In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

I love how bunch of people were saying how Deliver Us sounds like something out of Colony,, like two weeks ago, only to now say how its the absolute rubbish and the worst track on the album.

Who the fuck said that? :D have they ever actually heard Colony?

lmao, you guys still on All for Me and comparing it to bottled? :D it's a good song IMO. you just have to listen to it in a different light, i suppose.

Listen to the riff bro, it's Bottled reborn :D there are some OK parts in the song, but to me it's not even a contest as to which song is the weakest on the album. All For Me, step forward you partial-Bottled-clone fuck :D
we've been hearing a lot of different tastes in song on the new album, so lets go back to the classic era for a bit. name your top 3 songs, if you had to choose, starting with lunar strain (if you wish) to clayman
That might be difficult. I've never really thought about my top ones from a certain era. Definitely Ordinary Story and Zombie Inc. Then I can't decide, I'll just say Clayman, the whole album minus Swim (is that allowed?).

1. Ordinary Story
2. Zombie Inc.
3. Clayman album minus Swim
Lunar Strain/Subterranean
1.Stand Ablaze
3.Hargalaten(accent marks go somewhere on top of there rofl)

Jester Race
1.Artifacts of the Black Rain
2.Dead God in Me
3. The Jester Race

2.The Hive
3. Jester Script Transfigured

1.Ordinary Story
2.Zombie Inc.
3.Man Made God

1. Bullet Ride
3.Brush the Dust Away
@ TheCharade

Maybe it's better you open a new thread. And I have another idea - let's do top 3 songs from each LS-CM album AND top 3 solos from this albums. More interesting, as we already did favorite songs (whole discography).
I really cant get into Ropes, I just can't :confused: But again All For Me is making me fly. I guess it's matter of taste and maybe i'm more open to new things in music. Btw i agree TCP one of best songs on ASOP. Overall i really like slow melodic songs :)
Maybe not Colony material, but don't you think that the harmonised part after the solo had a slight Clayman feel to it?

I suppose so, but that's not the same as the song sounding like something out of Colony, which is what drawntoblack said :D about 3 seconds of it does :D
Yeah, I think we said that harmonized part was a la Clayman. Colony was mentioned only when A New Dawn leaked.

All for me has The Jester Race feeling for about 11 second...then it's BAM! Welcome to my BOTTLE(d)!


New studio episode. Bjorn's accent is so cool.

Violins and cellos are great. Thank Good Anders didn't have a better plan.
Are your headphones/speakers messed up or something? You can hear all the instruments CRYSTAL clear throughout. And its all eq'd/mixed perfectly IMO.

P.S England :wave:

No, the album definitely could have been mastered better. For example, during the chorus in "Deliver Us", there's some really cool guitar work going the background. You need fairly high end audio equipment to really pick it up and hear it (which, thankfully, I'm an audiophile with great headphones, bookshelf speakers/sub, and DIY car audio system). It's not crystal clear, and it is definitely way too quiet. Instead, all you get is vocals, electronic stuff, and rhythm guitars.

Of course, maybe that's what they were going for. If so, they're hiding the best parts of their tracks! Seems backwards to me.
Think I'm going to have to change my verdict on Where the Dead Ships Dwell... it never made much of a first impression, but that harmonised guitar is just pure awesome and the chorus is infinitely singable... plus the sprinkling of New Dawn growls about really provide a good "yang" to the predominantly clean vocals. So if that's the worst song on the album... it must be a pretty bitching disc!
No, the album definitely could have been mastered better. For example, during the chorus in "Deliver Us", there's some really cool guitar work going the background. You need fairly high end audio equipment to really pick it up and hear it (which, thankfully, I'm an audiophile with great headphones, bookshelf speakers/sub, and DIY car audio system). It's not crystal clear, and it is definitely way too quiet. Instead, all you get is vocals, electronic stuff, and rhythm guitars.

Of course, maybe that's what they were going for. If so, they're hiding the best parts of their tracks! Seems backwards to me.

Well there are just few moment on whole album where things could have been mastered better. Sometimes keyboards do drown guitars... But overall, along with Clayman this is the best production In Flames had... ever.
I predict that in a month or two the backlash will start. Seems like this album is getting a bit too much hyperbole around here while elsewhere I see more accurate reviews on the effort- which is very average at best.

We shall see.