Info on Devin Townsend


No Care Ever
I've become a fan of some of Devin Townsend's newer recordings. Does anyone have info about his studio or his recording techniques for guitars/drums?
I've looked all over the internet and can't find much. All i found was that he records out of Greenhouse Studios and out of his home, and he records guitars in an isolation box with walls filled with sand(what a band that recorded with him told me). He doesn't seems to provide much info about what he does.

I've really grown to like the production, recording, and song writing on his newest DTP release
He also records drums out of Armoury studios in Vancouver, and has a pretty cool setup to himself. There are some recent videos of him tracking at his personal studio on his youtube account:

Guitars depend on the album, but I know for vocals he usually runs an SM7b into a UA 6176 and likes a Chandler TG2 for guitars.

Let me dig up a few of the pictures of the mic setups for drums on the last few albums!
Alright so the Hevy Devy site isn't up like it used to be... I remember seeing SM57 on snare + a pencil condy taped to it, MD421's on the toms, Coles ribbon on the rooms, huge tunnel around the kick. Usually 2 pairs of OH mics, A/B pair of SDC's. This was for Synchestra, specifically, but a similar setup was used (in the same studio) for both Alien and the latest Darkest Hour he produced.

In the Darkest Hour studio vids, the Mesa cab was in an iso box, I remember that specifically.
hey brian.

the man is probably my favourite producer/artist of all time. I'll try dig up the info on his micing technique if i can find it. I remember it being something about putting your amp at low volume having it feedback or maybe playing something then cranking your monitors and listening out for some form of buzz or hiss. that then is generally the sweet spot.

dont quote me but if i find it ill post it up if not ignore all of the above.
He also records drums out of Armoury studios in Vancouver, and has a pretty cool setup to himself. There are some recent videos of him tracking at his personal studio on his youtube account:

Guitars depend on the album, but I know for vocals he usually runs an SM7b into a UA 6176 and likes a Chandler TG2 for guitars.

Let me dig up a few of the pictures of the mic setups for drums on the last few albums!

I watch some of those videos earlier. Unfortunately it doesn't show much other than either him goofing off, or him just playing stuff. Not much in the form of showing stuff i would like to know. I didn't know he ran it into a UA 6176 though.

I did notice, on the video of devin recording vocals on his myspace, that he just sits in front of his computer and record his own vocals with the monitors blasting. As much as i compress vocals, i would be afraid of the bleed becoming a problem. Especially when doing pitch correction(the music from the bleed throwing off the pitch detection)
I did notice, on the video of devin recording vocals on his myspace, that he just sits in front of his computer and record his own vocals with the monitors blasting. As much as i compress vocals, i would be afraid of the bleed becoming a problem. Especially when doing pitch correction(the music from the bleed throwing off the pitch detection)

Watching that video that someone posted yesterday or the day before with Devin going through the 100 tracks on some song, it didn't sound at all like there was any ambient noise on his vocal tracks. Whenever he soloed the vocals, they sounded completely clean.

On the DVD that came with the latest Soilwork CD, they have a little bit of him tracking Speed's vocals. If I remember, it looked like they were in a basement or something. Seems like there was a bunch of shelves with random stuff on them. Totally untreated room and didn't look anything studio-esque. I think Speed had headphones on and they were using a SM7.
I watch some of those videos earlier. Unfortunately it doesn't show much other than either him goofing off, or him just playing stuff. Not much in the form of showing stuff i would like to know. I didn't know he ran it into a UA 6176 though.

I did notice, on the video of devin recording vocals on his myspace, that he just sits in front of his computer and record his own vocals with the monitors blasting. As much as i compress vocals, i would be afraid of the bleed becoming a problem. Especially when doing pitch correction(the music from the bleed throwing off the pitch detection)

The SM7b prevents that, super tight pickup pattern!

Here's some more videos with some deets:

(also the subsequent part 2-7 videos)

(and the rest of these as well)

(and the rest of these)

Hope that helps a bit, I really want to find the pictures of the synchestra mic setup!

That said, the Making of Alien videos have some really good parts at Armoury for drums, and I know they did drums for that Darkest Hour there as well, with almost the same setup.
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interesting on the darkest hour webisodes to see that they tracked the guitar cab in that massive iso cabinet! (epi 2)

I suppose this is one of the reason i've never really loved his guitar tones (I dont think that iso box could be helping his tone out in any way). They are still way better than my real amp tones though.

i know he did the newest Becoming The Archetype record with that iso box too, and that tone is better than the tone on Deliver Us imo
interesting on the darkest hour webisodes to see that they tracked the guitar cab in that massive iso cabinet! (epi 2)

Theres mention of a bit of pod tone being mixed in as well I think.

The production on those two Darkest Hour albums has never been amazing to me and I know Gareth hates them with a passion, but theres something about the mixes that just seems to work, for me at least, despite things like the dodgy sounding snare or fuzzy sounding guitars they're still two of my all time favourite albums.
I loved how when somebody on one of his blog posts criticized the sound of Lamb Of Gods' "As The Palaces Burn" he openly admitted that it sounded pretty shit and was probably sonically the worst thing he'd ever worked on.
I loved how when somebody on one of his blog posts criticized the sound of Lamb Of Gods' "As The Palaces Burn" he openly admitted that it sounded pretty shit and was probably sonically the worst thing he'd ever worked on.

Can't blame him too much. He didn't even mix that cd.

Fuck I wish he would have though. Cd sounds like dick.
he was on that metalsucks chat the other night.. and i asked if he always boosts his amps, and he said yes(mainly with 808). he also said that he has shat his pants on stage once when asked "have you ever farted on stage?"
Interesting, some of the speculation on Devin's techniques. I live in Vancouver and know Devin as a customer at the music store I work at and from the scene here. Hell, I introduced him to the usage of Logic. I can verify that most of what's been posted is pretty accurate. But if you hear something outrageous, don't be 100% sure to believe it first time around. I'll ask him about the sandbox isolation cab, but that sounds out-of-character, though I'm not saying it's bogus, either.

Anyway, Greenhouse studios, as it was famously known here in town, has been defunct for a little while, it's rooms split up and rented to separate parties (sadly, an increasingly prominent practice here in Van.) The bit about Armoury for drums is pretty much true. An unsung talent should be mentioned here (Shaun Thingvold, who is a longtime Hevy Devy affiliate); Shaun used to work at the Armoury and it's still his favorite room in town. Not to mention it's a killer live room (sadly, it's been put up for sale recently by Bruce Fairburn, the owner). It gets amazing drum tones every time and has been used on a ton of records as a result.

Without getting too specific, I can say that I've heard Devin has been using a room a bit North of Vancouver (not going to mention what town) that's he's been renting from local legend and producer GGGarth Richardson where he's been doing a lot of work in addition to his own home studio.

I'd mostly, though like to point out that I know a few people who worked on As The Palaces Burn and yes, admittedly it's not as sonically polished as Sacrament or Wrath and would largely agree with the general consensus, but as outsiders, please bear in mind that LOG weren't famous or huge sellers then and had a limited budget, not to mention a limited amount of studio saavy at the time. These are skilled people in their own right and any one of us could be caught in the same situation: a rock and a hard place. A relentlessly anal band with somewhat suspect raw tracks going into the editing and mixing phase with a very limited budget. It does a disservice to these people to simply dismiss the mix or any other element as "poor" without bearing in mind the circumstances or the budget. I'm not trying to badmouth anyone, just pointing out it would be easy for Andy Sneap himself to post a less-than-classic metal record at this juncture simply because of a limited budget/time frame that he took on because he loved the band and their music and for us to whine about it. In short: Unless you were there, you don't get a say in how things "could've been better," unless you want the rest of us criticizing your works for a band that basically handed you fifty bucks and a case of beer as payment for a ten song album.