In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

So here's a very quick rating of the tracks after a couple of listens:

Sounds Of A Playground Fading - 7.5
Deliver Us - 6.5
All For Me - 9
The Puzzle - 8
Fear Is The Weakness - 7.5
Where The Dead Ships Dwell - 8.5
The Attic - 8
Darker Times - 8
Ropes - 8.5
Enter Tragedy - 6.5
The Jester's Door - 9
A New Dawn - 9
Liberation - 8

Total Average Rating - 8. It's good, and quite a step up from ASOP, and there are a good number of songs that don't just catch my attention, they demand it. There are a few mis-steps (Enter Tragedy just doesn't hit me the way the others do, though it is growing on me upon my 3rd Listen) but overall I really enjoy the experience of listening to it. I know there'll be more than a few IF purists that will piss themselves in anger over "Liberation" but I think it really does fit well with the rest of the album, and it's definitely a nice way to end things.
Actually, while I don't agree with 99% of what Taotrac wrote, I kind of agree about Liberation.

What is the difference between Liberation and The Puzzle?

Elements are the same, but it was done in different way. Liberation is like anti-The Puzzle. Same stuff, one light-one heavy.

SOPH (2013)

01. Sound of a dreadlock falling
02. Haircut us
03. All that hair
04. The Shampoo
05. Dread is the sickness
06. Where dead dreads dwell (this one is cool - WDDD, I like it)
07. The barbershop
08. Haircut time!
09. Scissors
10. Enter hair stylist
11. Anders' Door
12. A new haircut
13. Liberation :)

"Heartbreaking story about Anders' epic struggle with inner demons and bad haircut..."
Metal Hammer

"OMFG, great album!"

"Clayman is better. Much better. Much, much better."

"I play with my large cock...rooster"
Plain Vanilla

Heard they're doing a re-record though. Maybe you've heard of it?


1. Embody The Stylist
2. Ordinary Haircut
3. Perm
4. Cuttery
5. T-Gel Inc.
6. Pallar Anders Doorag
7. Coerced Styling
8. Dandruff
9. Old Conditioner '99
10. Cleancut 2000
11. The New Weave


Heard they're doing a re-record though. Maybe you've heard of it?


1. Embody The Stylist
2. Ordinary Haircut
3. Perm
4. Cuttery
5. T-Gel Inc.
6. Pallar Anders Doorag
7. Coerced Styling
8. Dandruff
9. Old Conditioner '99
10. Cleancut 2000
11. The New Weave

Yeah, and a sequel to complete the NEW STYLE!


01. Fashion Ride
02. Shopping Map
03. Only for the Fashion Week
04. ... As future style are IN today
05. Eat nothing (Spend some quality time, with fruit diet of mine...)
06. Gayman
07. Stylists & Models
08. Vogue
09. Brush the dandruff away
10. Elitist urban moi
11. Another day with quick fashion tips
lmao, i'm loving how most of the viewers are showing up for the leak and haven't posted even once on this thread.

Just because of that I signed up. I've been following this thread since day one, but I don't really like involving myself in the old vs new In Flames arguments, since I really enjoy it all. Looking forward to SOAPF, and seeing them again this summer!
Compared to two years ago this board is basically in a state of total peace :D I kind of miss the days when I used to argue with Clay-Man, Krofius and HotKnifingHash :D
Will have to listen to it a few more times before I give grades out, but initial reaction:

First I had no hope or expectations for this album after ASOP.
I have learned that the old in flames is not coming back no matter how much I want them to, so I can not compare this album in that respect.

Purely compared to the newer albums, I can say the production of this was done well and I actually liked the variety of songs. ASOP and most of CC kind of all ran together, this each song stood apart mostly.

I didn't mind the not 100% screaming vocals as much as I thought I would. The riffs were pretty good as well, and saved a lot of the songs from being a lot worse due to the vocals in my opinion. Drums were great.

After first listen I can say compared to the other new era cd's this is fairly good. A New Dawn is clearly the best track. After that I would say SOAPF is second for now but like I said, i need a few listens to the new songs.
I think you and I have mentally derailed at some point in time...

A Sense of Humor ;)

I was expecting more people to discuss new album and join our epic off topic, spam discussions.



Disturbing... Very disturbing!

Though "I'm gay for girls with beards" would also be disturbing...veeeery disturbing.
Vanilla, for that you're not going to're going straight to hell. :flame:
Bleugh, don't really like Deliver Us lol. Probably give that a 4.5/10 :P. Liberation seems outta place, but its decent. No issues with everything else, New Dawn is of course my favourite track haha. Ill give it a 7/10 overall.
God i remember discussing DT's Projector in this board (well, DT's board) its been so long (maybe i had a different username).
Anyway, after listening to SOAPF three times in a row i can say i just like All For Me, Fear Is The Weakness and Liberation. I have always liked IF's "softer" tracks though i've been listening to them since TJR came out. The new album strikes me as uninspired and Anders vocals are just subpar in many songs. At least in my eyes, Jesper's departure (and before that, his "creative confinement") has been crucial in removing THAT special something that IF always had, soft or hard, fast or slow.
Some vocal parts remind me of Passenger which, in my books, is really a bad thing. I wonder how better would he sound if he actually learned how to sing. (tip: Speed Strid)
Well, to end in a somewhat polemic note, if forced to decide, i would have liked so much better that the less talented guys in IF left (Bjorn and Anders) and Jesper stayed. Daniel was amazing in Sacrilege, melodeath doesnt get much better than that.