Insomnium Cover- 'The Gale', Fireball + DFH/ EWQLSO


Feb 6, 2008
This was completed relatively quickly, so I expect with fresh ears there will be imbalances that I notice, but any comments welcome.

MSN Skydrive Download: Master1.wav.mp3

This was done mainly to test out some new techniques and try to hone my micing skills.

I'm still not entirely happy with either the rhythm or lead tones- Mainly because the Fireball just has too much gain, its was on 9:00 for the rhythms and 7:00 for the leads! It still sounds over-gained to my ears.

The Rhythm is dual-tracked (Greco LP with BKP Nailbomb) with an Engl Fireball. Mics were SM57 (Sneap-style) and AT3035 (on-axis up against the grill) both sides, and then Parallel Compression.

Leads were a Schecter Hellraiser with EMG's, same mic setup, different amp settings. I went a bit crazy with the Delay though.

Bass was DI'd, two tracks (one hi and lows, one just mids), loads of compression on both tracks and the group bus, Parallel Comp again. Helian 2nd Bass for grit.

Ezdrummer DFH for most of the drums sounds, although the Rock kick was mixed under as well for punch.

Unaltered EWQL Symphony Orchestra for the piano and strings. Having A/B'd my track and the original its fairly obvious that the same software was used- which is always encouraging!!

I may have mixed it a little bass heavy, its only my second track using the HS80's, so I've still yet to 'learn' them fully. Comment away!
Ok, nothings wrong, its wait up and I'll reupload it.

EDIT: Fixed, uploaded to my Skydrive. Sorry no streaming, download only. Its only 2.5MB though
Slap a hi-pass on that sucker. Everything is too bright.

I personally wouldn't do anything drastic with micing the cabs. Just a plain 57 on the edge would work better I think. You're doing enough with the production with delays, multiple instruments/tracks and the orchestra you don't need another layer to add dynamics to the mix.

I like the reverb you placed on the drums, it gives it a nice open stereo image, but you might need to decrease the hi's on that too. Change up the snare as it as no body or definition. It's just a hi crack.

Having said all those negative things, I really like how the song is written. It's a great song and has tons of potential once it's mixed/mastered the way it needs to be. Good stuff overall :)
This does sound very bright, and I'm listening on HS80M's too, btw

What do you mean by "Sneap style" with the SM57?

The guitars do sound very gainy as well, as you said. Hard to believe your amp is at 9:00 lol

Insomnium \m/
There's no low end to the mix. Sounds like it was highpassed around 400hz.

Well, I'll admit I didn't lowpass the leads, so I'll see if that helps the brightness. As for highpassed around 400hz :guh:, theres no reason it should sound like that, what are you listening through?
M-Audio BX8a's...

Edit: Turned it up a little louder and listened on headphones.

There's some low end there, but it's not nearly enough.
Ok man, I really appreciate the help, its just a little frustrating! Could you be a little more specific about low end? The kick may need some bolstering, but it has a fairly hefty boost at 60hz with Bootsies NastyLF plug, Voxengo Tube Pre, Saturators..... and the Bass is also fairly high in the mix, and it sounds pretty full to me. I'm struggling to see where I can improve it, I think I may check out Superior 2.0, DFH never seems to get any praise- its just too thin. Maybe if I just balanced the highs a bit better it should counteract the bass light sound?
Ok man, I really appreciate the help, its just a little frustrating! Could you be a little more specific about low end? The kick may need some bolstering, but it has a fairly hefty boost at 60hz with Bootsies NastyLF plug, Voxengo Tube Pre, Saturators..... and the Bass is also fairly high in the mix, and it sounds pretty full to me. I'm struggling to see where I can improve it, I think I may check out Superior 2.0, DFH never seems to get any praise- its just too thin. Maybe if I just balanced the highs a bit better it should counteract the bass light sound?

Yeah, just keep working with EQ. Make sure to use something as a reference. Never ceases to guide me in a sticky situation like this.

I'm listening on the same monitors as you are, and I agree with Unavailable. I think you need to bring up the lows. It sounds like the whole thing was hi-passed
Will do, I guess its trial and error, just keep plugging away! My ears are shot, so I'll come back to it later in the week. Thanks all for the help.