truer words have never been spoken. King Diamond: Abigail and Them are two of the greatest recordings of all time. and of course master of puppets & number of the beast. but those are very obvious.
Any word reach you peeps about Esoteric's new one? I heard recording was finished and the gents were sending some promos around. Other than that... nothing.
IMO, "Elements" gets a bum rap. I keep getting drawn back to that one. There's just something in it that gives it a few notches over the others...
I don't really care for the first few albums ("Scream Bloody Gore" through "Spiritual Healing")but if you're into low production, grungy death metal that's the ticket...
I'm not gonna post any of my own metal recs on this thread cuz I thought it was reserved for band members only. if anyone cares about my lame-ass opinion, ask me elsewhere.