4 this becomes the new "I feel like shit..."

Either way, very interesting and to-the-point lyrics, and it's difficult to deny that they're about Jesper. Can't wait to hear this set to music, myself.

By the way, that long-ass review a few pages back? The one by "No Clean Singing"? More reviews should be like that: in-depth, descriptive, and above all else, challenging the listener to analyze certain things.
Just to give you all something to bury besides ASOP, here are two of my In Flames vocal covers:

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