In the spotlight (part1): Johan Liefvendahl


May 14, 2007
The idea: each week we'll place a SW-member in the spotlight and share/discuss our feelings and thoughts regarding his playing.

First up: Johan Lievendahl

Here's a nice quote from Johan: "I have to say that my biggest inspiration is Nuno Bettencourt. He is playing rhythm guitar like no one else!
About solos, I think a good melody is the most important thing! If you can do a combo between a great melody and some tricky stuff then you are a winner in my eyes."

So, what are your favourite parts from Johan?
Do you prefer Johan's technical playing or do you like the melodies - or do you love the combination?
I think the melody is the most important. What sets Seventh Wonder apart from other Prog Metal bands is that they put the melody first.
I often don't really give Johan Lievendahl as much credit as he's due because, baically, all of the bands I really love have a guitarist I really like, so a great guitarist seems pretty much a given compared to, say, a great bass player (or at least a much more prominent bass player), so Andreas and Tommy (because the singer's voice is about the most unique point) are the things that I generally think of as setting Seventh Wonder apart.

But the guitar playing in Seventh Wonder is absolutely amazing, and contributes a huge amount (probably more than anything else) to how much I love the songs. I love the melody in the solos, so melody probably is the best point. But although the really melodic playing perhaps makes up the most memorable guitar moments it's everything, and it is the blend of technical stuff while still emphasising melody that makes Johan (and Seventh Wonder) great.

Some appreciation for bits of guitar playing that spring to mind:
Edge Of My Blade Solo
Unbreakable Solo
The Great Escape : The melody playing behind Tommy singing, one of my favourite parts of the song and favourite bits of guitar playing.
A New Balance solo
Age Of Confusion: Despair - both the accoustic guitar that opens it and the solo at the end.

Just a small selection of guitar solos and other bits from Seventh Wonder songs that are among my favourite.
I was surprised to hear that Nuno was Johan's biggest ispiration. In my opinion they're quite different, though I don't play guitar, so guitarists could explain better than me.

About my preferences, I love both melodic and technical parts. Johan is great in any way.
Johan's guitar playing during the many instrumental phases of each song practically take the place of the vocals whenever Tommy isn't singing and are so key to that beautiful melody found within many, many Seventh Wonder songs. I think his abilities are extremely underrated, he's one of the best guitarists in any progressive metal band I know of, a genre in which a level of virtuosity is nearly a given. He also never seems to force something special into the songs where it doesn't feel necessary , a thing that many skilled guitarists seem to do almost egotistically and end up being distracting during the verses.

That, and Liefvendahl is a badass sounding name. It sounds like an epic war hero name! :worship:
You can't describe his playstyle in words... it's just too amazing!
Johan has influenced me alot and I'm grateful for that :rock:
I love, and absolutely agree with, these:

...the guitar playing in Seventh Wonder is absolutely amazing...I love the melody in the solos...and it is the blend of technical stuff while still emphasising melody that makes Johan (and Seventh Wonder) great...

...I think his abilities are extremely underrated, he's one of the best guitarists in any progressive metal band I know of, a genre in which a level of virtuosity is nearly a given. He also never seems to force something special into the songs where it doesn't feel necessary, a thing that many skilled guitarists seem to do almost egotistically and end up being distracting during the verses...
I am not a musician, so I can not speak very technical, but the rythm that he used are bright.
When you hear a song is wonderful, and when it seems that you have heard the best parts of the song; you are surprise with another wonderful one.

The best of seventh wonder is that each of the musicians who are or have been in the band are brilliant musicians and they have exquisite feeling when they are writing the songs.
Johan's solos are very beautiful, and full of emotion. His fast riffing reminds me of Romeo from Symphony X, but with a fuller tone. The melodies he uses are excellent, especially when he mixes a happier tone with a darker and heaver riffs. It complements Tommy perfectly.
Now I'm not sure who's idea is it when the guitar isn't playing, but if it's Johan, then wow. I gotta say Seventh Wonder truly knows how to make you feel something when listening.
I realize that these guys have to mix in a lot of sounds, but when I listen closely to the guitar and what he's playing, it makes you appreciate the song that much more. The riffs that are on there are fantastic. His technical ability is there, especially on Destiny Calls. His heavy playing style is so perfect in songs like Banish the Wicked and Hide and Seek.
As a guitarist myself I really appreciate Johan's guitar playing.
Hearing his solo's is only part of the fun; seeing the guy play is where the real fun starts.
He has a very accurate right hand technique, which a lot of professional guitarist would die for.
His rythmic and well chosen melodic playing make it all a lot of fun to hear, but especially see.
Believe me, what he pulls of live is hard and he does it with a lot of grace.
Apart from his solo's, he plays a lot of crazy riffs which remain in the background. Again, you notice it when you see him playing live.

There is only one thing in my humble opinion that I would change: the solo guitar sound.
I'm a big fan of Petrucci's Mark CII+/Mark IV sound with the lush delay to make it a wall of sound.
I believe Johan uses the rectifier, which is dialed a little harsh to my taste during solo's. Nothing wrong with his rythm sound though.