Innocent on death row


Metal Lord
Jun 19, 2002
Laurel, MD USA
I know alot of people believe that only guilty people go to prison and sometimes the guilty don't even get convicted, however there are also cases where the innocent get sent to prison and this case is a huge glaring testament to that.

From: "stickyshooz" <>
Date: Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:34 pm
Subject: Everyone needs to read this...right now.

All right...normally I don't send out massive e-mails or any of that chain letter crap, but this is something I can't let go by. Recently, I read about the West Memphis Three at this site:

If you haven't heard about it, check it out right away, because it is the result of a hair-pulling injustice, one of which I can't believe was even allowed to happen. Here is a case of three youths that loved metal, so they were singled out by their hick town and unfairly convicted of killing young boys. There are two books out about this that can be found at almost any bookstore in the true crime section.
There is also a documentary, you can order it from the site, and it's VERY powerful. Those boys are getting raped in jail and are slowly dying spiritually for something they did not do.

Henry Rollins just did a tour to benefit them; there's a CD comp. he put out to help them too. Rollins said he wouldn't rest till they are free. Damien Echoles is on death row as I write this and he is scheduled to be executed in November. Funds are needed to pay legal fees that will ensure a complete record for Damien, as well as competent DNA testing to prove his innocence. I've been thinking of starting some kind of fundraiser to donate money towards Damien's cause.

A man is on death row and he's going to be pumped full of poison for nothing! I am a metal lover myself and this completely disconcerts me beyond the point of any kind of solace. This shouldn't be allowed to happen, and I'm going to do whatever I can to ensure that this man gets an ample trial. Anyone who knows me...if you want to congregate
a plan to raise money, I would be more than willing to do that...if not, I'll find a way to do it myself. I won't stand by and watch an innocent life be taken as well as let two other innocent men spend the rest of their lives in jail.

This is beyond appalling, and I'm sure you all will help me in doing the right thing. If you are willing to help me do this...then God bless. If not, then whatever. Any help is appreciated on my part. However, I do ask one thing of everyone I send this to - tell everyone you know about that site.

Spread it to as many people as you know; people at work, friends, family, and everyone you know. The more that people know about things like this then more can be done to help save an innocent man and free him and two others. This isn't right at all. Any kind of help is

Thank you,

America should get rid of death row because it isnt a deterrent. My country outruled it years ago and am happy they did because there is always a small percentage of people on death row that are innocent so in my books that should rule it out.
Besides killing even the guilty ones isn't as cheap as what some people might believe so it isnt an easy solution.
Good luck to you
NGC 3370 said:
Besides killing even the guilty ones isn't as cheap as what some people might believe so it isnt an easy solution.
Good luck to you

How much does a bullet cost nowadays? Capitol Punishment should be increased! And also return to a more barbaric state! What fucking pussy world are we living in? A man is in San Quentin right now after killing his two grandchildren that were concieved by raping his two daughters! What a fucking prick!? Does that stain on society deserve to live? I think not! And if he did recieve the death penalty...We have to feed his faggot ass for 10 yrs intil we prove that he's guilty? What nonsense. He deserves his end trails rip out of him and tied to a tree, cover him with some honey and let wild grizzlys play with him. All you liberal fucks are whats wrong with this world! Eye for an eye. Sadistic murderers, rapists, child molestors dont deserve life. They deserve a unimaginable end of torment! Cull the herd! People care so much about other peoples feelings. We are animals that need consequences for our actions! I'm not referring to innocent men. But the one's that are proven guilty shall pay! And pay dearly indeed!
Now as for this metal kid. I dunno if he's innocent then that is absolutely horrible. This dip shit (I forget his name) killed his child and went to prison for 17 yrs. When he got out a week ago their was a limo waiting for him! He didnt pay his debt! His debt would be his life! And in the same heinous way in which he preyed on those weaker than him! The only thing banned should be lethal injection. You start hanging some of the sons of cowards in a courtyard downtown and I garuntee you the cime rate will lower. Everyone deserves a fair trial. And I do believe in being innocent intil proven guilty! But once you're proven guilty a comfy cot shouldn't be awaiting you! People need to remember who the real victims truly are!
Yes, the type of people you named deserve to be executed. I saw the news about the guy getting a limo from prison, that's so sick and crazy, his lawyer is a wacko obviously. Scott Peterson is probably another who deserves to die. As for the cost, yes a bullet would be cheap, but its all the trials and prisoner maintenance that costs a ton of money. Right now there is over $100 million set aside for the trial of Sadam Hussein. I have no problem executing the guilty and think we need to do it faster and more often. I believe the cost to maintain each inmate is over $25,000 a year, multiply that by the over 2 million US prisoners and its a huge cost and that doesn't even include all the trials and law enforcement to catch the criminal. Last week the tractor man got his 6 year sentence turned into just a 16 month sentence by some liberal idiot. He was the guy that drove a tractor to the Washington DC mall and threatened to blow it up, holding the city hostage for over 1 day. How a terrorist act such as that can get such a short term is beyond me, I thought 6 years was short enough.

AllWithinMyMonster said:
How much does a bullet cost nowadays? Capitol Punishment should be increased! And also return to a more barbaric state! What fucking pussy world are we living in? A man is in San Quentin right now after killing his two grandchildren that were concieved by raping his two daughters! What a fucking prick!? Does that stain on society deserve to live? I think not! And if he did recieve the death penalty...We have to feed his faggot ass for 10 yrs intil we prove that he's guilty? What nonsense. He deserves his end trails rip out of him and tied to a tree, cover him with some honey and let wild grizzlys play with him. All you liberal fucks are whats wrong with this world! Eye for an eye. Sadistic murderers, rapists, child molestors dont deserve life. They deserve a unimaginable end of torment! Cull the herd! People care so much about other peoples feelings. We are animals that need consequences for our actions! I'm not referring to innocent men. But the one's that are proven guilty shall pay! And pay dearly indeed!
Now as for this metal kid. I dunno if he's innocent then that is absolutely horrible. This dip shit (I forget his name) killed his child and went to prison for 17 yrs. When he got out a week ago their was a limo waiting for him! He didnt pay his debt! His debt would be his life! And in the same heinous way in which he preyed on those weaker than him! The only thing banned should be lethal injection. You start hanging some of the sons of cowards in a courtyard downtown and I garuntee you the cime rate will lower. Everyone deserves a fair trial. And I do believe in being innocent intil proven guilty! But once you're proven guilty a comfy cot shouldn't be awaiting you! People need to remember who the real victims truly are!
i don't view it as a deterrent or retribution, but i still support it. it's far cheaper(for that matter, less cruel) than life in prison, such a punishment is a monument to our moralistic contortions.

executions are cheaper(almost free, 1 bullet and salary for the gunman) and use fewer resources, they're only expensive because the system is broken, but that has nothing to do with the merits of capital punishment.

allwithinmymonster has managed to completely separate himself from rational thought and descend to the same dogmatic moralism as the "liberals" who whine about the inherent sacredness of life. if i ruled, i would subject him to reeducation, failing that, execution. not only murderers and child molestors must die, but those who plague healthy society in other ways, people like allwithinmymonster.
Demiurge said:
i don't view it as a deterrent or retribution, but i still support it. it's far cheaper(for that matter, less cruel) than life in prison, such a punishment is a monument to our moralistic contortions.

executions are cheaper(almost free, 1 bullet and salary for the gunman) and use fewer resources, they're only expensive because the system is broken, but that has nothing to do with the merits of capital punishment.

allwithinmymonster has managed to completely separate himself from rational thought and descend to the same dogmatic moralism as the "liberals" who whine about the inherent sacredness of life. if i ruled, i would subject him to reeducation, failing that, execution. not only murderers and child molestors must die, but those who plague healthy society in other ways, people like allwithinmymonster.

No it's not cheaper than life in prison, because of the mandatory appeals process - it's actually far more expensive. If the system is broken, then it's broken toward the conviction of innocent people.

How much does that bullet cost when you use it on the wrong person?

Since the U.S. death penalty was re-instituted in the 70's, over 900 people who had been condemned to death have been released or had their sentences commuted due to the use of DNA evidence and the appeals process which uncovered that they were unduly convicted.

Most industrialized nations in the world and all of the "G8" including England, France, German and Canada have abolished the death penalty and have a far lower crime and murder rate than the U.S.

Furthermore, the U.S. is one of the few countries that will condemn a child to death in violation of international law - the other countries who also find this a "reasonable" practice include Iran, the Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China and Yemen.

The death penalty just plain doesn't work.

If you truly believe that the crueler and more fitting option for the most reprehensible criminals in society is life in prison - you should support the abolition of the U.S. death penalty.

If 1 out of a 1,000 people who get executed are innocent. Then so be it. After you see a couple lifeless bodies hanging from your newly built townsquare gallow. Then surely you will see crime rates spiraling south. No more idiotic vato gang members walking down the streets like they own the fucking place. This faggot demiurge has the most meaningless opinions I've ever have had the displeasure of being subjugated to. What you said could've been said with 1 sentence. But you figure a long drawn out philabustering speech will somehow compensate for your lack of intellect. Well you figured wrong my friend. Next time just type out... "A bullet to the head is far more compassionate than a life sentence." It's as simple as that you nazi nogoodnik.
If I somehow became that 1/1000th and was wrongfully accused. Then yea so be it! Death is inevitable. And that's certainly a low margin of error considering the 999 assholes who knifed their own mother or raped the little girl walking home from school recieve their just desserts! Everybody deserves a chance at life! But you got these nut case asshole's who figure "Hey I can murder, it will only get me 5 yrs in the pen" Or these assholes who are part of the revolving door of crime, get freed only to commit other heinous acts with the mentality that a life sentence isn't such a bad thing. After being sent back out to society and realizing that they just don't fit in this world. They get so accustomed to life behind bars that when set free everything around them is alien. They long for the cold hard steel of a cell. Fucking animals! If any of you ever know someone who has been violated by one of these thugs I garuntee you'll sing a different tune!
Innocent people on death row are an absolute shame, and its very very depressing... but you have to keep in mind that its about a hundred times cheaper for everyone to kill a man instead of keeping him in jail for 50 years. Still, it should only be used on people like the one Allwithinmymonster mentioned.
AllWithinMyMonster, your posts are a waste of time. You're now ignored, though your inept PM diatribes accusing me of desiring black women and challenging me to a fight were somewhat amusing, i must admit.

Rather than let the fact that extremely infrequently, a person who's innocent will be put to death cripple your decision, try a more practical consideration. take into account that the money and resources wasted on an inefficient capital punishment system and endless prison sentences could be used to benefit many people.

i don't want to be limited to eliminating murderers and child molestors either. transient losers who make livings as small-time drug dealers and theives, managing to be thrown into jail 74 times, would also perish. likewise, other such individuals.

I do believe that life in prison is crueler, but my objective isn't to make the guilty as miserable as possible. if it was, i'd slowly torture them to death, anyway.
Lol demiurge... It's funny how you said you're putting me on ignore. I just took you off ignore to read your last post! I would of never read your first post if it wasn't for somebody copy and pasting your silly banter. Don't fret my pet your not ignored on the basis of your opinions. I believe in free speech. Basically you, abcdefg, and kushtindar have all met my ignore list due to your neo-nazi symbols. I'm not offended by it in the least. But I can't expect the same from people around me (most of which are sensitive liberals). I'm glad you liked my pms though my good man. Maybe we can be penpals? (sarcasm)
As far as the death penalty is concerned. I don't disagree with you much. Drug dealers who are pushing crack to fill their pockets and serve multiple sentences without learning their lesson should get the ax. They are also part of the depravity that is running roughshod across the land. I was watching a documentary a couple weeks back on maximum correctional facilities. What I witness was deplorable to say the least. Every sick fuck in there, made their way there by violent crime. And what did they do once they were in there? The typical stab someone to be inituiated bit. These asshats would also violently attack the guards with a method called "gassing". Which consists of saving piles and piles of fecal matter/ urine, wrapping it up in a towel or bed sheet, and when the guard would finally come in to check on a prisoner...Voila hepatitus/hiv sandwich! (They would fling their shit right in an officers face exposing the guard to God know's what!) These savages can not be rehabilitated! All they deserve is a fair trial. Once proven guilty...Off with their head! Say la vey!