
Freddy Krueger said:
Oh wait, they like TJR... Like every other metalhead in existance. Yay.
You know, for some fuck that boasts his ability to spot other "stupid people's" repetetiveness, you sure mention our love for TJR as a negative aspect an awful lot.

Retard. Oh, and by the way... it's existence.

And let me just mention a couple of things to you people. Soilwork and In Flames might well think it aggravating that their fans don't appreciate what they are doing. I understand the argument "they can do what they like with their own careers". But these bands, including our friend Freddy, should understand that they are releasing sub-par music in comparison to the rest of the albeit "METAL" world.

I don't only listen to TJR. I was first introduced to the band via the album Whoracle, and I loved it. Colony, in my mind, although less "brootal", is one clusterfuck of an album. That's why a number of reviewers hailed it upon it's release as being truly spell-binding.

Clayman. Again, some people gave In Flames a lot of shit for this release. Again, I think it is an astounding album. Again, reviewers loved it. The same goes for Soilwork's NBC.

Notice that when both bands release what the majority of people consider rubbish, the reviewers follow suit. Not because they are "band-wagon" In Flames and Soilwork haters (as you would have us believe we are), but because they share the opinions most metal-heads have.

You guys are left behind defending a band. Nothing more. I don't think you people have a leg to stand on. Now for my opinion, I liked R2R for what it was worth, but now when I listen to it, it tends to drag a little. I can still enjoy it, sure. But there's little point when I have albums released 5 years ago that I can still enjoy to their full potential to this the day.

FNF and R2R literally have nothing going for them any more. And yet there are bands that continue to write inspired and fucking great albums now, so it's not as though the metal scene is stagnating. I honestly think that it's rarely been so strong. I await this release, but I can't say recent posts have made me hold my breath for the supposed "return to form".

Oh, and I should also point out the reaction Dark Tranquillity fans and reviewers had when they went from the rather tepid Haven back to their heavier roots with Damage Done. You can't deny that the reactions were beyond positive, so grow the fuck up when it comes to bashing us for not liking what appears to be boring and less than standard song-writing.
Freddy Krueger said:
Why listen to Skyfire when you can listen to Kalmah?
Hrm, maybe because besides the fact that both bands have keyboards (*OMFGSDLFJ!!11), that they sound nothing alike and are equally fucking amazing bands?

Than again its obvious you know how to make sweeping generalizations captain...
I know you read it. I know you read it ten times over, suffering from the vague possibility that you might be able to think up a sufficiently witty ripost. (that's ripost, dumbfuck... not re-post)

Unfortunately, I own3d you from the first sentence. It just got worse from there.

I also have to point out this. Alot of the "You only want Jester Race part II" claims are ludicrous. What we, the metal In Flames not cryboy Jonathan Davis led In Flames, fans want is evolution but not to mallcore. Dark Tranquillity right now makes In Flames look like it's little bitch. THAT band has had evolution, look at thier albums and sound. Skydancer and The Gallery sound NOTHING like Projector, which sounds remarkable different than Damage Done but yet they never mallcored out to where I can imaginie Mikael Stanne in 80 pocketed cargo pants, with dreadlocks jumping up and down going, "yo yo yo fucking fuck fuck motherfuck waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh" like the picture I have of Anders in my head everytime I listen to the Quiet Place. Remember that, not everyone wants Jester Race 2, what we want is real musical growth and maturity, not regression into 13 year old angst.

Daybreaker said:
What we, the metal In Flames not cryboy Jonathan Davis led In Flames, fans want is evolution but not to mallcore.
it's not going to happen, people were too hysterical with R2R, didn´t happen there( well just a few awkward moments but I like most of them) it was 90% metal and In flames and I expect it to be so with STYE


I finally got "The Quiet Place"
I must admit that I was dissapointed on my first hearing, I love "Reroute To Remain" but wtf is up with the quiet place...the electronics are executed nicely as I expected but I'm not too fond of the riffs...and Anders singing is really good though, more on the trail of passenger...This is about my fifth listen to the song as I write this and I'm just dissapointed by the guitar work, everything else is ok and well maybe the drumming coulda have been more technical....I guess it just needs time to grow on me as passenger did.

DoReMi, don't you forget one thing? You see, Dark Tranquillity did change their music, and after that they "returned to the roots". Even if the didn't change so much. So, everyone hailed them for Damage Done, but if they were releasing the same album every time, would their fans and reviewers notice anything? No. They would bash them for doing the same thing over and over again. And if now IF do something like TJR everyone would say "hey, this is great". Got my point? You have to lose something to see how much you've really liked it.

Oh, I've got one more thing to tell you. Bands don't evolve. They change. There is a difference. As we all know, not all changes are for good...
The part that all you "Hardcore Metal-Heads" are missing is that In Flames aren't making the music like "The Quiet Place" in order to appeal to "hot topic whores" or "mall-core kids".......they didn't sit down and say "Ok, well I want it to sound more like this instead of this..." - that's what a terrible musician and a terrible song-writer does. They sat down and wrote music naturally and it is an extension of them...that's what a good songwriter does. However, most of you are probably in no way musically talented and probably don't know a thing about music outside the hundred of bands you folow.

Don't get me wrong - I'm a HUGE fucking metal head...I keep up with the scene more than most people...however, I fucking hate it when other metal heads think a band has to be heavy as hell, and has to stay true to their Death Metal/Black Metal/Trash/"insert genre" roots.......fucking sickening.

The reason I enjoy the new In Flames stuff is because I am open minded and enjoy it for the emotion, feeling, and atmosphere it has...and I love Jester Race because of it's melody, lyrical content, and unique overall sound. I like Colony because of it's incredible combination of aggression and emotion...I like Clayman because of it's TIGHT fucking sound, and for the fantastically cathartic lyrical content. I like Lunar Strain for the originallity it had...I like Whoracle for the heaviness and vocal power. I like Reroute To Remain for it's great expression of anger, and raw heaviness.

No two albums of their's offer the same thing...get the fuck over it. Enjoy music you like, and appreciate it for what it's worth. If you're too fucking worried about them staying "tr00" to their "br00tal" genres, then go listen to another band and don't make a single fucking comment...opinion is one thing, but such non-constructive negativity is absolutely useless, and I think I speak for several people when I say that I don't care what you have to say.
Bozz said:
The part that all you "Hardcore Metal-Heads" are missing is that In Flames aren't making the music like "The Quiet Place" in order to appeal to "hot topic whores" or "mall-core kids".......they didn't sit down and say "Ok, well I want it to sound more like this instead of this..." - that's what a terrible musician and a terrible song-writer does. They sat down and wrote music naturally and it is an extension of them...that's what a good songwriter does. However, most of you are probably in no way musically talented and probably don't know a thing about music outside the hundred of bands you folow.

Don't get me wrong - I'm a HUGE fucking metal head...I keep up with the scene more than most people...however, I fucking hate it when other metal heads think a band has to be heavy as hell, and has to stay true to their Death Metal/Black Metal/Trash/"insert genre" roots.......fucking sickening.

The reason I enjoy the new In Flames stuff is because I am open minded and enjoy it for the emotion, feeling, and atmosphere it has...and I love Jester Race because of it's melody, lyrical content, and unique overall sound. I like Colony because of it's incredible combination of aggression and emotion...I like Clayman because of it's TIGHT fucking sound, and for the fantastically cathartic lyrical content. I like Lunar Strain for the originallity it had...I like Whoracle for the heaviness and vocal power. I like Reroute To Remain for it's great expression of anger, and raw heaviness.

No two albums of their's offer the same thing...get the fuck over it. Enjoy music you like, and appreciate it for what it's worth. If you're too fucking worried about them staying "tr00" to their "br00tal" genres, then go listen to another band and don't make a single fucking comment...opinion is one thing, but such non-constructive negativity is absolutely useless, and I think I speak for several people when I say that I don't care what you have to say.
or maybe some people just actually really hate it.
Anytime someone tries to make a point about why they dont like it everyone jumps on them with "OMFG! WHO CARES IF THEY DONT DO GUITAR ORIENTED MUSIC ANYMORE! ANDERS IS MORE POWERFUL VOCALLY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!11". The people who dont like it are getting attacked more than people who actually like it.