In need of wireless


Feb 15, 2009
I'm playing a pretty big stage the 18th, and the other guitarist in my band is using a Samsung wireless system. I don't want to be limited to a smaller radius while the other guitarist can (and probably will) walk through the crowd playing.

So, please recommend me a wireless system! I'm not looking for the holy grail of jesus juice, just a system that'll do the job. I did some reading, and it seems I want a true diversity system using UHF. Other than that, I have no clue.

Fire away!

After much research, I settled on this one as the best bang for the buck! And though many recommend the X2 systems, the high price, apparently shitty construction, abysmal battery life, and short range changed my mind pretty quick! :lol:

Haha thanks for the links, I'll check them out ASAP!

I wonder why my search didn't find that thread...


Read the thread...and I'm actually leaning toward a Sennheiser Freeport. Its around 250 bucks in the states, but only 120 euro here for some reason. The shred seems to like his.

Thoughts on the freeport vs. the audio technica? What does that audio technica offer that warrants being 3x as expensive?

I should note that my guitars use EMG's. It will also be placed in my rack along with my power conditioner, tuner, and hopefully my G-sharp if it can be fixed. I'll probably get a rack tray or some shit for it.
There's been a lot of crazy talk about the line 6 wireless.
They make 3 models.
100 foot range one (pedal)
200 foot range one (half space)
and 300 foot range one that is a full rack space.
apparently all of them have ZERO tone loss (normally you have to pay 2000 to get zero tone loss) but the only downside is the battery life is only 3 hours I believe (for rechargeables). If you use 1 guitar just buy 2 rechargeable 9V's and charge one while you use the other.
once you're on that page I sent you click the first wireless (it's the 300 foot range full space one) and read the reviews.
He leaves his gear at home when he gigs out. :)

I have an XDR95, and yeah, the only shortcoming is the plastic the transmitter and receiver are made of.
But the receiver is safe in a Kriz Kraft rack, and since I don't go around hula-hooping my guitar, I think it'll last a long time.
Battery life is pretty good too (~5 hours).
300 feet range is short?
where the fuck do you play?

Well first off, those prices have PLUMMETED since last I looked, and second, I remember reading many reviews saying the cheapest version (at that time ~$300) had a range of like 20 feet, which was pretty damn pitiful IMO! (not like I expect to venture further than that, but better safe than sorry, and the battery life and general consensus of cheap construction too were deal-breakers). As for tone sucking, that's an issue of impedance, and since I use only EMG's, that's nowhere near as much of a problem! (since the signal is much lower impedance than that from passive pickups owing of course to the on-board preamp)

That said, I never ended up buying a wireless system, so now that the X2 systems have all dropped by around $200 since ~1/2 year ago, I may consider them again when I choose to buy!
Sennheiser EW 372 is pretty cool though a little bit expensive.
With a little bit of luck you can get one used for ~300 Euro.
Ah, in that case, brilliant :lol:

Late reactions ftw! :lol:

I decided to purchase the Senheiser Freeport,
- 4 pre programmed europe legal frequencies (and a range of frequencies to select)
- UHF transmission
- True Diversity
- 9 hours of battery life
- On sale for 144 euro.

If I don't like it, I have a 30 day money back guarantee and a warranty for 3 months if it breaks.

I should have it end of this week, so fingers crossed its not a piece of shit!
Actually, from what I've gleaned it's not True Diversity (whereas that Audio Technica one I linked above is), but fuck it, if it works, then who gives a shit! :rock: