Incredible Concert Moments


Nov 14, 2007
Abbotsford, B.C.
What are some of the most mind blowing, incredible things you have seen done live. (Could have been a video.) I'm not really talking about the music so much, but more so the lighting, props and everything that adds to the music. For example when Pink Floyd played Comfortably Numb live on the Pulse tour, (My dad got to see it, lucky bastard...) a huge orb like object descended from the ceiling during Gilmour's solo. The thing started opening up, the lights were going crazy, and it basically made it the most epic solo ever played live. (The talk about Floyd in the Now Playing thread made me remember how incredible that live solo was.)

So any others to share??
The moment in Leper Affinity where everything drops out and there's the pause. I was the ONLY one to go "YEEAAHHHHHHHHH" in that gap.
Back during an Allman Bros. show in about 1994, a huge purple dinosaur walked onstage and chilled next to Gregg Allman for a couple of songs. Some said it was the large amount of mushrooms I had just eaten, but I know better.
slayer when they had the amps stacked in upside down crosses.

there was a Bodom concert i went to once and randy blythe came out of no where (lamb of god wasnt on tour with them and no, i don't like them but it was bad ass) and did guest vocals on In Your Face

belphegor when meluth (second guitarist) asked me for weed and then got in the mosh pit with everybody
Went to see A Perfect Circle a few years back and they performed Disgustipated complete with a bunch of dancing carrots and bikini-clad women running all over the stage. Then they did like 4 Kiss songs (I never liked Kiss but it was so off-the-wall and he had the voice nailed). Then they went back to doing APC stuff and some kid jumped up on the stage in the middle of Judith and pulled his dick out and started waving it around.

I know people make fun of Tool/APC for not being "tr00" but if you ever get the chance to see them do it. It's quite a spectacle.
Mike singing on Murder with Katatonia on Melloboat. I did not hear how false it sounded, I was just too happy to notice that.
What are some of the most mind blowing, incredible things you have seen done live. (Could have been a video.) I'm not really talking about the music so much, but more so the lighting, props and everything that adds to the music. For example when Pink Floyd played Comfortably Numb live on the Pulse tour, (My dad got to see it, lucky bastard...) a huge orb like object descended from the ceiling during Gilmour's solo. The thing started opening up, the lights were going crazy, and it basically made it the most epic solo ever played live. (The talk about Floyd in the Now Playing thread made me remember how incredible that live solo was.)

So any others to share??

I saw that same show in New Orleans on my birthday! Absolutely fucking mind-blowing! The coolest part for me was during "Wish You Were Here", when the entire 60,000 + crowd and I were singing at the tops of our lungs to the point where David Gilmour backed away from the mic with this enormous "it's-so-BLOODY-good-to-be-me" grin on his face and just let the crowd take over. I can only imagine what an unbelievable high that must've been from where he was standing. It's almost unfair to compare other bands to Floyd live, there's simply nothing I've seen that can hang.

From a strictly musical standpoint, seeing Stevie Ray Vaughan from about 10 feet away at the absolute peak of his game was damn near a religious experience. The sheer passion, energy, authority and naked SOUL that guy played with is something I've never witnessed either before or since, live or on record. The guy was a fucking WITCH, period! Seeing Aretha Franklin in the early 80's was the only thing I can think of that even comes close. Aretha sang so good and with such soul back then it would make your fuckin' dick hard!

I've had lots of other great concert experiences, and what really makes a great live experience for me is when the band can consistently deliver a near record-quality performance, particularly on vocals. Some of the bands I've seen more than once that have managed to pull this off pretty much every time would include Rush, King's X, U2, Eric Johnson, Santana, Queensryche (although Geoff has definitely lost a gear over the past 10 years or so), Testament, Queen, Dio and Iron Maiden. I've only seen Opeth once, so far, at PN '08 in Orlando, and the mix was terrible for them (you could hardly hear the vocals at all), so I'll hold my judgement on them until I see them again in a couple of months on the headlining tour. I have a feeling from seeing them then and on the DVDs that they'll easily deliver, though! Also, after watching the simply incredible "Arriving Somewhere" DVD by Porcupine Tree, I really can't wait for a chance to catch them in person whenever they come back to the States again.
Some serious ones:

1. Kazuhito Yamashita doing a movement of Dvorak's New World on his classical guitar. Music doesn't even get better.

2. Battles. Period. First time I saw them they were a an unknown opening act I didn't even want to watch, turned out to be the best set I'd ever seen.

3. vocalist named Radioactive doing Sanford & Son theme by beatboxing through a harmonica
Probably the most awesome thing I've seen done live:


EDIT: The awesome part starts about 50 seconds in.
Probably the coolest moment for me would have been at a Marilyn Manson show in 1996/7 in Des Moines, IA. There was a lot of uproar about his Antichrist Superstar at the time and a lot of people wanted the show cancelled. The police set up a searching station to check everyone before we went in which caused the line to wrap around the venue. It was in the middle of winter so it was balls cold out and hardly anyone had anything more than a long sleeve shirt on so everyone was pissed off and freezing by the time we got inside. I missed the opening band, L7, so that just added to my level of pissed-off-ness. Anyway, Manson played for about 30 minutes and then took a short break. When he came back out, he was dressed in his black suit with red shirt and tie and standing at a pulpit with the bible in his hand. What he said next, I found very profound. He said "I know a lot of people did want us to play here tonight. Your parents didn't want you to come. They think that you should be in church. What they don't understand is that THIS IS CHURCH!" Then the band kicked into Antichrist Superstar and at all the beats where the crowd screams, he would rip pages from the bible. The crowd was in a frenzy and everyone was cheering and singing along. It was pretty frikkin' awesome.

Another cool moment was during a Nine Inch Nails concert in 1994 in Iowa City. It was at a basketball arena and there was only a limited number of floor seats available. They had the floor and the first three rows sectioned off with security guards to make sure no one went down on the floor that wasn't supposed to. The show was "relatively" calm for the opening acts, Marilyn Manson and the Jim Rose Sideshow Circus. When the lights went off for NIN, the first strains of the song Pinion started and it seemed like everyone in the stands rushed the floor. The security guards were totally overwhelmed that they just had to back away or risk getting run over. By the time most of the people got to the floor, the band started Wish and the entire floor turned into a mosh pit. Trent and Co. were jumping around the stage smashing keyboards and guitars and the crowd was totally into it. It was absolute pandemonium.
Mr Antihero: That would be Explosions in the Sky.

And yes, seeing them live is one of my best moments aswell.
At a Danzig concert, Danzig said "Doyle, get the fuck out here" and Doyle jumped out on stage, devilock and whiteface and everything. Closest thing to a Misfits reunion in almost 30 years.
Seeing Maynard James Keenan join Alice in Chains and Heart on stage during the Tsunami Benefit concert in Seattle. This was Alice in Chains's first reunion gig since Layne past away.

I doubt anything will ever top that for me but here are a few other moments worth mentioning -

-Mikael Åkerfeldt joining Porcupine Tree on stage for A Smart Kid during the Damnation tour in Seattle.

-Explosions in the Sky's set in Seattle last year where they played almost everything from Earth...

-NIN's set at the gorge in Seattle back in 1999. You can see footage from this show on their ...and all that could've been dvd. The sky and hills behind the stage was just gorgeous.
On the PULSE DVD from Pink Floyd during On The Run there is a Spitfire (I guess) model exploding above the audience. That was cool.
Awesome stories everyone btw :)

-Seeing TOOL full stop is an amazing experience... seeing Maynard's silhouette infront of the visualisations behind cool.

-Opeth defenders of the faith tour April this Glasgow... Michael made a reference to machine head..the crowd starts chanting "machine fuckin head..."

- Seeing Metallica play "Ride The Lightening" live :)

-On the two times I have seen Zakk Wylde playing with BLS shredding... a spectacle all should see...

-Ultra intimate show in Glasgow last year in ..October.. with Dimmu borgir.. opeining with "Progenies of The Great Apocalypse"
everyone went insane..amazing!