Info on my new album plus teaser mp3

Taliwakker said:
From the press release......Lance from Nsync?.....Fred Durst?....the little guy from Hanson?...who????

No you Tool. Try

Brian from Backstreet Boys
John Davis from KoRN (BACKWARDS RRRRR CUZ THATS COOL!!!!11!!!eleven

William fucking Hung

See, Matt wants to do a shred version of She bangs with a tone def singer.
i dont think he would wash his hands again if he did.

his voice is good though, ive heard it, it really seems like it will compliment matts style of music, and also he is bringing good lyric writing into it as well, so dont worry everyone, im confident its going to be awesome.
SR wrote
his voice is good though, ive heard it, it really seems like it will compliment matts style of music, and also he is bringing good lyric writing into it as well, so dont worry everyone, im confident its going to be awesome.

Well if i don't end up liking it i will hold you responsible Miss Realm