in love with in the woods

Out of my whole collection of black, death and other metal albums i still answer "Omnio" when asked what is my all time favourite.

There are some albums that are more amazing in many ways but none that do what music is meant to do emotionally in the way Omnio does.

I think all the people who love this album end up having a lasting "relationship" with it, if i can put it like that.
Hey guys, i recommend you to check out the sideproject from Christer Andre Cederberg called "Stille opprör"!
You can download 2 songs on the main page, it's acoustic stuff, very good imo. Lets hear your comments ;)
I tried to contact that guy long ago to get a copy of the album "Project 2 13" but he did not write back :cry:
So i wonder if anyone of you maybe has this album or tried to contact him too!
Originally posted by Static
On a serious note...where do you get your CDs yourdeadgroom?
Off the net?
RealGroovy, and I've only ever ordered 2 disks from them, everything I buy is taken directly off their rack (ie everything I buy was in the shop before I went there ;)). Have bought a couple of things from Wonderland, and in the days before RG there was another shop, which went out of business once RG arrived on the scene (damn good shop it was, too).
This process involves going through their entire collection once a week, which takes about 20+ minutes (including 2nd hand bin), but it's worth doing. You just need to be prepared to buy something when you see it, because the good stuff doesn't hang around.

[edit] Oh yeah, incase you weren't aware, you can order things via RG, they are actually pretty quick (couple of weeks), they send orders off to their US and European distributors weekly, so it just gets included with that. Doesn't cost any extra for shipping or anything, although it would probably be cheaper ordering from some place via the net, but that's a hassle I can't be bothered with.
Dagnabbit. You are increasing my urge to hunt you down. Stop getting all the good CDs! Tell me what you look like so I can beat you up. You know you want to!

Oh yeah, I asked when they're getting Deliverance, and its gonna be in about 5 months or so. Thats sucky. I'm gonna have to order off the net. They also actually have some In Flames albums now and some Dark Tranquility. They have no Amorphis though :(
Originally posted by falling bird
Hehe,thanks;) It's on You have to go to the brand new page! There you just click on downloads, and then stille opprör and there you are :)
Tell me what you think about the songs!


I'm listening to "J.P. (Seas)" now... I like it. It's minimalistic, subtle, beautiful, and leans one to think there is more than what is originally there. There's underlying emotion there that perks up. The female vocalist has a very nice voice as well. I dig it.
Originally posted by TheLedTool

I'm listening to "J.P. (Seas)" now... I like it. It's minimalistic, subtle, beautiful, and leans one to think there is more than what is originally there. There's underlying emotion there that perks up. The female vocalist has a very nice voice as well. I dig it.

Cool to see you like it;) I almost like "------" more. Btw, that's supposed to be strangest song title i've ever heard or should i say seen :D
Originally posted by falling bird
Cool to see you like it;) I almost like "------" more. Btw, that's supposed to be strangest song title i've ever heard or should i say seen :D

Yeah, it's really nice. Is that from one of the former members of In The Woods or something?

I'm not really into them, but Aphex Twin has some insane titles, hehe. Then, you get bands who put symbols for titles of song (Dredg, Pearl Jam with "red dot," etc.). Finally, you get bands that have stupidly funny titles like Anal Cunt. :lol: