Old Fart
right, all who voted for DT just wanted to be cool. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that DT have always been the better band. fucking turd...

Dreamer Deceiver said:Both In Flames and Dark Tranquillity have their masterpieces (Jester Race and Gallery), and they have their followups in the same vein as their masterpieces (Whoracle and Mind's I), but after that, In Flames somewhat regressed with their sound and became increasingly contemporary sounding(leading to the disaster of R2R), while DT experimented with a couple albums and finally perfected it with Damage Done.
So in conlusion, DT gets my vote.
Cows on million man march said:i have to say Dark Tranquillity...because first of all, if it werent for them In Flames wouldnt exist. second of all, after harsh critisizm claimed DT to have gone bad, they come back with a good album (damage done)...and the gallery is a hell of an amazing album...but in flames just keep getting crappier and crappier.
MightyA said:both suck
A) You're attacking me.I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do) said:You are the definition of cool, going against the masses no matter what is the way to go man.