In Mist She Was Standing


New Metal Member
May 9, 2001
What's the correct title of the song?
In Mist (as is on the CD) or,
In The Mist (as is on the Discography section of the official website)

I've seen a lot of people use both; I think it's the first one as it also makes more sense gramatically.
The first one sounds more right to me (well, that doesn't mean anything, heh), and it also sounds better.

"In The Mist She Was Standing" sounds.. clumsy.

The answer is "Canada".
Canadians for some odd reason regularly exclude "the" in their sentences. <snip>

They're both gramatically correct, but one ["In Mist She Was Standing"] is better stylistically.

So, Canadians have some sense of style? :grin:
Originally posted by Orchid

So, Canadians have some sense of style? :grin:

Doubt it! I'm Canadian ey. People say I'm slow ey.


Back to the original question: Poll?
Originally posted by E V I L

For those who don't know, Orchid is alluding to the fact that Canadians for some odd reason regularly exclude "the" in their sentences.

Really? Strange, I wasn't aware of this... I'm fairly sure I use the word "the" everywhere where the english language would dictate. I would never, for example, say:

"Really? Strange, I wasn't aware of this... I'm fairly sure I use word "the" everywhere where english language would dictate"

Oh, and it's spelled "eh", eh?

- Hoser (a word often followed by ", eh?")

Hoser, it's ok if you didn't know that. I didn't know I was alluding to the (supposed) fact that Canadians regularly exclude the the.


Originally posted by HoserHellspawn

Really? Strange, I wasn't aware of this... I'm fairly sure I use the word "the" everywhere where the english language would dictate. I would never, for example, say:

"Really? Strange, I wasn't aware of this... I'm fairly sure I use word "the" everywhere where english language would dictate"

Oh, and it's spelled "eh", eh?

- Hoser (a word often followed by ", eh?")

When I think of canadians I think of Rick Moranis in those beer commercials. :)
Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas as Bob & Doug McKenzie in Molson commercials?

The characters are from an old (1980 or so) sketch comedy show called SCTV and are from whence the word "Hoser" is derived. It's what they called each other (essentially as an insult) but has passed into canadian pop culture (heh... oxymoron?) simply as slang for "Canadian".

Take off, ya hoser!