Industrial Metal


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Not a topic discussed here often. What industrial bands, not necessarily metal, does everyone enjoy?

I'm bored and listening to Godflesh, so do the math.

Also, is Killing Joke any good?
At the moment, and Decadent knows this (to death), I'm loving Blut Aus Nord. At first I was just obsessed with the track 'Procession of the dead clowns' but now I'm digging their entire 'Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity' album.

It just has some amazing soundscapes which are pounded through your skull with droning doomy riffage and harmonic lead work.

It's just amazing stuff.

Anybody have any other recommendations?
To my understanding Industrial (anything) is a style of music that normally uses alot of digital samples, which are usually of the non-musical variety to just enhance that huge feeling of atmosphere. It's called Industrial because alot of the sounds and soundscapes the music create sounds alot like Industrial machinery, or evokes imagery of post-apocalyptic industry, or just generally very doomy feel.

That's my take on it.

Does the Vauxdvihl album fit under that description?
unhinged said:
killing joke are great, a semial band for sure
check out the s/t debut + extremities

they're more of a tribal punk band really big influence on ministry and faith no more
Totally agree. Pandemonium is another of their most industrial efforts. Their albums are of varying styles, so be careful what you pick up. Fire Dances and Extremeties, Dirt and Various Repressed Emotions are my two favorites. Fire Dances is the tribal punk stuff Unhinged referred to. I can upload a song if you like.
I tend to like my "industrial metal" not very industrial and not very metal-- Ministry, Revolting Cocks, Skinny Puppy, etc.
As for metal bands--Atrophia Red Sun, The Axis of Perdition and Red Harvest.
When people say "real instruments" I think they generaly mean non-sythesized ones? Not sure, just my understanding.
NIN - Broken
Killing Joke - Pandemonium
Ministry - Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed and the Way to Suck Eggs
16 Volt - idunnowhatthealbumiscalledbuttheyrock
Genghis Tron

Those last two have myspace sites and are very much worth checking out.
One Inch Man said:
Genghis Tron

Those last two have myspace sites and are very much worth checking out.

I just looked at their profile... this is some pretty awesome shit, but I don't think I could ever bring myself to listen to it frequently. Mayhaps I should look into them further..
I thought the same thing, but I keep pulling their album off the shelf for regular listening. Much more than just a novelty act.

Seeing them late next month in San Diego. :headbang:
For me, I dig Aborym, Godflesh, Fear Factory, that Manes album is good, and of course Red Harvest. Jesu could probably be included.

yeah, never understood the hate for bands that include industrial flavor. yet these same people like prog with synths and gay shit like that. oh well.