In The Woods...

"A return to isle of men" contains the five songs of the "Isle of men" demo and 2 extra songs,which actually are "HEart of the age" (more primature/pre-produced version of the album version) and "...And all this...(child of universal tongue)" which is a very different version of Child of universal tongue....
The "a return to the isle of men" CD was released by Hammerheart back in 1996(???maybe `1997-i don't recall) and rereleased again last it's easy to find
Originally posted by Melancholia
"A return to isle of men" contains the five songs of the "Isle of men" demo and 2 extra songs,which actually are "HEart of the age" (more primature/pre-produced version of the album version) and "...And all this...(child of universal tongue)" which is a very different version of Child of universal tongue....
The "a return to the isle of men" CD was released by Hammerheart back in 1996(???maybe `1997-i don't recall) and rereleased again last it's easy to find

Actually I don't understand why they split up - I mean they are doing music in Green Carnation one of the Botteris is having a solo-project etc. etc. So why don't they still concentrate on ITW?
Originally posted by Medion
Actually I don't understand why they split up - I mean they are doing music in Green Carnation one of the Botteris is having a solo-project etc. etc. So why don't they still concentrate on ITW?

I wish they would! I love that band! perhaps we should make a petition:grin:
The Magic of In the Woods... is that all their albums are the best ones; every each1 of them is special in its own way.

There are those strange days when I feel Stereo is the most complex/wonderful/strangest album ever.....

...But perhaps I'm generally more worried than married;)