Ink Complete demo tape?
How do these songs sound in quality compared to the Ink Complete cd? Does anyone know how many of these were made?

The quality is about the same. 'Ink Complete' is simply the CD version of the cassette demo that was shopped to procure a record deal. I'd imagine no more than 50 were made. The cassette comes with a foldout J-card that contains all the graphics later found in the CD booklet.
Damn, you guys know all that old stuff!

The first recordings that we had for Ink Complete were "released" on cassette. We called it "Preview" (not sure why). This was right when the songs were completed. Those recordings sat around for nearly 2 years. When Dream Circle (in Germany) finally came around and wanted to officially released the recordings, I took the 4 track recordings, dumped them onto my ADAT, and "cleaned them up". As a result of the tapes sitting around for a while, some of the tracks (namely the whole left channel of 'Suspended On All Fours') had to be rerecorded. All of Thumper's dialogue had to be rerecorded. Can't remmener what else, but I remember the whole process taking a few months. But I may do that same "cleaning up" to all of those old recordings if I'm going to "officially" release that stuff. If the tapes are so worn (probably the case), I'll pass on it.

I think by now, Ron has an easier time recording erratic notes than he does with straight 16ths :D