Inearthed Demos?

On Ebay... You should report that rip off shit immeditaley because they even sell the low-quality demos which are just downloaded from the net.

You can find the MP3s of the second and third demos in a good quality on the Scythes Of Bodom site when it's up again and also samples of the first demo.
TheNightspirit said:
cant you put up the full songs?
No, but you should be happy even about the samples which can't be found elsewhere.

TheNightspirit said:
and why is the soundquality from the first demo so much better than the last 2?
Because we have managed to get our hands on better versions of the first demo than the crappy versions of the 2nd and 3rd?

TheNightspirit said:
makes you think, maybe the first isnt real..
It is. To me it seems that some people have a rather strange way of saying thank you. Pretty much no one ever said "wow, cool that you have the demo songs up" but just cried about the quality (even though they are the best versions I've met on the net) and that the first demo songs are only samples, which, as I said, can't be found elsewhere.
I thanked you... :) But then I unthanked you for only putting up samples. Damn you, sorta selfish bastards! Seriously tho, one of those samples has the coolest thing I've ever heard on guitar, and then it ends. I wanted to fucking scream. Actually I think I did. Anyhow, it's a cruel tease... I liked that part more than all four of CoB's albums (no fucking joke).
im sorry if my post seemed harsh and unthankful, Shadeq, but im a bit of a cynic, since in interviews and around other websites, it says there were only 2 Inearthed demos. But i will take your word on this, and thank you for letting me in on this :) is there anyway I can get hold on that demo? like, buy it from the studio or something? would be very grateful if you could tell me that. the demo sounds fuckin cool. can't believe alexi was only 15 years old back then. genious!
but man, something i've wondered about for some time, how do you guys get this great info that no one else has? for example about "Talking Of The Trees" being re-recorded, but then discarded? that is so bummer, i would have loved to hear that song in better studioquality. You guys have the greatest cob-site with the neatest info on the web. keep gathering the info, wherever you get it from :D
TheNightspirit said:
im sorry if my post seemed harsh and unthankful, Shadeq, but im a bit of a cynic, since in interviews and around other websites, it says there were only 2 Inearthed demos.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but in an interview with Ale he was asked a question about the first demo, and he said something like "Well, I don't want to talk about that one. Most of our fans think there are only two demo tapes, the two latter ones, and I would gladly keep it that way." And as I've heard, this is somehow related to the band thinking that the first demo is crap or something like that. And, in addition, I have myself seen an original copy of the first demo tape (haven't managed to get an original copy to myself, tho... :waah: )
TheNightspirit said:
but man, something i've wondered about for some time, how do you guys get this great info that no one else has? for example about "Talking Of The Trees" being re-recorded, but then discarded?
We have our sources, he-he..

TheNightspirit said:
that is so bummer, i would have loved to hear that song in better studioquality.
Me too. In my opinion it's probably the best Inearthed track there is.

Oh, and thanks for your kind words.