
New Metal Member
Jan 5, 2006
HELP NEEDED!!! I just bought Inearthed first demo from the year of 1994. I´m just sceptic about it´s originality because it´s so much different than other two Inearthed demos which I got.

IF you have this first demo OR know something about, PLEASE HELP ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!

Let me know what kind of text you have in the cover (front and back) and what text´s you have in the cassette..

THANKS AGAIN!!!:headbang:
Peti said:
you bought it on ebay?

No, I got it from from one Finnish collector. The seller is nice guy and I believe on his words but I have heard different information from this demo from my friend who told that he has THE right information...Don´t know which one to believe so help will be MORE than wanted:erk:
well put it in the off topic section. i dont call you noob just because of your 2 posts because im against calling ppl noobs lookin at their amount of posts (i dont have much either :))