engl fireball clip (no OD!)

May 17, 2007

short clip. i was mainly focussing on getting a good guitar sound. obv. somewhat like black dahlia murder. guitarhacks impulses, this time no OD pedal (good choice imo), drums are dfh with sneap gogs.
do u think it lacks bass or is it good sounding how it is?
im gonna let somebody here reamp this riff with an 5150, so i can make a mix with those and then we can compare fireball with 5150 directly! (or ill make a 5150+fireball version)
esp ltd h-100 with sh-6 --> engl fireball --> fx send --> firepod --> guitarhacks bbae0 oder 1 (dont remember) on L (or R?) and I forgot the other side (but prob. smth. with center). panned L100,L85,R100,R85

~fireball settings left guitar: (o`clock)
gain: 10:30
bass: 3
mid: 2
treb: 2:30

~fireball settings right guitar: (o`clock)
gain: 10:55 :-)
bass: 3
mid: 3:50
treb: 1:40

then in cubase:
-andy`s c4, but a little softer
-low/highpass (~70/10k)

then I looked at the freq. spectrum of the original guitar part from the song and mine and then adjusted mine with tons of eqs(took me a while...) to get close to the orig. spectrum.
Though, I think the guitars don`t sound like the orig. ones, cus they`re sounding more transparent and don`t have quite as much gain. But I liked the sound so I went with that.
if you`re wondering: bass is clean guitar, oktave pitched down, then eq`d, multiband comp. and SVX on it

and like I said, the only thing on the mix is the cubase multiband comp. with "drumkit" preset loaded. lol :-). But I`m not completely satisfied with it, cus it cuts off too much low mids and bass (IMO).

If I find time I`ll record the same thing with my Ibanez rg570 with sh-4 and see how that sounds. but I really dig the sh-6!