Industrial/Dance Death/Black Metal

Arcbound Phyrexian

New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2011
I'm looking for some black or death metal (or any combination therein) with definite industrial metal or techno influences. Maybe even something dancey or poppy... Anyone have some "black pop"? :lol:

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :kickass:
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but Zyklon is some great Industrial Black/Death. I wouldn't really call it danceable, but it's sure as shit some heavy metal.
Industrial Dance is a subgenre of industrial music... very few metal bands would meet that mixture.
Most metal bands that have industrial elements wouldn't be considered to be industrial at all by most rivetheads.

are the two that come to mind
Malignant Eternal's Alarm is about the only dancey sort've metal album I can think of.And maybe that crappy Kovenant album.
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I know but the dude asked.:danceboy:

:lol:That I did! (I know... I'm weird... :cool:)

Anyways, I liked Iperyt, Aborym, and Pitch Sifter. I also found this band called Elitaria that's pretty awesome.

I could only find Malignant Eternal's Tarnet album, so I'll have to keep looking there and I'm about to look up The Kovenant.

Thanks for all the advice guys! :headbang: Plus, this should give you somewhat of an idea of what I'm looking for, since my OP certainly fell short. :oops:
Dagoba (the better FEAR FACTORY)






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Fear Factory is ten times better than that crap. You can't go wrong with old Ministry.

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There is a lot of good Industrial Black metal out there Mysticum, Blacklodge, Iperyt, Aborym, ...
Elitaria are good, you hear thier latest??
I'd reccomend checking out Pavillon Rouge's stuff as they only have the Blacklodge cover up on youtube and thier stuff has a very "Dance-y" feel to it.

Terror EBM

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