In this thread we all talk about our thoughts, dreams etc...


Nov 1, 2004
There's probably been loads of these done before all over the place but hey :loco:

So, at this moment my friends asking me for advice because he doesn't know what to do about these 2 girls, meh. Girls are always causing trouble imo.

Currently listening to Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness and thinking about picking up my acoustic and playing something.

Also wondering what people think about the US election (no OMGZ WE'RE GOING TO DIE replies ta).
5 bonus points to Chris for linking my Dreamthread ;)

IOS - Sorry to hear about the orange penis incident. Ask your local pharmacist if there's a cream or a shampoo or something for Penisus Orangus.
The.Donut said:
So, at this moment my friends asking me for advice because he doesn't know what to do about these 2 girls, meh. Girls are always causing trouble imo.

Currently listening to Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness and thinking about picking up my acoustic and playing something.

1. Yes, girls are causing trouble, always :p
2. Green Carnation! I saw them live last year (and this year too :D )
BasilisK 3 7 77 said:
IOS - Sorry to hear about the orange penis incident. Ask your local pharmacist if there's a cream or a shampoo or something for Penisus Orangus.
actually i went yesterday, she told me what it really was so i felt a bit embarresed, but that's ok cause she got it off me if you know what i mean ;)
My hope right now is to stop being so damn lazy and start going back to school regularly because I am never in the mood to attend all my classes,I always skip at least one.
i think i will fail my stupid russian history class as i haven't done any work on my final paper and i'm not inspired
manuelgv said:
My hope right now is to stop being so damn lazy and start going back to school regularly because I am never in the mood to attend all my classes,I always skip at least one.

If this is the case, then you never will stop being so lazy because you lack the self-motivation to actually do something about it. Hoping will get you nowhere.

Right now, my continuing hope and dream is to get out of this country and move to Japan ASAP now that George Bush has been re-elected.

I gotta agree with the headline of the UK's Daily Mirror: "HOW CAN 59,054,087 PEOPLE BE SO STUPID?"

My other hope is that we'll get to see the riots that will probably occur at the Inauguration televised when Bush is sworn in again. Remember, 80.2% of Washington D.C. voted against you think 9/11 might have anything to do with that?
My dream is to be well and healthy someday and be able to forget the past, to have a job that i like, and to be happy with my boyfriend forever. I just want to have a normal life and be happy, that's enough for me. Of course i wouldn't mind winning the lottery though :p Also i want the people i care about to be happy. I want my sister's cancer to fuck off, and i want my other sister to be able to have children someday. And i want her and her husband to stay together forever and live a happy long life.

I want to stay close with my friends, and i hope that Juha will never drift away from me more than he already has. I hope that we'll always stay friends, and that he realises that i wouldn't be what i am if he hadn't taught me to be like this.

I want to have a nice apartment/house and lots of adorable pets, and maybe i'll even marry my best-boyfriend-in-the-world someday.
And i want Limppu to live forever :cry:
I have so many dreams and thoughts and I may discuss them.

Here's one:

I wish that there is a room filled with idiots that doesn't move, talk, stare, fight back, or die and all they do is get hurt and suffer pain. I will have the ability to have all the moves, so I could beat the crap outta them. :Smokedev: I would love to shovel a stick up someone's ass and comes out from his mouth. :devil:.

See ya later with other dreams and thoughts
still going on about her freind aren't ya?

well i have dreams, is to just be happy, have a good job, freinds, family that actually keeps in touch with me, being healthy and sick free for once, but yet non of these have happened yet, i better stop there before i get to personal =/

but on the bright side of things, my cat came back home :headbang:
I read about a 21 year old castor activist who was killed yesterday. He had chained himself to the rails and the train ran over him, cutting his legs off. He bled to death while paramedics tried to revive him.. I had a dream about a hospital in which people got their legs taken off.. one of them did it himself, with a huge chainsaw... ugh :yuk:
I have very weird dreams sometimes... Im glad I dont remember them much :erk:
IconOfSin said:
still going on about her freind aren't ya?

Of course :tickled:

IconOfSin said:
well i have dreams, is to just be happy, have a good job, freinds, family that actually keeps in touch with me, being healthy and sick free for once, but yet non of these have happened yet, i better stop there before i get to personal =/

but on the bright side of things, my cat came back home :headbang:

Exactly the same here, with emphasis on the healthy and sick free part, not so much on the family part.
Northern Viking said:
I read about a 21 year old castor activist who was killed yesterday. He had chained himself to the rails and the train ran over him, cutting his legs off. He bled to death while paramedics tried to revive him.. I had a dream about a hospital in which people got their legs taken off.. one of them did it himself, with a huge chainsaw... ugh
I have very weird dreams sometimes... Im glad I dont remember them much
yea it is very rare for me to remember dreams but when i do they turn out like something almost liek that :erk:

BasilisK 3 7 77 said:
Of course :tickled:
though i don't blame you
btw were there more pics of i her i missed during my absence? haha

BasilisK 3 7 77 said:
Exactly the same here, with emphasis on the healthy and sick free part, not so much on the family part
well then i guess you know where i'm somewhat comming from then :cool: