
I'm with Kriggy. I actually went to the midnight premier, but have been too lazy to type up anything until now. I had pretty high expectations (obviously, since I wouldn't bother dealing with the dregs of public transportation at 3 am if I didn't), and the movie didn't quite live up to them. I was expecting more psychological mindfuckery, and with an original concept like Inception had, they could've done a lot more. I mean, Ellen Page could create any kind of dreamscape imaginable, and she came up with a snowy mountain and an exact replica of New York City? The movie didn't really explore any psychological traps they could use on people, the mental consequences of going into other people's dreams, moral issues, etc. It didn't even acknowledge the exponentially increasing amounts of time the characters supposedly experienced as they went deeper into the dreams. And the only character who had any kind of background at all was Leonardo Dicaprio, and his character was basically exactly the same as Leo's in Shutter Island, only less likeable. Seriously, the guy was a dick the entire time and by the end I really didn't give two shits about his guilty conscience.

But it definitely wasn't a bad movie... I'd probably watch it again because of the cool imagery and whatnot, but it certainly wasn't as good as I had hoped.
Pretty good movie...I'd like to see it again. I got it and I thought it was pretty clever...could have been a bit better but it still was pretty good. 4 out of 5 stars.
Saw it Friday, good film for sure. It was like the Ocean's Eleven crew had to get the information out of the Matrix/Dreamscape world (minus Dennis Quaid) but one of them has a deep dark secret that could doom them all!

Some nice concepts in the film.

so no Dennis Quaid, but does that mean it DOES have evil snake-people?!?!
Just got back from seeing it. Drifted in and out of sleep during the movie, not because it was boring by any means just because of a bad case of jetlag and that kind of added to the awesomeness considering I was dreaming small dreams that were SO bizarre when I did momentarily fall asleep, and the whole movie is about weird but fucking A what an awesome film. I will def see it again, maybe two more times, yes it was that good.
saw it, and no....lamesauce. But then again, I refuse/ just cant like anything that has DiFagio in it. good plot, and good concept,but he sucks so badly. but thats just actually i would recommend it to people who enjoy out of the ordinary films.