In order to make Hawk coming back quicker...

Actually AW73 is from US, but live in Regensburg indeed (married to Black Goat). That means that with Sarge we have three metalheads from the same zone. Interesting how these forums bring people from distant...and close places together :D
Hawk said:
He he, I have been taking a holliday. I posted a message that I would be away for a fw days.

We've been to south Germany and it was great!! At the moment I am [still] dead tired. I will post as soon as I have recovered.

Thanks for the homecoming welcome man :)

Cool !!! Did you drink plenty of that great German beer ? Germany, Ireland and Belgium are tops on my list of countries I want to go to to sample great beers.

Wyvern said:
Actually AW73 is from US, but live in Regensburg indeed (married to Black Goat). That means that with Sarge we have three metalheads from the same zone. Interesting how these forums bring people from distant...and close places together :D
I bet he's serving in Hohenfels then.