indian metal anyone?

Both of the vids posted are great, IMO. Never heard of either of them.

The first was nice and heavy, although I couldn't find much information about the band, supposedly "In Exile". Not even MA had them listed; at least not from India.

The second was good, although a bit too industrial for my liking. The beginning was pretty damn cheesy.
I quite liked both of those as well. First one is just far enough away from Meshuggah to be interesting and the second sounded like Goa trance mixed with metal and fusion. Shit intro though.
You mean bad in a kind of wicked way? Thats what I thought of it.:Shedevil:

The beginning was pretty damn cheesy.

Shit intro though.

I kinda agree, but it is a concept album and all the tracks on it start with a narration.

Osiris 1 reminded me a bit too much of Animals as Leaders.

They are similar, but Amogh Symphony has already released 2 albums and the debut was released 2 days before Animals As Leader's! :lol: Also keep in mind that this is a one-man band! :Spin:

Here's another vid of an Indian metal band called Demonic Resurrection.
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