Infected Nations tabs.

Yeah, learning to play by ear will come naturally with practice, and it is much more rewarding than tabs. I'd definitely recommend practicing it!

Become familiar with the way different notes in scales relate to each other so you can hear the next note in your head before you play it. Then you will be able to easily figure out chord progressions and riffs, and the such.
Not going to lie, I thought this would be annoying and difficult, but it isn't really, it's kind fun. I've been dying to play Plague for the longest time, and I figured out a tiny tiny tiny tiny bit. It might be a small ass thing, but I'm still happy :)
My mate Tom was a nutter who had perfect pitch. So you could make any note and he'd know exactly what it was. So figuring out songs for that guy would have been so easy. But what the majority of musicians have is relative pitch. So you can sit down with an instrument and figure it out or somebody could play a note and say like this is a C. Then they could play another note and from that one you could work it out. It's all quite mad stuff like this. Every 1 in like 100,000 people have perfect pitch and There used to be three of them in my college class.

If you work on relative pitch and perfect pitch stuff it can help to work out songs really. And that helps you recognise other notes and all sorts. Ooohhh music theory can be fun.
Yeah, the main problem I have with working out songs is knowing which key they are played in. When I've got the key, it can be easy.

You can learn to recognise every different key, but that's too much effort for me atm. I just have to play something in every key until I get it right instead :erk:
Awesome man! It's good you've found something to make you feel better, you should continue it :)

I shall continue this :)
I'm so proud of myself :D :lol:

Edit: when I get far enough, and I think it's mostly right, I'll probably try and post some of it here to see if you guys think it's right also :)
Does this sound right to you people?

Half step down


Alright, so, so far I have this:

Half step down

Opening :



Transition thingy:


Cool ass riff:


I put ?'s because I don't really know what those notes anyone?
Also the amount of 1's and 2's are wrong, but do you really expect me to sit there and count how many times he plays those? :lol: