In love with GR again


Nov 11, 2005
today I met up with my two friends that are teaching me to play guitar and they just let me witness ...

wait for it ...

the entire two player version of baying of the hounds and beneath the mire. I'm in awe at how many changes are in baying of hounds and how awsome it sounds AGAIN!

I used to love the song but now its even better. I quite honestly think (now) that baying of the hounds and beneath the mire are some of opeth's best songs yet.

And for those that soley log in to spread their preachings about how nothin can compare to MAYH or morning rise can shove it. Relisten to these songs and just attempt to play it - and I swear that no matter how technical you are - you'll be converted towards the awsomeness that is GR.

and while i'm still floating on this audio/ visual high i'm gonna convince the guys to sign up to this forum.


a ramble thats not really a question

flame away!
i like some of GR more than some of MAYH....and likewise...but, claiming that if you just listen again, you WILL be converted is quite absolute...opinions are you can shove it, buddy...just kidding.
I'm baaack. Haven't been on much latley, but I figured I would chip in a comment or two here.

First and foremost I would like to say, I'm not one of the people who comes on to rave about any of their albums. All are great in my opinion. In all honesty though, I think your right. I used to dislike GR compared to a lot of Opeth's other work, but I've been listening to it more and more latley, and it truly is amazing to see how much the band's sound has matured. This is clearly seen in most if not all of the songs. And I will also agree with you that a lot of their new stuff is fairly complex as well. I've been playing for a few years now, and I have troubles playing a lot of it as well.

On the other hand, I've also got to agree with JoeVice here. Your comment doesnt make a lot of sence in that saying saying that others come on and rant about other albums. But are you any better? Telling other members to shove it because they have their own opinions is not something that can really be justified.
I still would rank it towards the bottom of Opeth's album catelogue, but it still is amazing, and really growing on me. The first three tracks are flawless.
in limbow said:
I still would rank it towards the bottom of Opeth's album catelogue

I would too. There's nothing extraordinary about the album or stuff that they haven't done before. The first time a band does something new I rate it highly. But perfecting the style again and again just seems pointless.
hibernal_dream said:
I would too. There's nothing extraordinary about the album or stuff that they haven't done before. The first time a band does something new I rate it highly. But perfecting the style again and again just seems pointless.

Well, that's not quite the reason its not at the top of my Opeth list... I mean, in a lot of parts it sounds like a hybrid of Damnation and Deliverance, but also the keyboard really adds a new light to the sound... it's not at all as dark and depressing as Deliverance... like for example the ending of Ghost of Perdition, or a song like Atonement.. very different from their other stuff. So, while it's not exactly a leap ahead like MAYH was, it still is a change of pace of sorts.
sorry guys i just got back from the guys place - was in sorta "the moment" you can say. I take back the "shove it" comment.

I think all the opeth albums are awsome and, everyones entitled to their oppinion, never meant to undermine that. But I've seen my friends play alot of opeth and even if someone who's not a fan of GR or even opeth - saw them play baying of the hounds and beneath the mire, they'd serioulsy be amazed. It may not compare to their other material but see they were working with a totally different tunning for the entire album.

I think the album needs to be given credit for
1) the fact that the clean vocals are much more refined
2) an entire album with varried tracks - all written with an uncommon tunning
- even my friends said its a beautfiul tunning but its hard to write songs with. But then again we're talking about opeth here :P
3) how sophisticated the songs look and sound. The chord changes are more suited to Akerfelt's singing.

Say what you will, about GR being in the lower end of the albums - i say don't knock it till you've tried it - it is an amazingly written album.
ekka said:
was in sorta "the moment" you can say.

*pictures you listening to the album, and being very excited.* i get that way too. sometimes i get that feeling where i honestly can't believe that this is not everyone's favorite song.