So just because they didn't mean to write such bad music and did it with good intentions means it is good music? Fuck no. Old adage: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Also the 'you probably don't know a thing about music' and couldn't play this yourself card is fucking irrelevant. If I compare 98% of the other bands I listen to to The Quiet Place the inconsistancies in quality are mind-bogglingly obvious, no matter what my own musical abilites are. You just can't handle the fact that other people have honest opinions you don't agree with.
Whether or not it's good music is matter of opinion. NOWHERE in my post did I say "This is good music no matter what you say!". I made it PERFECTLY clear that all of what I said was opinionated. Just the same, I didn't say "All of you who hate their new music are WRONG!"...I simply put down those comments of negativity that included little subjectivity in their intentions. In Flames wrote the music with the intention to please least, that's what they said, and if they're going to openly say it, it might as well be accepted as true more so than your inclination to believe otherwise no matter what.
My comment concerning not knowing what one is talking about concerning music has NOTHING to do with me being a musician. I did not once say "My musical opinions are worth so much more than yours". Nor did I say anything such as "It takes a musician to REALLY understand what real music is". I was simply saying that those people who love to generalize music and put it into categories should not give their opinion on music because their mentallity always involves hostility and negativity.
Once again, I will say this - I like The Quiet Place. I'm not saying "It's awesome music so shut the fuck up." if somebody says "I don't like it, I think it's pretty awful"...that's fine, but don't attack the possibility that others like it. YOU, my dull minded friend, have done NOTHING but say how much their new music sucks. That's your opinion, so don't state it as a fact, or you just come off as a complete fucking moron.
Listen, dumbass, The Quiet Place is just as heavy as the old stuff, crunchy, heavy guitars are present. However, heaviness does not quality make at all. I listen to crap-loads of non-metal bands too which crush new In Flames when it comes to goodness. The problem stems from the fact that they have eradicted
First of all, I have no idea who the fuck you are, so don't call me a dumb ass. Leave your childishness at the door. I never said that heaviness was quality...listen to Cannibal Corpse or other such bands. Lots of heaviness, but 10 times as much incoherent noise. I agree that there is tons of music that blows new In Flames out of the water. I in no way tried to make a point that their new music was the greatest thing ever just because it's In Flames...I said in an earlier post that I (a huge In Flames fan) am somewhat dissappointed by the new stuff. I still like it, but it is NOT something that completely satisfies me. However, you make several ridiculous assumptions, yet you managed to pass up the facts....doesn't say much for you, pal.
#1. 90% of the awesome guitar melodies in place of pointless chugging, it sounds as heavy but definately NOT as interesting. Any nu-metal idiot can chug for 5 minutes, even on RtR they retained some of their trademark guitar melodies (though lack of solos was annoying), now it's just pointless chug with a meager, simple lead everynow and then. It isn't up to scratch at all
I 100% agree, although there is a distinct difference between RTR/TQP and all other nu-metal...all other nu-metal goes for a specific sound/mix...In Flames is far from that. And their rhythm styles are COMPLETELY different. One thing about nu-metal is the skill-less rhythm style...even Mudvayne has not yet adopted this style, but I would still say they are much closer to Nu-metal than In Flames.
In Flames was definately completely better back in the of the things that turned me onto them at first was their fantastic harmonies and melodies.....and therefore, I like the new music for completely different reasons. Which is why I broke it down for you...but still, you had to be an ignorant fuck and attack my OPINION (clearly state as an opinion and nothing else) and tell me (in so many words) that I am wrong. Good call.
#2. Thoughtful lyrics that are interesting to read, and are expressing something worth thinking about (hell TJR, Whoracle and Colony had some amazing lyrical themes and ideas, Clayman was a step back and RtR just sucked lyrically, Quiet Place rims complete ass in this department)
Old In Flames had interesting and thoughtful lyrics, I agree. However, Anders didn't write all of fact, on Jester Race, he didn't write any of it. He only wrote some of it on Whoracle. I adore both of those albums for their lyrical content...however, on Colony, Anders started writing more of the lyrics and I happen to like that album the best. Whether or not you like everything from there on is a matter of opinion, so don't state it as a's as simple as that. You have a problem with that.
#3. Good vocals. Shit man, focusing on Ander's vocals over guitars? What the fuck are they thinking!? ANDERS CANNOT SING! I can sing heaps better than he can, because he fucking sucks ass!!! I'm serious. Me > him. His growl is incredibly weak too, years of growling and touring have completely fucked his vocal chords and he should throw in the towel. Crap, hearing them live I feel embarrassed for the band that Anders voice is this desperate, aggravating squeak, and his clean vocals are him gasping for enough air to make this lame out-of-tune whine. He used to have some power in his voice, Clayman was the start of a downhill slide. GET A NEW VOCALIST GUYS.
The difference is, Anders has a certain Uniqueness about him. If somebody hears him, they can immediately say "Oh, that's Anders" or "Oh, that's In Flames"...any musician would rather be noticed than labeled. To be recognized as something unique is a much bigger compliment than being recognized as something technically incredible. Once again - whether or not you enjoy his vocals is a matter of your own need to stop the fucking attacks, because In Flames is not going to consider your comments. I prefer his vocals from the Whoracle days...but, his ability on songs like Watch Them Feed (the chorus) makes him more than worth while, and therefore, I look up to him...
#4. Anything other than a traditional song structure. Intro verse chorus verse chorus bridge verse chorus end. Lame.
You enjoy it from where I'm viewing your opinion because you want to be able to say that you are open-minded. Well done. Please justify otherwise and I'll try to believe you.
No, you ignorant fuck...I like the new stuff because there is emotion in it, and there is feeling and atmosphere in it. There is - that's why I like it. Those are the elements that the music contains...not something that I made up in order to believe that I'm open-minded. There's simply no reason for me to take time out of my day, get onto this message board, and bullshit with lies like a 9th grader. You are NOT better than me or anyone else, so make an argument, not a half-assed reason to make an attempt at looking cool.
Agreed on all points except for Clayman's lyrics.
The simple fact that Anders went through some really hard times and turned them into very artistic lyrics is the reason why Clayman's lyrics are cathartic.....that is not a matter of opinion. He released his feelings through lyrics...enough said. If you don't like the lyrics, that is perfectly fine, but just say that.
Heh, 'raw heaviness'. Chugginess may make a band sound heavier, but like I said earlier, heaviness is largely irrelevant when it comes to quality. I'd rather have the subtlety of their older guitar melodies than completely bone-headed heavy chugging.
Well, that's good...............RTR still has a raw heaviness to it. That's my way of describing it...and that's also why I enjoy it. I don't care one small fucking bit why you do or don't like it. I don't listen to music through your mind, so stop with this useless attacking of my opinions and build a sand castle, or something equally useful.
Yeah, TJR, Whoracle and Colony offer pure awesomeness. Clayman offers averageness. RtR offers mediocrity, and Quiet Place offers pure shit. I appreciate each for what they are worth, and the latter are worth nothing.
I won't repeat myself're starting to get repetitive, so I won't bring myself to that level.
That's good and well, but people are complaining about The Quiet Place because it SUCKS MUSICALLY. Not because it isn't br00tal. Br00tality can suck my ass, if the quality isn't there that won't save them. In Flames used to make many comments on many things with their themed lyrical content, talking about hypocrisy, greed, powerlessness, evolution, so many things. Now they go on about nothing particularly interesting.
You don't think there's quality to the music, so there obviously DEFINATELY isn't any quality to it...why am I even wasting my time listening to it? Wow - thank you so much Jesus-Like-Man!
Opinion is one thing, but such non-constructively blind praising is tantamount to fanboyism. Get over yourself to the extent that you can deal with the honest opinions of others that are fucked off one of their favourite bands now suck copious amounts of asscrack. You are allowed to like it, please afford others the courtesy of allowing them to hate it. Thanks.
...and what better way to end this useless rambling than with this comment. Blind-praising? So, in reality, new In Flames actually is terrible (because you say so) and the only reason I say I like it is because I want to believe it's good...Do us a favor and join a cult that ultimately will convince you to kill yourself.
Thank you for allowing me to like it, really...but, I also will not thank you for attacking my opinions throughout your entire post. Music is music, it is not a religion. Get the fuck over it. I love arguments and I love debate, but everything you just presented is nothing but repetitive boring. I can't even return the kindness...