In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Insomnium new release in fall - NOW THAT'S SOMETHING I CAN'T WAIT!!! Edit: Ok, Now just today officialy new IF albums is out, Have been listeing to it about week and i can say it havent left the greatest impression. After week it seems i dont have that big will to listen to it non stop :/ After year i guess i will listen for two or three songs.
Me too! For year 2011 I was waiting Arch Enemy, In Flames, Opeth and Insomnium.

AE was disappointment. IF was really good. I hope Opeth and Insomnium will be even better.

Btw Jurgens, I checked out band from your signature. Nice stuff.
Me too! For year 2011 I was waiting Arch Enemy, In Flames, Opeth and Insomnium.

AE was disappointment. IF was really good. I hope Opeth and Insomnium will be even better.

Btw Jurgens, I checked out band from your signature. Nice stuff.

Opeth should be good if your ok with no death vocals.
Most anticipated release of the year for me :)

What a surprise. :D And here I was thinking drawntoblack was some gothic trip. ;)

Kidding bro. Judging from those two songs (Behind the horizon is killer) album will be always. But hey, who knows, maybe they decided to evolve. Short songs, clean vocals, no melodies, nu metal riffs... Oh wait, that sounds familiar. :)

Opeth should be good if your ok with no death vocals.

Music will still be the same and Mikael can actually sing so I don't really mind.
I like how they want to make another Damnation, since its one of my favourite Opeth albums.

@A88 they said in a recent inteview that they will try avoiding 3 minute thrash songs, so I guess its going to be even more atmospheric. And they had a bit of clean vocals on their last album, but I really wish they drop that, since I didnt like them that much.
And yeah, Beyond the Horizon is awesome :)

btw I like some goth bands
they said in a recent inteview that they will try avoiding 3 minute thrash songs, so I guess its going to be even more atmospheric. And they had a bit of clean vocals on their last album, but I really wish they drop that, since I didnt like them that much.
And yeah, Beyond the Horizon is awesome :)

No man, you don't understand. Crowd is not moving with that boring stuff. They need to play something faster, shorter, with many choruses... And singer obviously needs to whine more.

The mind has a thousand eyes
And the heart but one:
And it feels like shit
But at least it feels something

Well I really like it. Also, I can actually understand a word or two. Thank you for introducing me to new (and good) music. :)

I'm pleased that you like it! You can see lyrics translations at their web page if you are interested.
With 17 layers, even Nillo could sound like Mariah Carey. Now that would be something! Album sales in the U.S. goes up 750%.
Someone recently commented on how bad some interpretations of lyrics from these new songs were when searching online. So I decided to take a look and was shocked. It's amazing how poorly some interpretations are. My favorite is when someone who thought the line ending with "the puzzle" was "the post-soul." The song is called THE PUZZLE. Of all parts to mess up, this one is kind of obvious. Kind of.

That was me. It's ridiculous, isn't it? English can't be these people's first, second, or even third language. There are some easy ones that they completely mess up and it makes no sense.
I think I remember someone trying to get the Ropes lyrics and the refrain where it sounded like there was "tired", "person", and "fire". Well, I can't remember if anyone figured it out but if not, it's "Dive head first into the fire." It makes sense because the song is subtly about a person contemplating suicide, or at least going through a downward spiral. Also, "to ease your mind, and for you to stay", "And I will untie all the ropes" make it pretty clear to me. Awesome song by the way.
I'm almost done with typing up the lyrics by ear if you guys want me to post them. They aren't the official ones, obviously. But if you want me to post all the songs other then the original leaked 4, I will.
Ok, not going to do SOAPF, Deliver Us, Enter Tragedy, or A New Dawn since they are here somewhere. But if you don't have them, I'll post them if someone asks. Obviously, I'm still missing some words in some songs, but I think I did a really good job, and hopefully some of you have the missing words.

Anyway, here is All for Me

Until the world ceases to move
That burning feeling
Let me go, this is real

I wish one more thing
I clench my hands
And bang my head

Take whatever comes to you
(All the while?)
I don’t need another friend

I burn when I do the things I do for you
Forever the night and it’s all for me now
I’m sure that one day
I can get you all that you lost

I never (…?)
Past is (sinking?) me
I’m dying alone

We stand to fight for nothing
Without a thought or reason
We will never be OK

I burn when I do the things I do for you
Forever the night and it’s all for me now
I’m sure that one day
I can get you all you lost

A growing pain
It is hard to say
What brought the darkest burden
For some of us
There’s no answer

Chains are breaking
I won’t let this build up inside of me
There’s a storm coming
I will …? No more
Till my very last breath

I burn when I do the things I do for you
Forever the night and it’s all for me now
I’m sure that one day
I can’t get you all that you lost
The Puzzle

And I try to think
Try to paint the picture
(…?) have to feel this way

Looking for something to believe in
I think I (dropped?) my time

One by one the pieces fall
Tell me what it is to believe

You can tell
Changed by their faces
There are always signs
Answers to the puzzle
Grab a piece of the light

Keep pretending I can handle everything
You'll never understand me
And I don't care what you think
Or maybe I do

One by one the pieces fall
Tell me what it is to believe

You can tell
Changed by their faces
There are always signs
Answers to the puzzle
Grab a piece of the light
Grab a piece of the light

You can tell
Changed by their faces
There are always signs
Answers to the puzzle
Grab a piece of the light

You can tell
Changed by their faces
There are always signs
Answers to the puzzle
Grab a piece of the light
Fear is the Weakness

At least you could have tried
It is way past time
And we're scattering ashes
You take everything in sight
Please hear me now
You, you are leaving me with scars

Fear is the weakness in all of us
It's sad to see you go
It’s not meant to be easy
But you drag us down
Burden of the evidence grows

The same road for far too long
It's not meant to be
We are losing identity
Faith has been denied
Let's not pretend
This is the first time
We just don't belong

What world do you perceive?
All turned cold and no one cares for anyone
Waiting for the final blow
Do you have strength at all?
One more day
Then we fade away

Fear is the weakness in all of us
It's sad to see you go
It’s not meant to be easy
But you drag us down
Burden of the evidence grows

The same road for far too long
It's not meant to be
We are losing identity
Faith has been denied
Let's not pretend
This is the first time
We just don't belong here

The same road for far too long
It's not meant to be
We are losing identity
Faith has been denied
Let's not pretend
This is the first time
We just don't belong