Jimbob, that's right. He was one of the first bassists that I was talking to when I started writing "Ink Compatible", and I wish he could have played on the CD. He was practicing several of the songs, but he never recorded anything. The main problem was that he didn't have a home studio like a lot of us do, and couldn't get recordings done when I was piecing things together. He was also gone touring or recording with various bands/projects, but when he was available, and I needed tracks, he couldn't get studio time anywhere. After a while of trying to get players to record tracks (and having some of them bail on me after I had been waiting for months), I started handing out the same parts to different people, hoping that at least somebody would come through with recorded tracks. Steve and I had a bit of a falling out because of the schedule conflicts, but we got over it and everything is totally cool now. Hopefully, one of these days Steve and I will get to either record or play together...