I was thinking of making a cover of Inearthed...

And to you guys who said that it's legal... well, here in Finland it's not legal... MAYBE. I think I just do a little research, and then spam Janne's mailbox :D

What the fuck is the problem now? :lol: You only need the permission of the artist if you are planning to record a commercial release featuring the cover. Just uploading a cover to Youtube is 110% legal.
What the fuck is the problem now? :lol: You only need the permission of the artist if you are planning to record a commercial release featuring the cover. Just uploading a cover to Youtube is 110% legal.

Ok then :D So as long as I'm not making money with it, it's legal? If so, thanks for the answers :D I think I had understood something wrong :P
Yes. ONLY if you are recording a cover (for an album or demo etc.) which you are going to sell/make money with, you need permission.
as long as you're not playing it live or selling it there no reason why you shouldnt record it.
PLUS, even if it was some grey area or illegal... I dont think they would sue you for covering one of those songs :lol:
Actually playing covers live IS legal. Even without permission. But thanks guys, gotta make it some day :P

Ah, god damnit, didn't see post above..
You're wrong. Playing it live is also legal.

over here you shouldnt fuck with the GEMA. People who put on the gig (venue owners) are usually responsible for stuff like that.

but yeah, if you're used to play in small clubs and you're pretty unknown, its not a problem. but if it's some big event you or the venue owner or whoever is in charge when it comes to GEMA registrations has to pay them some money.
What do you understand under a bigger event? Some of our local cover bands are pretty popular and they often play in front of more than 1000 people and don't have to sell any money for GEMA. It's a difference if a cover band is playing chart songs infront of 1000 people or if a DJ is playing chart songs because then he HAS to pay for GEMA.
Well like I said, the venue owner or the guy who organised (not the Band, at least I dont know any Band who did that) the event has to pay some pauschalpreis to the GEMA. That's what I experienced.
Think about the pop world, most of those bands revolve around one or two songs :) What if they started intentionally claiming popularity by playing other pop hits. Nobody would mind if a big metal band played Britney at their concert, but if they started playing hits of other big metal bands, it would not be ok.
well, you never saw or heard some big metal band cover some other big metal band at a concert? Or on a record?
But say if Norther decided to start playing Shovel Knockout at their shows now, wouldn't you be pissed? I don't think COB would approve to that.
Well, I dont think SKO is good example because its just released 2 months ago, but it would be a bit different if they would cover something from lets say Something Wild. CoB dont really care about that album and I dont think Cob would rly disapprove if Norther (or any other band for that matter) would do a little tribute from SW.
You know, it's not Bodom who says what is ok and what is not. At least in Finland. As far as I know, it's "Teosto" or Spinefarm Records who says what's ok and what's not.
well, you never saw or heard some big metal band cover some other big metal band at a concert? Or on a record?

Dream Theater played a whole Metallica album :lol:

and guys, please, stop calling Stoggaf naive and saying stuff like "do you thing you're going to be arrested?". I guess his point isn't just not getting in trouble, but doing things right, because it's right, just that simple.
People consider doing things the right way when you can do it the wrong way and get away with it as being naive, but it's not being naive, it's being right.
Still pretty naive to think the bodom police is at your door if you cover their old demos.
it's not about the bodom police... it's about getting to sleep with a clear conscience. Some people don't need that, but some do. the problem is not the bodom police find out, the problem is living knowing you might have done something wrong/illegal/not ethical(is this even a word?)/whatever. some people can live with that, some people can't. but I guess if you're the first kind of people, you'll never get it...
Yeah, thanks nicottine, that's pretty much what I was thinking.

I know there's millions of covers and I most likely never get into trouble with this, specially in Finland... god damnit, you can rape kid for 7 years and get 2 years of prison :D (yeah, that really happened here in Finland..). But I just wanted to know if it's right. And as far as I know, Inearthed songs don't belong to Teosto or any record label, and if Laiho have said that it's ok, I guess it is.