in memory of dimebag


metal maniac
Dec 10, 2004
the black lodge
just read charlie's post and couldn't agree more . what right did nathan hale have to take the life of a true genius . this is so fucking wrong . like you charlie i cried uncrontrollably for dimebag ( worst day of my life since the death of another true musical genius - johnny cash , hail brother ) this is so fucked up , i cry for a person i never met but who,s music inspired me to be the best i could be . fuck this hurts , why do i cry uncontrollably ?. my only regret is that i was never lucky enough to meet dimebag when he toured australia ( melbourne ) killer gig . as soon as the tribute shirts appear i'll be first in line to get one and i'll wear it with true pride . to the abbott family , if there is anything you need call us and we will be there 4 u . damn it too fucked up to continue .

R. I. P.




EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
R.I.P Dime...I love you man...My heart goes out to Vinie Paul as well as damage's fan and Abbott's family...I fuckin' miss you man...a though to you for every Pantera and Damage CD...forever in my heart, I love you man...thanx...
and forever "Walk" !!

Steve, a fuckin' french fan, (from Paris, France)
iron_maiden said:
just read charlie's post and couldn't agree more . what right did nathan hale have to take the life of a true genius . this is so fucking wrong . like you charlie i cried uncrontrollably for dimebag ( worst day of my life since the death of another true musical genius - johnny cash , hail brother ) this is so fucked up , i cry for a person i never met but who,s music inspired me to be the best i could be . fuck this hurts , why do i cry uncontrollably ?. my only regret is that i was never lucky enough to meet dimebag when he toured australia ( melbourne ) killer gig . as soon as the tribute shirts appear i'll be first in line to get one and i'll wear it with true pride . to the abbott family , if there is anything you need call us and we will be there 4 u . damn it too fucked up to continue .

R. I. P.




EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

but where is charlie's post? forgive me, i am a dumbass. if its on the site, i am not finding it.
bumpkins said:
but where is charlie's post? forgive me, i am a dumbass. if its on the site, i am not finding it.

his message along with Scott's seems to load as the main page when you go to sometimes... it's not all the time... it's weird... but here is Charlie's message in its entirety


Dimebag brought the life out of everyone he met, why would anyone take his????

My phone has been ringing off the hook, everyone asking if it was true?

I didn't want to accept the reality, HOW COULD DARRELL BE GONE?

I just saw him! and just listened to the message he left me today.

I loved him, he was a true Friend. The phone calls in the middle of the night , talking about this and that. Playing KINGS X or KISS licks over the phone. I remember this one time we were both going through these anxiety attacks. I never had them, nor did he. We were talking about how we stopped them. I quit drinking alcohol and coffee and he said that he started drinking MORE ALCOHOL! HAHAHA, that was him. I had some great times with him, he always put you in a good mood, DAMMIT! What the fuck is wrong with people?? How the fuck does someone get into a club with a loaded gun, HOW?? WHY??

I thought for a minute about this - John Lennon was murdered the same way on the same DAY, some strange coincidence? (sorry, I'm delirious right now)

This guy didn't wait till after the show , he did it on stage. How fucking horrific. All those people freaking out, watching this happen. This will change things for the music world. It won't be the same vibe at shows... this is scary.

Dime was special, those who knew him would attest to that....

My heart goes out to Vinnie and Rita as well as the others who were injured.

Go play your PANTERA CDs or your Damage Plan CD.

Remember him for his music and his guitar playing, he was the best!

I love you Bro', I'll miss your face.
Give him a double.

cryin' and sobbin' - CB
thank you so much. i appreciate the effort.

i know what happened, i was using my shortcut to the site. that's why.

sorry to waste space.
This was taken by a friend the night after........wish I was there for ya Dime!!!

The last time I saw Dime perform was with anthrax, morbid angel. soulfly, and Pantera. I dont cry easy, but words cant express the loss we all feel, I think Vinnie said it best, we are all hollowed, rest in piece Dime, you had more integrity in every aspect of your life than any of us. A fan along with us, you were such a big part of my life, my #1 inspiration, the father of groove metal. I love you brother and will miss you forever. I cant believe I will never see you play live again. My heart goes out to Vinnie and family and everyone who feels the loss along with us. Dime earned his chops and put in his work, he didn't deserve this, what the fuck is this world coming to?
I went to that spot this afternoon and took some pictures. Very moving. There was a kid that was just hanging out there and talking to people as they stopped by. He was right in the front when it happened. I hope he's doing okay. I offered him a Pantera bootleg, but he already had it of course.