Inner Circle is amazing

Jul 14, 2003
Akron, Ohio
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i got the limited edition version of the inner circle at the acoustic show for free when they threw it out. i also got all my cds autographed as well as one of the tour posters. but anywas, the inner circle is such an amazing album. i get a weird atmosphere and feeling from this album than anything ive ever heard. they really created something very unique.Carina's vocals are amazing especially on "in the wake of the weary" and jonas's drumming is great. does anyone else get a really strange feeling while listening to when the walls go down??? that song is amazing. I'm curious to see the media's reaction to the new album. it better get the credit it deserves.
I think this album is better than Recreation Day. It has a darker feel. But I didn't like Jonas's drumming that much. Pat was awesome :(
Good album though the songwriting approach of Inner Circle and Recreation Day are similar. I prefer th older ones. They are more melodic, these are more ryhtmic.
does it have any slower songs like 'Im Sorry'. Not that it will determine if i buy the album or not b/c i just recently got into Evergrey and they fuckin rock. thanx
I'm new but after listening to all their stuff I really think it's their best album.

Brilliant is the word that comes to mind.
TheEdgeOfThorns said:
does anyone else get a really strange feeling while listening to when the walls go down??? that song is amazing.
yup, especially the "in my 50 years that wasn't born in agony. never, never." part.

the begining of "A Touch of Blessing" sounds a little like A Perfect Circle.
I really like When the Walls Go Down. I took a few listens through. I am a big fan of songs that build and build, and then lay you flat on your face. Great way to end the CD!
I defintely think it is Evergrey's best album yet. I confess I am only on my third listen (got it about four hours ago) but I am enjoying it more with each listen ... totally amazing!
The beginning of "A Touch of Blessing" to me sounded almost the same as the beginning to Tom's opener track "Circle of Pain" on the Nightrage album. Ironic that song has the word "circle" in it:)
Here is my review for the album which I submitted to Amazon:

How do I even begin here? When receiving Evergrey's latest album, The Inner Circle, I knew I would get a five star album filled with excellent songs and lyrics but I honestly did not expect to get a flawless masterpiece. Yes, that is correct: flawless. Now, as a review reader, I definitely know it's hard to swallow words such as "flawless" and "perfect" as they're generally pretty worn-out and inaccurate. However, with The Inner Circle, I honestly can stand up and say this is a perfect album. Now that you, the reader, know I think the album is perfect, here is why I think it's perfect.

I guess a good place to start is the music since that's the reason why we all buy CDs isn't it? Well, for all of you Evergrey veterans out there, this is definitely Evergrey. You have your heavy guitars, melodic solos, technical drumming from Evergrey's new and young drummer Jonas Ekdahl, ethereal keyboards and of course Tom's emotional vocals. For those of you just beginning to look into the wonderful realm of Evergrey, you can expect all that was listed in the previous sentence as well as a style of Progressive Metal you've never heard before. Unlike most Progressive Metal bands, Evergrey rely more heavily upon emotion and atmosphere rather than long, technical, "show-off" type-songs that are commonly used in Progressive Metal. Now, please do not get me wrong - Evergrey play their instruments masterfully but they do not let their songs get stale with dry, long, overdone runs of technical ability "show-off."

Unlike Evergrey's previous 2003 effort, Recreation Day, The Inner Circle is based off of a concept. For those unfamiliar with a concept albums, they're an album totally based off of a story; a concept. Rather than trying to describe the concept of The Inner Circle myself, I'll directly quote Tom on the concept: "Throughout the album we will follow a fragile person with low self-esteem who leaves his family for a cult, and who makes drastic changes in his life in order to fully live out 'the inner circles' way of life." There you go, what The Inner Circle is all about. I'd like to add that this is the best concept album I've heard in my life. As a music listener I can openly say I am moved by a lot of music but it is rare that an album moves me as much as The Inner Circle has. Not only did it make me highly emotional, it really kicked-up the thought-process which is always a good thing. Lastly, please keep in mind that this is not an easy concept to swallow; it's extremely dark and deep, more so than your average concept album. Just keep that in mind if you're looking for something more along uplifting lines.

Have been listening to Progressive Metal for some years now, I know how important an album's production can be. If the instruments aren't balanced or the overall sound-quality is poor, it can ruin the whole listening experience. Fortunately, Evergrey have mastered the art of production. All of the instruments (including vocals) are very well-balanced and clear making for the best possible listening experience around.

To basically sum up my review and thoughts here, if you like Metal you really should do yourself a favor and look into Evergrey. You'll experience a band that cannot even be compared to others which is an extremely rare thing in Metal today. If you are already an Evergrey fan, I see absolutely no reason why you shouldn't pick The Inner Circle up. Basically, if you want perfection - you've got it!
I have LYRICS! I have a mild hearing impairment, and between that, Tom's accent, and the occasional peculiar turn of phrase, I have a very hard time understanding all the words without the text at hand; I often hear something very different from what's actually being said. Things make a lot more sense to me now than they did when I had only the mp3s to go by.

I discovered a typo in Tom's note at the end that was rather Freudian: "Do not ever let it be upon another person to deicide your fate for you: not even God..."

And I was tickled pink to find one of my photos from BWBK in the booklet, too! :D :D :D
well, I got it at midnight last night............. I think it's much different than previous albums............. I'm still getting into it... but I feel positive about it.