Industrial/Black metal bands

Ah you wont be so happy about signing The Axis Of Perdition when you find you cant leave the office as some ones chained up all exits, the walls are bleeding filth, everythig is rusting and the pitted wire mesh that has replaced the floor has somthign huge and flabby shifting below in the darkness just out of sight, but those joys are for later....ahem back to the topic
that strommousheld band where quite good.
i tend to find that alot of supposed industrial metal bands just tend to play what ever subgenre they belong to then add a bit of synth or a sample , maybe a drum and bass loop and suddenly they think thier industrial, this makes for very disapointing listening for me.
unfortunately this seems to be especialy so for industrial black metal.
have you tried 'city' by strapping young lad, not BM but still amazing industrial extreme metal infact ive yet to hear anything that tops it in my opinion.
An unsigned industrial extreme metal band that might interest some people is a project of ours called 'mine[thorn]' kinda like a mad splicing of Godflesh SYL and Redharvest. The main reason i mention it is that its the other half to Axis, the build up to the apocalypse and the nightmare through the eyes of technologicaly bound humans rather than the instigators and aftermath that is the sound of Axis. the website would be:
theres mp3's but they are rough and about a year old a new 3 track promo is being finished as i type.
yes, Axis, definately. "The Ichneumon Method" is one of the most powerful and gripping albums i've heard since....well....Transylvanian Hunger probably.
An album that you also might want to check out is "burning the temple of god", by MZ.412. Thats Industrial influenced by Black Metal, rather than the other way round.
Strapping Young Lad's City is defintely a fine album, and also my favorite of their's. You might also try Ad Noctum Dynasty of Death by Limbonic Art, as they utilize a drum machine rather than live percussian and are very sample-heavy (though the album can seem a bit tedious as the songs are ridiculously long). I think that Ackercocke also bears mention, though I wouldn't really consider them industrial in the least, however they manage to layer odd samples/noise on top of their music to make for one of the better listens available in black metal (in my opinion). Die Schinder from Germany are also pretty good, though they have more of a death metal feeling, yet sound similar to Christian Death and Laibach (circa Jesus Christ Superstars) as well. Reign of Erebus is also decent (and I've read zines comparing them to Ministry as far as their use of sampling goes, though that's as far as the comparison can really be taken). And just because I love them, I would also say Myrkskog's Death Machine album as well as World Ov Worms by Zyklon (unless they're too commercial for you, LOL). All the others I had in mind have already been mentioned, so I won't take up anymore space or time. said:
Strapping Young Lad's City is defintely a fine album, and also my favorite of their's. QUOTE]

'city' is my all time favourite album full stop bar non, its the single greatest human work in my opnion!

cant remeber if any one has mentioned Fear Factory and im too lazy to scroll up the screen to check! either way there an other excellent industrial/metal band and there new album 'archetype' released this month is a blinder, easily thier best since demanufacture.
I didn't even think about Fear Factory, which is funny, because I recently came across a cover of Ministry's Burning Inside done collectively by Static X and Fear Factory. It's actually an excellent cover. One band I totally forgot to metnion was Hanzel Und Gretyl (Uber Alles is one of my favorite albums of all time), and the obvious Pitchshifter (don't remember if they were previously mentioned or not).
Industrial, Submit, and Desensitized are the three essential Pitchshifter albums. Admittedly, I would agree that they found the perfect sound on Submit, but I far prefer Desensitized just because I think they have a far more polished sound and tighter structure. Just my opinion. It was, however, their album Industrial and Godflesh's Streetcleaner (not to forget about Land of Rape & Honey by Ministry) that really drew my attention towards "mechanized" sounds. But shit, my musical appreciation is so scattered anymore it even overwhelms me sometimes. I'll go from listening to Psychopomps and Laeather Strip to My Dying Bride and Candlemass within the same hour.
my early industrial-metal listenings (not to mention crossover, hard-core, doom, black, etc. etc.):

this is the metal side, approaching the pure industrial landscape I would add:
Coph Nia
Raison d'etre
Einsturzende neuebaten
and tons of others...
I LOVE talking about this stuff:
Industrial Influences for me are (metal-wise) Godflesh, Ministry, Pitchshifter, Young Gods, Lard, Klute, and Skrew's first album... (industrial) Front Line Assembly, Laibach, Front 242, Skinny Puppy, Blok 57, Die Krupps, Die Form, and Einsturzende to name just a sliver of what pretty much got me through the late 80's and early 90's. But I've always had eclectic tastes, so there's sloughs of others.
eh, eh, it looks like we had a similar growth, I also like a lot Skinny Puppy, even if my tastes went closer to North european side of the industrial sound in 90s, I mean the CMI catalogue plus other harsh stuff...
Actually I'm found of a Canadian label called Cyclic Law (, Cold Meat Industry (, Neurot recordings ( and Eibon records (, not to mention (for a different approach in using drones) Khanate and Sunn O))) on Southern Lord (, over all.
I've never really been able to get much into the Cold Meat Industry "sound". Groups of that nature I like pretty much consist of Von Thronstahl, Puissance, Blood Axis, and (if you count them, considering they have that same sort of non-rhythmical sound) Current '93, Nurse With Wound, Death in June, Coil, and Diamanda Galas.
I agree 100%. Admittedly, though, they're not bands I can listen to any time. I have to be in a certain mood to be able to sit down and listen to them. Regardless, I remember the first time I heard Plague Mass by Diamanda Galas... sent chills down my spine.
I hate saying this, but after the Through Silver in Blood album by Neurosis I totally lost interest in them. Up until that point, though, they were quite possibly my favorite band of all time (and the albums Enemy of the Sun and Souls at Zero still rank in my top albums of all time). I like the first full length Tribes of Neurot album, but I think they just kind of got a little too carried away with an image that wasn't natural for them. I understand that they just continually progressed to the "logical" next step with each new album, but the sound got really dry and they kind of lost what I intitially loved about them, which was their ability to create behemoth sound structures that progressed throughout their albums, making it seem like a single immensely progressive track.

Have you heard Noisegate? I don't know if they're still around, but I saw them play a few times in Oakland, CA like 6 years ago. Dave Edwardson from Neurosis "played" guitar (basically made as much discordant/disharmonic noise as possible). They were pretty good, but I think it was the live setting that made their sets so enjoyable.
Can't share your opinion on Neurosis, "A Sun that never sets" is probably their best album ever and one real emotional trip. also can understand your opinion, tastes are tastes ;)
Didn't heard the band you said, do you know if they have a site on the net?