Guys, I need your best black metal and I need it now.


sock puppet
Oct 14, 2002
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I've been going crazy trying to find black metal that really impresses me. Don't ask me why. I don't rightly know.

But YEAH, okay. I need you guys to list the most unique and inventive black metal bands.

I asked on that other board and am checking out some of the recommendations. A lot of it is not so good. So I'm asking here.

I heard a lot about this Weakling band so I'm going to give them a listen.

Okay thanks.
Actually forget "unique and inventive." I'm just asking for trouble with that.

Trouble being someone recommending that goddamn Ved Buens Ende band or whatever. I seriously can't get past the terrible vocals.
Living Colour.


DHG or Dodheimsgard are decent, Ulver if you can call that black metal. Arcturus, if you can call that balck metal. Samael, if you can call that black metal...
I'd have to say Emperor is probably the best example of unique/innovative + awesome. Ulver's Bergtatt also compares.

There's plenty of black metal, like Ved Buens Ende who you mentioned, that strives to do something weird but it just never comes across as fucking amazing as Emperor and that one Ulver album. It seems reasonable to expect that the most unique or interesting stuff would be reeeally obscure but I think in the case of black metal, the best bands are these fairly huge ones that I mentioned.
Ulver - Bergtatt
Helheim - Jormungand
Negura Bunget - 'N Crugu Bradului

Those are my three favorites at the moment.
I like parts of the first Solefald album...that's pretty out at times...

I second Emperor of course. I would vote for Ulver's Nattens Madrigal as the most *intense* black metal record I've heard. The song structure is far from groundbreaking, but the songs are played with a lot of passion, and the choice of production is well suited to the music.
VBE is one of -those- bands. They were weird seemingly to be weird, existed a very short time, got one album and a demo out with piss poor distro,and had members go on to bigger bands (like Ulver). So, people constantly over praise the album, doing it a great deal of harm in the eyes of most who can't view it as historically important to save their lives.

As for good black metal, it seems like the massively praised "genre classics" are about as well as you can do. Quite a bit of the rest just clone those with a great deal of pride, leaving the casual listener with WAY too much shitty music to sort through. Bands like Lux Ferre are fun to listen to, but derivative as all hell. In fact, the last great demo I can recall was Epheles "Dead Nature For Humans Without Tears" and that's about five years old.
My top 5 black metal albums in order (the first 3 are VERY close)

Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal
Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger
Satyricon - Rebel Extravaganza
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark

I'm definitely WAY more into the raw, lo-fi shit than the polished stuff.

As for Ulver, I listened to Bergtatt recently and I thought it was boring and cheesy. They were technically inferior musicians on that album too (note lame guitar solos on Bergtatt and the masterful shredding on Nattens Madrigal). The cleanness of the production irks me too. Nattens Madrigal is in your face treble all the time. Listening to the overtones instead of the fundamentals makes for a more varied listening experience even if the stuff they're explicitly playing is equally straightforward and repetative. The "straightforward" characteristic goes totally out the window on the last song on NM that has this swirling part in the middle with lots of dissonance and feedback which, when it progresses back into the "chorus" with the keyboards sounds fucking scary. Other more subtle intresting things about NM are the bass playing, vaguely contrapuntal guitar riffs and the fact that the drummer plays a constant slow blast beat with no fills whatsoever for an entire 6 minute song. It's intense but also makes me laugh sometimes.

As for Emperor, I only like the Nightside Eclipse and the more brutal moments of Anthems (mainly because it's so fast). I recently heard Wrath of the Tyrant in a store though and I was shocked at how primitive and punky it sounded (YES!) and how the keyboards didn't sound too cheesy. Perhaps the lo-fi recording tempered the keyboards. The recent albums have a handful of cool parts but I can't get into them overall.

Satyricon had some good songs on Nemesis Divina but I like that they totally dropped the pseudo midieval stuff and started writing quirky, dissonant and brutal stuff. The production is almost too clean and detailed but it's also really cold and harsh sounding to my ears which still works for me. Also, the last 3 minutes of the album are a continuous and very fast blast beat. That combined with what the multi-layered guitars is totally hypnotizing.

I like early Bathory for the catchy riffs, acerbic vocals and the fact that the production is really ugly sounding. The Return sounds like it was recorded by Bestial Warlust and remixed by Wolf Eyes. Under the Sign of the Black Mark has less intense production but better songwriting though.

Darkthrone is definitely my favorite black metal band - by far. I was initially put off by the racist, anti-semetic things Fenriz said in the early 90s but I've read a number of recent interviews in which he came across as earnestly non-racist (one such interview was in the Grimoire of Exalted Deeds) and very funny. It seems like he just grew up/grew out of it which is reasonable to believe since he said the sketchy shit like 10 years ago. The reissue of Transylvanian Hunger thankfully does not have the original anti-semetic comments on the insert as that would seriously detract from my enjoyment of the music.

Anyway, I like them the best because they're tongue-in-cheek and their music rocks really hard - particularly A Blaze as Transylvanian Hunger is very sad sounding. They sometimes sound like they're trying to make mistakes because they lapse into the occasional VERY hot guitar lick or drum fill (the song A Blaze... has great drum fills, hilarious use of cowbell, and a guitar solo that initially sounds like Nocturno Culto is just fucking around until a virtuostic and weird lick jumps out). The production and sloppiness is absolutely perfect for black metal. Everything they've done (minus the two weak death metal albums) is at least very good.

I know a lot of people with taste I respect like Burzum but overall, I think that stuff's terrible musically and idealogically repellant. The one cool thing about that music is the vocal performance but you can find a much more intense and fucked up version of the same basic thing on the Jerome's Dream 10" (incredibly harsh and awesome screamo/grind with interesting harmonies and rhythms and surprisingly tight playing). Burzum's music is SO repetitive and SO badly played that I can't take listening to it. Just get the Weakling CD instead which sounds like the music Varg would make if he had the chops .

Other bands I like are Dodheimsgard, Sigh (I like how their metal parts are totally primitive and thrashy regardless of how far removed from that they get otherwise), Ved Buens Ende (awesome), 1349 (raw and primitive but with Frost from Satyricon on drums playing ridiculously fast - very cool since most of the primitive shit doesn't really reach the extreme tempos), Havohej (the more "experimental" stuff is better than the straight metal stuff. I like the song Man and Jinn quite a bit), Immortal (BATTLES IN THE NORTH), Bestial Warlust (about as ugly as music gets), Mayhem (De Mysteriis and Deathcrush only), Leviathan seems cool from what little I've heard (raw sound but sometimes pretty tweaked harmonically and rhythmically).
Virus isn't really black metal, it's ex-members of Ved Buens Ende, but it's totally different and worth a listen. Really dissonant guitar parts, but used to make somehow catchy tunes that seem to stay within the realm of rock/metal, but I dunno, it's really unique and fun to listen to.
Whoa jesus. Good replies! Thanks.

Yeah, I absolutely love Nattens Madrigal. And Bergtatt. I haven't really listened to Darkthrone so I'll check them out. I heard a few songs off of Transylvanian Hunger. I liked the title track.

I'll check Helheim (because I like Negura Bunget, and you do too!) and Virus and Limbonic Art too.