Industrial/Black metal bands

If you like Black Metal & Industrial music. Check out Human Herd from Canada. or IRC #metalheadz. It is a mix between Skinny Puppy & Darkthrone. NIHILSTIC BLACK INDUSTRIAL--WWW.HUMANHERD.COM

dARK & oRIGINAL said:
No problem, let me know what you think.

quite interesting stuff, I should hear some more as this kind of music needs a deeper listening and a complete view. Btw, they look to worth my efforts to find something.
I suggest you to hear some samples at cyclic law label.
I'll take a look into label... I checked it out briefly, and I think the presentation of the albums there is really impressive. I just recalled a project that I've totally forgotten about, called Shinjuku Thief. Very interesting stuff if I remember accurately. And well worth the listen ( The website is there, but they have no audio online at the moment. Not really metal in any way, but very intense and explosive at times.
yes, Cyclic law is one of the most interesting labels also under the conceptual and graphic profile. I completely love the way they are working on every aspect of their releases.
I will check the band you suggested as soon as possible.
p.s. just listening to the "golden epiphany" Caul cd on Eibon records, this is one real great release and probably the best stuff Caul ever recorded. ;)
Coming back to metal, I've found amazing the Frost album on Rage Of Achilles. Black metal with a real genial side. Don't know if it can be called industrial but surely is old school embracing the future. Inrumator is topping himself ;)
I'm not a fan of Mick Kenney's work, generally speaking. Most of it strikes me as pedestrian, and on the whole I've found that each project has peaked at the demo stage. The new Frost album leaves me completely unmoved and unengaged. Equally, I can't imagine he's that fond of Axis - different strokes for different folks, I guess. I certainly can't grasp how his music has any striking industrial dimension beyond the Professor Fate project.
well, can't agree with your opinion on Kenney, but I think it's just a matter of personal tastes ;)
As for the industrial dimension, as I said I think it's not to be called industrial in strict terms, but for sure Fost got some similar inputs coming to sound dissection and manipulation.
hey, I regret not having signed Anaal Nathrakh and Frost when I could, but now that i signed The Axis Of Perdition, I have the best Industrial BM band on the planet, so no more regrets... ;)
Completely different types of industrial. Aborym is more electronica orientated and AOP is all about dark ambient textures and noise. If there's a quality difference, I like to think we're better self-editors - "With No Human Intervention" is good, but it's overlong. I'm from a tapetrading background and any album that doesn't fit on one side of a TDK90 annoys the hell out of me....Anyway, I think 45min is plenty of time to say all that you need to concisely.

(And btw, I'm aware that the first AOP album is 45:11. The noise fading out at the end was literally a last minute addition).
Sasrof of Diabolicum said:
Vengeance is rising...

that tristwood band are rather good i thought,completely face ripping!

vengeance is rising? is that a band, random phrase or have you taken offence to somthign some one said?
I dont knpw about industrial but there are hundreds of black metal bands

Bal Sagoth
Dark Funeral
Michele/Xyphias said:
Coming back to metal, I've found amazing the Frost album on Rage Of Achilles. Black metal with a real genial side. Don't know if it can be called industrial but surely is old school embracing the future. Inrumator is topping himself ;)

I totally agree. I have been addicted to Talking to God since I got, and it rarely leaves my CD player.
check out also CRUENTUS "Event Horizon" CD

Cruentus incorporates death, black and industrial metal all in symphonic mount, original and modern approach to hard and heavy music. You haven’t heard any Polish band like Cruentus before. Dark energetic industrial black metal masterpiece for Dimmu Borgir, The Kovenant and Arcturus fans!

You can download the promotional song for free:
Cruentus "Absolute Dominium"

and if you like it, check out their website and order your own brilliant copy at 22 RECORDS website