In Memoriam


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Mar 29, 2003
Man, I was so excited an hour ago for the festivities starting tomorrow. That is until I heard that a good friend of mine Mike passed away. It put everything in perspective. Mike suffered from a debilitating lung disease. As he was dealing with this issue he acquired Lupus. All through the four years of his ordeal he never ever complained. He'd tell me what was going on with himself but it was always in control. He was a great friend and I am going to miss him a lot. He left behind a wife and two children. I am going to do everything I can to make sure that they don't "need" anything ever. So,if you see me in a very sad state down Atlanta you don't have to ask why. I know he's in a better place and free of pain finally and that is a HUGE comfort. But I'll miss him. Here's to you "Magnum" Mike, wherever you are!

My condolences, thoughts and prayers are with you, his family and friends...


Although I didn't personally know him, it's always sad to see someone passing away and leaving great friends behind (like you, Q) and a family... I am sure he will be missed.
My sympathies as well. :sigh:

Lupus is an odd one. One of my co-workers years ago had it, and she founded the National (?) Lupus Society to help combat it. She later became President Emeritus, which basically meant no money, but a free ride to their annual conference. I've contributed to them (through payroll deduction) most years since then. This year I'll think of your loss, too.
The_Q said:
So,if you see me in a very sad state down Atlanta you don't have to ask why. I know he's in a better place and free of pain finally and that is a HUGE comfort. But I'll miss him.

I understand where you are at Sean. My mom passed away on August 27th, I didn't want to say anything here because I knew there were a few people here with loved ones suffering from cancer as well. She had gone into hospice care and lasted only two days there.

So I've got Deb, Alicia, Jax on guard and they realize that I might have weepy moments and they are still willing to put up with me.

I can't tell you how many people who have said "Oh Barb, it was a blessing wasn't it?" And for me, I would have taken care of her forever than to not have her to speak to anymore. It hurts no matter what the circumstances.

I'll be on the lookout for you Sean and we can commiserate together.