
I've come to the conclusion that I like The Quiet Place, kinda how I like Cloud Connected. In a really catchy and experimental way. On the other hand I havne't listen to Borders and Shading or Touch of Red since the day after they were released. Both songs bore me to death, obviousl Touch of Red quite a bit more than BaS
Bozz said:
The part that all you "Hardcore Metal-Heads" are missing is that In Flames aren't making the music like "The Quiet Place" in order to appeal to "hot topic whores" or "mall-core kids".......they didn't sit down and say "Ok, well I want it to sound more like this instead of this..." - that's what a terrible musician and a terrible song-writer does. They sat down and wrote music naturally and it is an extension of them...that's what a good songwriter does. However, most of you are probably in no way musically talented and probably don't know a thing about music outside the hundred of bands you folow.

So just because they didn't mean to write such bad music and did it with good intentions means it is good music? Fuck no. Old adage: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Also the 'you probably don't know a thing about music' and couldn't play this yourself card is fucking irrelevant. If I compare 98% of the other bands I listen to to The Quiet Place the inconsistancies in quality are mind-bogglingly obvious, no matter what my own musical abilites are. You just can't handle the fact that other people have honest opinions you don't agree with.

Don't get me wrong - I'm a HUGE fucking metal head...I keep up with the scene more than most people...however, I fucking hate it when other metal heads think a band has to be heavy as hell, and has to stay true to their Death Metal/Black Metal/Trash/"insert genre" roots.......fucking sickening.

Listen, dumbass, The Quiet Place is just as heavy as the old stuff, crunchy, heavy guitars are present. However, heaviness does not quality make at all. I listen to crap-loads of non-metal bands too which crush new In Flames when it comes to goodness. The problem stems from the fact that they have eradicted:

#1. 90% of the awesome guitar melodies in place of pointless chugging, it sounds as heavy but definately NOT as interesting. Any nu-metal idiot can chug for 5 minutes, even on RtR they retained some of their trademark guitar melodies (though lack of solos was annoying), now it's just pointless chug with a meager, simple lead everynow and then. It isn't up to scratch at all.

#2. Thoughtful lyrics that are interesting to read, and are expressing something worth thinking about (hell TJR, Whoracle and Colony had some amazing lyrical themes and ideas, Clayman was a step back and RtR just sucked lyrically, Quiet Place rims complete ass in this department)

#3. Good vocals. Shit man, focusing on Ander's vocals over guitars? What the fuck are they thinking!? ANDERS CANNOT SING! I can sing heaps better than he can, because he fucking sucks ass!!! I'm serious. Me > him. His growl is incredibly weak too, years of growling and touring have completely fucked his vocal chords and he should throw in the towel. Crap, hearing them live I feel embarrassed for the band that Anders voice is this desperate, aggravating squeak, and his clean vocals are him gasping for enough air to make this lame out-of-tune whine. He used to have some power in his voice, Clayman was the start of a downhill slide. GET A NEW VOCALIST GUYS.

#4. Anything other than a traditional song structure. Intro verse chorus verse chorus bridge verse chorus end. Lame.

The reason I enjoy the new In Flames stuff is because I am open minded and enjoy it for the emotion, feeling, and atmosphere it has...

You enjoy it from where I'm viewing your opinion because you want to be able to say that you are open-minded. Well done. Please justify otherwise and I'll try to believe you.

and I love Jester Race because of it's melody, lyrical content, and unique overall sound. I like Colony because of it's incredible combination of aggression and emotion...I like Clayman because of it's TIGHT fucking sound, and for the fantastically cathartic lyrical content. I like Lunar Strain for the originallity it had...I like Whoracle for the heaviness and vocal power.

Agreed on all points except for Clayman's lyrics.

I like Reroute To Remain for it's great expression of anger, and raw heaviness.

Heh, 'raw heaviness'. Chugginess may make a band sound heavier, but like I said earlier, heaviness is largely irrelevant when it comes to quality. I'd rather have the subtlety of their older guitar melodies than completely bone-headed heavy chugging.

No two albums of their's offer the same thing...get the fuck over it. Enjoy music you like, and appreciate it for what it's worth. [/QUOTE
Yeah, TJR, Whoracle and Colony offer pure awesomeness. Clayman offers averageness. RtR offers mediocrity, and Quiet Place offers pure shit. I appreciate each for what they are worth, and the latter are worth nothing.

If you're too fucking worried about them staying "tr00" to their "br00tal" genres, then go listen to another band and don't make a single fucking comment...

That's good and well, but people are complaining about The Quiet Place because it SUCKS MUSICALLY. Not because it isn't br00tal. Br00tality can suck my ass, if the quality isn't there that won't save them. In Flames used to make many comments on many things with their themed lyrical content, talking about hypocrisy, greed, powerlessness, evolution, so many things. Now they go on about nothing particularly interesting.

opinion is one thing, but such non-constructive negativity is absolutely useless, and I think I speak for several people when I say that I don't care what you have to say.

Opinion is one thing, but such non-constructively blind praising is tantamount to fanboyism. Get over yourself to the extent that you can deal with the honest opinions of others that are fucked off one of their favourite bands now suck copious amounts of asscrack. You are allowed to like it, please afford others the courtesy of allowing them to hate it. Thanks.
Bozz said:
The part that all you "Hardcore Metal-Heads" are missing is that In Flames aren't making the music like "The Quiet Place" in order to appeal to "hot topic whores" or "mall-core kids".......they didn't sit down and say "Ok, well I want it to sound more like this instead of this..." - that's what a terrible musician and a terrible song-writer does. They sat down and wrote music naturally and it is an extension of them...that's what a good songwriter does. However, most of you are probably in no way musically talented and probably don't know a thing about music outside the hundred of bands you folow.
Static said:
So just because they didn't mean to write such bad music and did it with good intentions means it is good music? Fuck no. Old adage: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Also the 'you probably don't know a thing about music' and couldn't play this yourself card is fucking irrelevant. If I compare 98% of the other bands I listen to to The Quiet Place the inconsistancies in quality are mind-bogglingly obvious, no matter what my own musical abilites are. You just can't handle the fact that other people have honest opinions you don't agree with.
whoa whoa hold on.... a lot of hostililty here, i just gotta play the referee for a minute and say that these 2 paragraphs are arguing 2 different things here.... I think Bozz was trying to argue against all the people that are saying, "oh they are doing this just to appeal to the mallcore fag crowd" or something retarded like that, not that you all have to like the music or agree with him on it. just wanted to kinda clear that up if thats okay...
Hmm, yeah but how does he know what In Flames were thinking when they wrote the music? What if they WERE thinking that? Just came off as a pretty flimsy excuse for the band to me. No matter what they were thinking I'm pretty disappointed. I did have a problem with 'However, most of you are probably in no way musically talented and probably don't know a thing about music outside the hundred of bands you folow' because it's a fucking dumb comment. It's really low of him to assume that because people are disagreeing with him they don't know anything about music. :)
:worship: A-fucking-men to Static :worship:

In the end its all about subjectivity and people can feel about the music how they want. But people also have to realize that with these opinions comes reasons for them. People all have reasons for liking or disliking TQP. When someone sais it fucking sucks, maybe they think it fucking sucks. So much argueing over shit that people dont need to argue over...
Static said:
Hmm, yeah but how does he know what In Flames were thinking when they wrote the music? What if they WERE thinking that? Just came off as a pretty flimsy excuse for the band to me. No matter what they were thinking I'm pretty disappointed. I did have a problem with 'However, most of you are probably in no way musically talented and probably don't know a thing about music outside the hundred of bands you folow' because it's a fucking dumb comment. It's really low of him to assume that because people are disagreeing with him they don't know anything about music. :)
I think he made such a comment because he plays an instrument, and as such... well, you get the rest.

That's my take on things.
Static said:
Hmm, yeah but how does he know what In Flames were thinking when they wrote the music? What if they WERE thinking that? Just came off as a pretty flimsy excuse for the band to me. No matter what they were thinking I'm pretty disappointed. I did have a problem with 'However, most of you are probably in no way musically talented and probably don't know a thing about music outside the hundred of bands you folow' because it's a fucking dumb comment. It's really low of him to assume that because people are disagreeing with him they don't know anything about music. :)
im just saying it really pisses me off when people are always commenting about all those "mallcore fags" etc...., IF are a "mallcore nu-metal gay band now"..... blah blah blah.... when people state that, i don't really consider that their opinion, its just typical total tr00 metalhead bullshit stereotyping.....
So just because they didn't mean to write such bad music and did it with good intentions means it is good music? Fuck no. Old adage: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Also the 'you probably don't know a thing about music' and couldn't play this yourself card is fucking irrelevant. If I compare 98% of the other bands I listen to to The Quiet Place the inconsistancies in quality are mind-bogglingly obvious, no matter what my own musical abilites are. You just can't handle the fact that other people have honest opinions you don't agree with.

Whether or not it's good music is matter of opinion. NOWHERE in my post did I say "This is good music no matter what you say!". I made it PERFECTLY clear that all of what I said was opinionated. Just the same, I didn't say "All of you who hate their new music are WRONG!"...I simply put down those comments of negativity that included little subjectivity in their intentions. In Flames wrote the music with the intention to please least, that's what they said, and if they're going to openly say it, it might as well be accepted as true more so than your inclination to believe otherwise no matter what.

My comment concerning not knowing what one is talking about concerning music has NOTHING to do with me being a musician. I did not once say "My musical opinions are worth so much more than yours". Nor did I say anything such as "It takes a musician to REALLY understand what real music is". I was simply saying that those people who love to generalize music and put it into categories should not give their opinion on music because their mentallity always involves hostility and negativity.

Once again, I will say this - I like The Quiet Place. I'm not saying "It's awesome music so shut the fuck up." if somebody says "I don't like it, I think it's pretty awful"...that's fine, but don't attack the possibility that others like it. YOU, my dull minded friend, have done NOTHING but say how much their new music sucks. That's your opinion, so don't state it as a fact, or you just come off as a complete fucking moron.

Listen, dumbass, The Quiet Place is just as heavy as the old stuff, crunchy, heavy guitars are present. However, heaviness does not quality make at all. I listen to crap-loads of non-metal bands too which crush new In Flames when it comes to goodness. The problem stems from the fact that they have eradicted

First of all, I have no idea who the fuck you are, so don't call me a dumb ass. Leave your childishness at the door. I never said that heaviness was quality...listen to Cannibal Corpse or other such bands. Lots of heaviness, but 10 times as much incoherent noise. I agree that there is tons of music that blows new In Flames out of the water. I in no way tried to make a point that their new music was the greatest thing ever just because it's In Flames...I said in an earlier post that I (a huge In Flames fan) am somewhat dissappointed by the new stuff. I still like it, but it is NOT something that completely satisfies me. However, you make several ridiculous assumptions, yet you managed to pass up the facts....doesn't say much for you, pal.

#1. 90% of the awesome guitar melodies in place of pointless chugging, it sounds as heavy but definately NOT as interesting. Any nu-metal idiot can chug for 5 minutes, even on RtR they retained some of their trademark guitar melodies (though lack of solos was annoying), now it's just pointless chug with a meager, simple lead everynow and then. It isn't up to scratch at all

I 100% agree, although there is a distinct difference between RTR/TQP and all other nu-metal...all other nu-metal goes for a specific sound/mix...In Flames is far from that. And their rhythm styles are COMPLETELY different. One thing about nu-metal is the skill-less rhythm style...even Mudvayne has not yet adopted this style, but I would still say they are much closer to Nu-metal than In Flames.

In Flames was definately completely better back in the of the things that turned me onto them at first was their fantastic harmonies and melodies.....and therefore, I like the new music for completely different reasons. Which is why I broke it down for you...but still, you had to be an ignorant fuck and attack my OPINION (clearly state as an opinion and nothing else) and tell me (in so many words) that I am wrong. Good call.

#2. Thoughtful lyrics that are interesting to read, and are expressing something worth thinking about (hell TJR, Whoracle and Colony had some amazing lyrical themes and ideas, Clayman was a step back and RtR just sucked lyrically, Quiet Place rims complete ass in this department)

Old In Flames had interesting and thoughtful lyrics, I agree. However, Anders didn't write all of fact, on Jester Race, he didn't write any of it. He only wrote some of it on Whoracle. I adore both of those albums for their lyrical content...however, on Colony, Anders started writing more of the lyrics and I happen to like that album the best. Whether or not you like everything from there on is a matter of opinion, so don't state it as a's as simple as that. You have a problem with that.

#3. Good vocals. Shit man, focusing on Ander's vocals over guitars? What the fuck are they thinking!? ANDERS CANNOT SING! I can sing heaps better than he can, because he fucking sucks ass!!! I'm serious. Me > him. His growl is incredibly weak too, years of growling and touring have completely fucked his vocal chords and he should throw in the towel. Crap, hearing them live I feel embarrassed for the band that Anders voice is this desperate, aggravating squeak, and his clean vocals are him gasping for enough air to make this lame out-of-tune whine. He used to have some power in his voice, Clayman was the start of a downhill slide. GET A NEW VOCALIST GUYS.

The difference is, Anders has a certain Uniqueness about him. If somebody hears him, they can immediately say "Oh, that's Anders" or "Oh, that's In Flames"...any musician would rather be noticed than labeled. To be recognized as something unique is a much bigger compliment than being recognized as something technically incredible. Once again - whether or not you enjoy his vocals is a matter of your own need to stop the fucking attacks, because In Flames is not going to consider your comments. I prefer his vocals from the Whoracle days...but, his ability on songs like Watch Them Feed (the chorus) makes him more than worth while, and therefore, I look up to him...

#4. Anything other than a traditional song structure. Intro verse chorus verse chorus bridge verse chorus end. Lame.


You enjoy it from where I'm viewing your opinion because you want to be able to say that you are open-minded. Well done. Please justify otherwise and I'll try to believe you.

No, you ignorant fuck...I like the new stuff because there is emotion in it, and there is feeling and atmosphere in it. There is - that's why I like it. Those are the elements that the music contains...not something that I made up in order to believe that I'm open-minded. There's simply no reason for me to take time out of my day, get onto this message board, and bullshit with lies like a 9th grader. You are NOT better than me or anyone else, so make an argument, not a half-assed reason to make an attempt at looking cool.

Agreed on all points except for Clayman's lyrics.

The simple fact that Anders went through some really hard times and turned them into very artistic lyrics is the reason why Clayman's lyrics are cathartic.....that is not a matter of opinion. He released his feelings through lyrics...enough said. If you don't like the lyrics, that is perfectly fine, but just say that.

Heh, 'raw heaviness'. Chugginess may make a band sound heavier, but like I said earlier, heaviness is largely irrelevant when it comes to quality. I'd rather have the subtlety of their older guitar melodies than completely bone-headed heavy chugging.

Well, that's good...............RTR still has a raw heaviness to it. That's my way of describing it...and that's also why I enjoy it. I don't care one small fucking bit why you do or don't like it. I don't listen to music through your mind, so stop with this useless attacking of my opinions and build a sand castle, or something equally useful.

Yeah, TJR, Whoracle and Colony offer pure awesomeness. Clayman offers averageness. RtR offers mediocrity, and Quiet Place offers pure shit. I appreciate each for what they are worth, and the latter are worth nothing.

I won't repeat myself're starting to get repetitive, so I won't bring myself to that level.

That's good and well, but people are complaining about The Quiet Place because it SUCKS MUSICALLY. Not because it isn't br00tal. Br00tality can suck my ass, if the quality isn't there that won't save them. In Flames used to make many comments on many things with their themed lyrical content, talking about hypocrisy, greed, powerlessness, evolution, so many things. Now they go on about nothing particularly interesting.

You don't think there's quality to the music, so there obviously DEFINATELY isn't any quality to it...why am I even wasting my time listening to it? Wow - thank you so much Jesus-Like-Man!

Opinion is one thing, but such non-constructively blind praising is tantamount to fanboyism. Get over yourself to the extent that you can deal with the honest opinions of others that are fucked off one of their favourite bands now suck copious amounts of asscrack. You are allowed to like it, please afford others the courtesy of allowing them to hate it. Thanks.

...and what better way to end this useless rambling than with this comment. Blind-praising? So, in reality, new In Flames actually is terrible (because you say so) and the only reason I say I like it is because I want to believe it's good...Do us a favor and join a cult that ultimately will convince you to kill yourself.

Thank you for allowing me to like it, really...but, I also will not thank you for attacking my opinions throughout your entire post. Music is music, it is not a religion. Get the fuck over it. I love arguments and I love debate, but everything you just presented is nothing but repetitive boring. I can't even return the kindness...
Static said pretty much everything I wanted to say so thanks for that. Just a question though to Vertigo, why do you take someones statement that In Flames have turned into a mallcore band as "typical true shit"? That's an opinion as well that can be backed up with evidence, its not just me pulling shit out of my ass.

WHAT THE FUCK.... is MALLCORE to you people! every fucking day on these boards its Mallcore this and Nu Metal Fags that and gay this and mallcore that....

do me a favor and shut. the. fuck. up with all this mallcore crap. you wanna know why i don't take your "opinions" seriously daybraker?

"They have just regressed now to catering for the Hot Topic crowd that will go, "Hey! I have problems too! My mom only bought me 9 pairs of size 76 cargo pants and they only had 20 zippered pockets, not 25. Man fuck her and her opressive rule. (walks into Hot Topic blasting Korn or Staind or SlipBizkit on his 200 dollar discman. As he enters The Quiet Place is being played over the sound system) Heyyyy what are they playing over the speakers? Sounds intense, sounds like he must like Jonathan Davis and I love those riffs!. Oooohhh my head is my quiet placetoo, where I go to escape the evil tyranny of the world, let me check this out! hooray!"

"I have a feeling the number of people wearing Good Charlotte and Staind shirts will outnumber the ones wearing metal shirts and they (metal dudes) will just be staring with their mouths open in shock as if they walked into the biggest scat porn shoot in history."

"I will not be buying anymore shirts, any more cds, and I'm pissed because I really wanted to see this band live but I know now if I do catch them it will be mallcore fest 2k4 and when I yell "Play something off of Jester Race!" the thirteen year olds with spiky hair and Slippycock shirts next to me will give me blank stares and go, "thats the wrong band man, these guys have only had two albums, geez get your shit right" In Flames are dead to me"

Now i have seen some utterly retarded, stupid, rediculous things and posts on this forum, but these take the cake of stupidity by far. This is exactly the talk of a "tr00 metalhead" who thinks he is so superior to everyone because of his taste in music. It is literally impossible for me to take morons like you seriously.
Just to let you know it is not just the narrowmindedness of a dumb fuck like me who uses terms such as mallcore: from Wacken 2003 review: I've seen IN FLAMES more times than I can count, and after savaging their last album on the pages of last year I'd decided that I didn't need to see them again. However, they were staying at our hotel, and I did talk to Jesper Stromblad at the hotel bar, and their driver did give me a ride to Wacken yesterday, and Ice Maiden and I had been hearing rumors that they were trying to go back to their old sound. So we decided to give them a try. Actually they did reasonably well--up to a point. Anders Frieden at least wasn't wearing a tie or a boiler suit, and it seemed they were at least trying to tone down some of the mallcore-ish elements of their performance, perhaps aware that a lot of the Wacken fans haven't been happy with their new direction. But then Anders lowered the boom. He said to the audience--and I quote, his exact words--"Jump da fuck up!" At that moment my relationship with In Flames ended abruptly. I turned and walked away from the stage and headed toward the Party Stage, not caring what band was playing there. Here's a note to any members of metal bands who hope to play at Wacken one day: FOUR WORDS YOU SHOULD NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER SAY TO THE WACKEN CROWD ARE "JUMP DA FUCK UP!" Call me unreasonable, but I can categorically say that, although they are nice guys and have given the world a lot of great metal over the years, I will not be seeing In Flames again live." Another show review: "But especially the vocalist Friden’s new dreadlock hair style looked quite amusing in some points, bringing some obvious mallcore associations to the mind. " "The grotesque dichotomy between the material from “The Lunar Strain” and “The Jester Race,” which filled out most of the middle of their set here, and the “Colony” and “Clayman” material, was painful to behold. I don’t think “Clayman” is a mallcore album and in fact I happened to enjoy it (and still enjoy it) a lot. However, In Flames’ approach to the “Clayman” songs was to make them sound as mallcoreish as possible. The butchery done to “Only For The Weak” (which did include band members jumping straight up and down and imploring the audience to do the same) was, in a word, depressing. "
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Another thing, why do you get so bent out of shape over my posts? You act like you're about to cry and I've deeply offended you personally just by saying that you like and support a shitty band now. I've told many people that I think band so and so sucks and they to me as well but I've never thrown an angry childlike fit over it and neither have they. Get over it.

im simply in awe. no, not because someone said jump the fuck up, but because of the sheer retardedness of the "hero" of that story.

and as for the 2nd post, i get bent out of shape whenever i hear complete bullshit like those previous quotes from you i quoted. now would you like to try and actually respond to some of my posts, rather than posting random crap that goes nowhere?
Bozz said:
Whether or not it's good music is matter of opinion. NOWHERE in my post did I say "This is good music no matter what you say!". I made it PERFECTLY clear that all of what I said was opinionated. Just the same, I didn't say "All of you who hate their new music are WRONG!"...I simply put down those comments of negativity that included little subjectivity in their intentions. In Flames wrote the music with the intention to please least, that's what they said, and if they're going to openly say it, it might as well be accepted as true more so than your inclination to believe otherwise no matter what.
Haha, I had a problem with you assholic holier-than-thou tone, which coloured your post into being completely egotistical. My post was blatantly subjective, so was yours, whoa I'm so suprised. My issue is with the fact that despite their good intentions the music sucks. It's my opinion, sure, but so obvious to me now it makes me feel like it could almost be fact. Not that it IS fact, just incredibly obvious. You keep putting words in my mouth, treating what I said in a way I didn't intend it. PS. You mean 'objectivity'. One should best try and be subjective when giving their opinion. :Smug:

My comment concerning not knowing what one is talking about concerning music has NOTHING to do with me being a musician. I did not once say "My musical opinions are worth so much more than yours". Nor did I say anything such as "It takes a musician to REALLY understand what real music is". I was simply saying that those people who love to generalize music and put it into categories should not give their opinion on music because their mentallity always involves hostility and negativity.
Yes you fucking did. You said that the people who disagree with you know shit-nothing about music. Don't lie to me. Listen to yourself 'people who love to generalize music...always involves hostility and negativity'. What the hell? People who don't agree with you love to generalize music? Dammit man I listen to HEAPS of music, I don't generalize anything, I just know when I hate something and I hate The Quiet Place. Again, your completely egotistical tone fucks you over, anyone who says The Quiet Place sucks is just being hostile, negative and general. BS.

Once again, I will say this - I like The Quiet Place. I'm not saying "It's awesome music so shut the fuck up." if somebody says "I don't like it, I think it's pretty awful"...that's fine, but don't attack the possibility that others like it. YOU, my dull minded friend, have done NOTHING but say how much their new music sucks. That's your opinion, so don't state it as a fact, or you just come off as a complete fucking moron.
If only the music wasn't so damn bad...:lol: When did I state it as fact anyways? If you can't tell by default that it is opinion than you are the dull-minded one. Just because I gave my opinion forcefully does not mean I'm trying to pass it off as fact.

First of all, I have no idea who the fuck you are, so don't call me a dumb ass. Leave your childishness at the door.
What door!? HAHAH! :lol: This is an internet forum, and if I think you look like a dumbass I'll call it as such.

I never said that heaviness was quality...listen to Cannibal Corpse or other such bands. Lots of heaviness, but 10 times as much incoherent noise. I agree that there is tons of music that blows new In Flames out of the water.
Thank you.

in no way tried to make a point that their new music was the greatest thing ever just because it's In Flames...I said in an earlier post th Iat I (a huge In Flames fan) am somewhat dissappointed by the new stuff.
Ok then.

I still like it, but it is NOT something that completely satisfies me. However, you make several ridiculous assumptions, yet you managed to pass up the facts....doesn't say much for you, pal.
Now I'm missing the facts? What facts. Enlighten me.

I 100% agree, although there is a distinct difference between RTR/TQP and all other nu-metal...all other nu-metal goes for a specific sound/mix...In Flames is far from that. And their rhythm styles are COMPLETELY different. One thing about nu-metal is the skill-less rhythm style...even Mudvayne has not yet adopted this style, but I would still say they are much closer to Nu-metal than In Flames.
Mudvayne is less nu-metal than In Flames, and it's fucking sad. You need to listen to more nu-metal if you think In Flames aren't completely nu-metal now, or that they are better than other nu-metal. Shit, 'skill-less rhythm style', go right ahead and tell me that Deftones or System of a Downs' drummers are skill-less. Baseless bullshit.

In Flames was definately completely better back in the of the things that turned me onto them at first was their fantastic harmonies and melodies.....and therefore, I like the new music for completely different reasons. Which is why I broke it down for you...but still, you had to be an ignorant fuck and attack my OPINION (clearly state as an opinion and nothing else) and tell me (in so many words) that I am wrong. Good call.
Thanks for agreeing with me. :)

Old In Flames had interesting and thoughtful lyrics, I agree. However, Anders didn't write all of fact, on Jester Race, he didn't write any of it. He only wrote some of it on Whoracle. I adore both of those albums for their lyrical content...however, on Colony, Anders started writing more of the lyrics and I happen to like that album the best. Whether or not you like everything from there on is a matter of opinion, so don't state it as a's as simple as that. You have a problem with that.
What has that got to do with anything. Who gives a shit whether Anders wrote it or not, all I know is that they got worse.

The difference is, Anders has a certain Uniqueness about him. If somebody hears him, they can immediately say "Oh, that's Anders" or "Oh, that's In Flames"...any musician would rather be noticed than labeled. To be recognized as something unique is a much bigger compliment than being recognized as something technically incredible.
I would notice him as being uniquely sucky.

Once again - whether or not you enjoy his vocals is a matter of your own need to stop the fucking attacks, because In Flames is not going to consider your comments. I prefer his vocals from the Whoracle days...but, his ability on songs like Watch Them Feed (the chorus) makes him more than worth while, and therefore, I look up to him...
'you need to stop the fucking attacks'. :lol: You need to stop the fucking attacks. I don't give a shit whether In Flames hears my comments, aren't I allowed to have my say? Listen, Anders may sound decent here and there, but that's because they are recording in a studio, and even the worst singers (such as Avril Lavigne) can sound alright in a studio. Anders is shit live and he can't sing. Why does he keep trying to then.

No, you ignorant fuck...I like the new stuff because there is emotion in it, and there is feeling and atmosphere in it. There is - that's why I like it. Those are the elements that the music contains...not something that I made up in order to believe that I'm open-minded. There's simply no reason for me to take time out of my day, get onto this message board, and bullshit with lies like a 9th grader. You are NOT better than me or anyone else, so make an argument, not a half-assed reason to make an attempt at looking cool.
Fine you are allowed to like it. LET ME HATE IT. :p I didn't say I am better than you, just that I'm better at expressing my opinion. Why? Cos you are the one that generalizes everyone who doesn't like it as inferior or as 'tr00' 'cliche metalheads' that only like 'br00tal' music. Stop acting like you never made any of these stupid comments. The only things I've been insulting are you and music I don't like, I never said I'm better than everyone here.

The simple fact that Anders went through some really hard times and turned them into very artistic lyrics is the reason why Clayman's lyrics are cathartic.....that is not a matter of opinion. He released his feelings through lyrics...enough said. If you don't like the lyrics, that is perfectly fine, but just say that.
It's ok for him to express his feelings, but if I don't like them as much as the awesome lyrics from the old albums, I'm ALLOWED TO. So shut up.

Well, that's good...............RTR still has a raw heaviness to it. That's my way of describing it...and that's also why I enjoy it. I don't care one small fucking bit why you do or don't like it. I don't listen to music through your mind, so stop with this useless attacking of my opinions and build a sand castle, or something equally useful.
The truth comes out: 'I don't care one small fucking bit why you do or don't like it'. Yeah some fucked open-minded guy you are then. Stop acting like your opinion is more important than mine, the very thing you accuse me of.

I won't repeat myself're starting to get repetitive, so I won't bring myself to that level.
God your post is very repetitious. Where do you come up with this shit. :lol:

You don't think there's quality to the music, so there obviously DEFINATELY isn't any quality to it...why am I even wasting my time listening to it? Wow - thank you so much Jesus-Like-Man!
I'm glad you see the light my son. :)

...and what better way to end this useless rambling than with this comment. Blind-praising? So, in reality, new In Flames actually is terrible (because you say so) and the only reason I say I like it is because I want to believe it's good...Do us a favor and join a cult that ultimately will convince you to kill yourself.

Thank you for allowing me to like it, really...but, I also will not thank you for attacking my opinions throughout your entire post. Music is music, it is not a religion. Get the fuck over it. I love arguments and I love debate, but everything you just presented is nothing but repetitive boring. I can't even return the kindness...
Don't care. :Smug:
Satic - I would respond to your post just as we've been doing, but I realize that there would be no would just come back with another conflict of reasonings and such, and I'm going to care less and less...

Therefore, I don't care. Sure, you're going to be very tempted to say something (or think something) such as "He's too much of a dumbass/pussy/'insert universal uncalled for name' to keep up..."...but again, I won't care. I can be quite a prick if I want to be, but I'll be respectful and mature enough to not stoop to that level with you. Whether or not you care, is your call...
I'm not going to say anything snappy, you're too much of a dumbass/pussy/errr to keep up.

Anyways, I don't take internet discussion seriously enough for any of this to matter muchly to me. :p

I just had issue with a few of your comments, no hard feelings then. I just did a review of STYE on a site...

In Flames - Soundtrack to Your Escape
Nuclear Blast, 2004
Having recently reviewed a promo of three tracks from this album (and giving it 4/10), I can't say that I've had very high hopes for In Flames' latest. Well, I can say with some meager pleasure that those three tracks were slightly deceptive, and the album is of higher quality than I expected. The first song, 'F(r)iend' opens the album promisingly, with some nice-ish riffage, some surprisingly deep growls, and even a pretty cool melodic lead section. It's a good song and a bit better than most 'Reroute to Remain' material. 'The Quiet Place' isn't so great, being the album's 'single' and focusing on Ander's truly weak vocals. It also isn't such a good idea for a 'melodic metal' band like In Flames to focus more on keyboards than guitars, as is the case with this song. It has grown on me a bit, but it's still quite dull. 'Dead Alone' is moderately cool, picking up the intensity and melodic riffage. It has a few neat melodies going on. 'Touch of Red' is predictable fare, chugging, sparse leads and a 'catchy' chorus, but with an interesting outro of a lone, echoey guitar. 'Like You Better Dead' follows your typical In Flames song structure and is completely un-notable. 'My Sweet Shadow' has better riffage and an electronic bit that is sort of effective. 'Evil in a Closet' is a neat little calm song that Anders almost wrecks with his bad Jonathon Davis impression. The guitar melodies almost recall the old-school stuff, containing an actual solo near the end. Overall, it comes off feeling like a bid for radio-play, but it's still a highlight. 'In Search For I' is a surprise, very intense speed, energy and guitar playing. 'Borders and Shading' has terrible verse vocals from Anders, but is otherwise basically decent. Our two final songs, 'Superhero of the Computer Rage' and 'Dial 595 Escape' follow the same formula as the rest, but the latter has exceptionally excellent riffage. As much as I dreaded my first peek of this album, it isn't really so bad. The album is much more consistant than 'Reroute to Remain', and slightly more unified in its melodies and stylistic progression. I'm afraid it does suffer from some big flaws though. Firstly, it is incredibly predictable. All the songs follow a basic structure, and the 'big opening riff' -> 'calm verse' -> 'catchy chorus' thing really gets old quickly. Secondly, Anders can't sing but he keeps trying, badly, relegating the band to 'nu-metal wannabe' status with his whining. Finally, every band needs to progress, but In Flames has turned into a shadow of its former self. Everything has been dumbed down completely since past greats such as 'The Jester Race' or 'Colony', the riffs and melodies, the lyrics, the vocals, and they use keyboards to cover up the lack of truly excellent riffage. 'Soundtrack to Your Escape' is largely superior to 'Reroute to Remain' in almost every aspect, but is hardly a return to form. It only solidifies the new, keyboard/chorus heavy In Flames sound and establishes it as here to stay. Too bad that the new In Flames sound is massively inferior to the old one. Consistant, moderately melodic, predictable, merely average. Standouts: 'F(r)iend', 'Evil in a Closet' and 'Dial 595 Escape'